P V sindhu 2016 Rio Olympic Badminton silver medal winner Indian –Secret of winning- Kundli (Horoscope) analysis based on Vedic astrology or jyotish About: Sindhu or better known and PV sindhu settled for a silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics and were defeated by Carolina marina of Spain who is world number one. But still she brought laurels to India. In the game of badminton women’s singles event on 19th August 2016. Pusarla Venkata Sindhu her full name ,is an Indian professional badminton player of international repute now. In the 2016 Summer Olympics, she became the first Indian lady to win an Olympic silver medal. Sindhu was in top 20 rankings by September 2012. P V sindhu 2016 Rio Olympic Badminton silver medal winner Indian- Kundli or Horoscope analysis – based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish:
- If ascendant Lord is in twelfth house or vyaya bhava in her kundli or horoscope. The ascendant is Gemini or mithuna lagna.This makes her quick witted and fast to respond much needed in a game of badminton.
- The placement of ascendant in twelfth house gives a worry prone nature- means she needs a lot of praise and reassurance all over life.
- Its noteworthy that she is born on 5th = ruled by planet mercury or budha and the sun sign of cancer or moon. Making her extremely swift and fast in her game of badminton.
- Her moon sign is also Virgo and moon sits in her fourth house of mind, again reassuring a fast and quick mind that is much needed in quick decision making in the game of badminton. Also mercury is an Airy planet and we know the game of badminton the shuttle being light weight essentially is in the air most of the time. So a strong mercury or budha vibrations helps her in the game.
- The lord of her initiatives sun sits in first hour of hers and gets the aggressive energy of mars sitting in the shaurya bhava(third house), this gives her the capability to make the powerful shots and also brings her name into the word. As sun in Kendra or ascendant becomes strong.
- He house of career is Jupiter ruling her relationships and career house is in sixth house(house of health) and is retro gate in Scorpio or vrischika rashi- this gives her obstacles all over like the severe physical problems she faced while preparing for Rio Olympics and her coach helped her to come out of the same.
- The lord of ninth house of bhagya bhava and also eight house sits in tenth house- promise good fortune in career and family life. Eight house ruler ship helps her to shoot to fame
P V sindhu 2016 Rio Olympic Badminton silver medal winner Indian – what made her win the Olympics?- Kundli or Horoscope analysis – based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
- In August 2016 (after 15th), sun the planet of fame and action enters a friendly sign of Gemini or mithuna in third house of her action/sports along with natal mars sitting there. Sun also sits on her ascendant and is responsible for victory
- Her natal mars or mangal is in Scorpio or vrischchika rashi in sixth house of opposition so giving her a boost ( gives her silver) but being in sixth there is opposition as well, so she has to settle for silver instead of gold.
- The planet Jupiter or guru is in her house of public fame that is the fourth house and ruled by mercury (or budha), it is conjunct with transit mercury here- creating a powerful raja yoga or combination for success and name as mercury rules her first house or ascendant as well.
- Planet moon or Chandra ruling her wealth and status is in her ninth house of bhagya or luck and fortune – giving her the name and fame she deserves. As moon is bit weak in transit in Aquarius her sign for ninth house- she went for the second position
- We wish her all the best in life & bring more laurels to her country.

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