About this article?
This article at length discusses the impact of sixth house and its lord placement for any Horoscope in regard to obstacles and problems, debts and health issues etc we face in life.
It’s a malefic house and placement of its lord in Various Houses along with other factors tells us about health issues, debts, legal matters, enmity etc in detail.
Given below is the impact of placement of various lords in house also a practical example of mayawati ji the former chief minister of India has been used for illustration so f accuracy of Vedic astrology or jyotish.

What is the Role of Sixth House Lord or Vighna Bhava Placement in various Houses of any Horoscope or Kundli -in regard to Litigation, Health, Debts, Legal Enmity minister-Vedic Astrology or Jyotish?
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the 1st House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
If in case sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Tanu Bhava or the ascendant(first house) in the kundli or horoscope, the person will be wiped out.
That is health would be seriously affected if lagan is not strong enough.
The person could be well known, hostile to his own men( as lagna represents self and own people and energy form sixth causes this effects).
The person would be rich, respectable, audacious( audacity comes from bad qualities of first house affecting the personality of the person due to the sixth house) and ethical.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the second House or d ?
If in case that sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Dhana Bhava or second house in the kundli or horoscope, the person would have lots of guts and courage .
the person would well know among his people.
will live in outsider nations( the second house has effects of family as well so the sixth house lord sitting here means one may move out of family).
The person would also be upbeat, be a skilful speaker(as the sixth house is fifth from second house causing one to have a good expression) and be constantly intrigued by his own work.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the Third House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
If the sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Shaurya Bhava or the third house in the kundli or horoscope, the person will be given to outrageous ( his initiative of shourya bhava and taking enmity of sixth house combine together).
but due to the sixth house energies the person will be deprived of strength( sixth house lord presence wanes out strength).
The person could be antagonistic to the majority of his co-conceived .
As third house also deals with subordinates so he or she will have insubordinate workers in his business( as third house represents your business matters).
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the fourth House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
If in case sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Bandhu Bhava in the kundli or horoscope.
then the person may have less maternal happiness.
The person could be clever, plus be a gossiper, be envious as well.
As 4th house deals with mind and negative energy of 6th house going there could cause that to happen.
He or she could be abhorrent minded and extremely rich( as fourth house is eleventh from the sixth house, the eleventh house is house of gains and being in Kendra the sixth lord slowly improves).
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the Fifth House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
On the off chance that sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Putra Bhava in the kundli or horoscope.
In that case the person will have fluctuating funds.
He will acquire animosity or strong differences with his children and companions.
He will be upbeat or different kind, narrow minded and kind.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the Sixth House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
In the case the sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Ari Bhava in the kundli or horoscope.
In this case the person will face hostility and opposition with his or her family members.
yet be will still help others(sixth house in sixth – so two negatives make it positive) and will appreciate fair joy in matters, related to wealth and money.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the seventh House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
If in case sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Yuvati Bhava or seventh house of relationships and marriage in the kundli or horoscope.
Then the person will be denied of satisfaction through wedlock(as seventh house shares the malefic energy).
He or she will be acclaimed, idealistic, fair, courageous(as 6th house gives courage and the lord is in 7th and aspects the first house or lagna) and well off.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the Eighth House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
If sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava or the eighth house in the kundli or horoscope.
Then the person will be sort of destroyed in some sense as eighth house is of death.
One may find them unfriendly, will long for other people’s riches.
he or she could be engaged with others’ spouses( as sixth house is opposite or other and 8th house also means sex) and be polluted.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the Ninth House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
Suppose sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Dharm Bhava or the ninth house in the kundli or horoscope.
In that case the person will exchange wood and stones and will have fluctuating fortunes as whenever the lord of sixth house dasha runs or has an aspect on 9th house or its lord the fortunes or luck would go low.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the Tenth House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
In case the sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Karma Bhava or tenth house of career in the kundli or horoscope.
The person will be surely understood among his men, might have issues with his father as sixth house(house of enmity) connects to the house of father(tenth house) and will be happy in remote nations.
as the sixth house makes things foreign- so if the sixth house lord is in tenth .
his her work could be in foreign lands. He will be a talented speaker.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the Eleventh House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
If that sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Labh Bhava or the eleventh house of gains in the kundli or horoscope.
The person will pick up riches through his foes or enemies as well.
The person will be temperate, courageous and will be to some degree dispossessed of joy of having children.
What are The effects of Sixth House of Horoscope Placement in the twelfth House or Bhava of the Horoscope or Kundli ?
If the that sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Vyaya Bhava or the twelfth house in the kundli or horoscope.
the person will dependably spend on indecencies( the sixth house represents spending and also , would be a threat to be educated individuals and will torment living creatures(sixth and twelfth both are negative house so a combinations creates maximum negativity).

Practical Application:
Respected Mayawati ji has been our former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. Let us analyze her 6th house.

Birth Details of Former UP Chief Minister mayavati Ji:
Name: Mayawati
Date of her Birth: Sunday, January the 15, 1956
Time of her Birth: 19:50:00
Place of Birth: Daulatpur
Longitude: 77 E 26
Latitude: 28 N 39
Time Zone: 5.5

Her Jupiter the lord of sign Sagittarius(mool trikona sign) is in 2nd house of sun.
Now as per our analysis above – the interpretation is:
if the sixth house lord or Ari’s Lord is in Dhana Bhava or second house in the kundli or horoscope, the person would have a lots of guts or courage.
Also he or she will be well known among his or her people.
The person will live in outsider nations( the second house has effects of family as well so the sixth house lord sitting here means one may move out of family).
The person could be upbeat.
plus be a skillful speaker(as the sixth house is fifth from second house causing one to have a good expression) and be constantly intrigued by his own work. ”
mayawati ji obviously has lots of guts being a part of subjugated classes and a women in Indian rural background came up to be the chief minister of the state and standing against here rivals.
Mayawati ji is also a good or above average speaker as without it she would not have become a leader.
Also note the lord of sixth house is Jupiter a planet that is Brahmin by caste or say upper caste and also the dispositor of Jupiter is sun the royal planet.
So she will have opposition from people of upper caste and also people who are of royal origin- that is the fellow politicians.
Also on the 2017 elections, unless it is help on specific dates- she runs ketu(dragon’s tail) period, ketu is very weak in her chart would make it almost impossible for her to win.
Mayawati ji has to be careful with people who oppose her not get her embroiled in a legal matter more seriously. August 2017 is not great for her or even July 2017
She would win in two conditions
- The strategy developed in 2016 is very well executed by year end 2016 and 2017. Requires a big management effort
- Also, The propitiation of malefic energies is done by proper yagyas/yajnas.
We wish her and all others all the best in elections.