About this article ?
This interesting article talks about Pranapada for any Horoscope or Kundli house or bhava based on classical descriptions in Vedic astrology, also a PRACTICAL example of India is taken later in the article to elaborate impact of Pranapada better.
Prananpada in Vedic astrology is several fold powerful – in terms of harm or benefit as compared to Rahu(dragon’s head) or Ketu(dragon’s Tail) in the Horoscope or Kundli.
It talks about how Pranapada in first house could make someone aggressive or how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s ketu) in horoscope or Kundli make someone have severe family issues.
Or how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) in any horoscope or kundli make someone have exceptional initiative.
Or based on Vedic astrology How could family life be disturbed due to Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) in any Horoscope or Kundli.
How could children or kids be affected by Pranapada or double rahu and Ketu for any Kundli.
Also How could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) in any Kundli or Horoscope effect health or relationships for anyone.
plus how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) impact ones social status or fortune or luck;) based on Vedic astrology Horoscope.
Exciting things like How could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) for any horoscope or Kundli make one have a distinct career.
or how could Pranapada or double Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) make one have distinct gains or wealth or have special experiences in foreign lands all based on classical Vedic astrology principle’s.
Also as a practical example of INDIA is taken and prananpada calculations done for the same
& much more.. 😉

Impact of Pranapada or Rahu or Dragon’s Head Ketu(Dragon’s tail) combination on Various Houses of Your Horoscope or Kundli- predictions or Birth Chart Based on Vedic Astrology
If the Pranapada is in Tanu Bhava or the first house (dealing with self, personality your comfort etc) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart, the person will be frail (ketu or dragon’s tail gives effects of frailty).
Also the person wiped out, idiotic, crazy person (Rahu or Dragon’s Head here gives effects of craziness), dull witted, inadequate limbed, hopeless and skinny (hopelessness comes from Rahu or Dragon’s Head).

If the Pranapada in the Horoscope is in Dhana Bhava the second house (dealing with your speech, wealth flows and status of you and also family) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be enriched with in-exhaustible grains (Rahu or Dragon’s Head here in the second house which is ruled by Taurus in classical astrology or jyotish is exalted so these effects).
It gives bounteous riches, plentiful specialists, children and be lucky.

If in case the Pranapada is in Sahaj Bhava or the third house(the house of initiatives, business, siblings’ brothers, and sisters) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be harmful (or insidious)(The presence of ketu(dragon’s tail) gives action and Rahu or Dragon’s Head gives rash actions).
Also the person glad, remorseless, extremely messy and be without appreciation for older folks.

if in case that Pranapada is in Bandhu Bhava or the fourth house(family, mind, conveyances, car, home) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be glad, benevolent, connected to females and older folks( as Rahu or Dragon’s Head represents older folks so connection to them), delicate and honest.

On the off chance that Pranapada is in Putra Bhava or the fifth house(children, kids, intelligence, education) of the horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
the person will be glad(ketu enhances the gladness), will do great acts.
Rahu or Dragon’s Head and ketu energies here could make one do exception acts, be benevolent and exceptionally tender.

In the event that Pranapada is in Ari Bhava or the sixth house(obstacles, bad health, legal matters, litigation) of the horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be quelled or troubled by his relatives and foes, be sharp, will have deficient digestive flame, be mischievous, wiped out, well-off and fleeting.

If the Pranapada is in Yuvati Bhava or the seventh house(sex, love, marriage, Mangal or mars dosha, Job or partnerships) of any horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be green-eyed at, ever interested in sex( as ketu or dhwaja increases the sex drive).
The person could be wild in appearance(Rahu or Dragon’s Head energy effects could give this), be not worth regard and be poorly arranged.

If in case that Pranapada is in Randhr Bhava or the eighth house(property, death, losses, inheritance) of the horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
the person will be tormented by sicknesses, be disturbed and will cause hopelessness by virtue of the ruler, relatives, workers and children.

If in case Pranapada is in Dharma Bhava or the ninth house (luck, fortune, dharma or religion, marriage and children are also looked form this house) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be close with children, be exceptionally rich ( ketu or dhwaja gives these effects), blessed, beguiling, will serve others and be not fiendish, but rather be skilful.

But if the Pranapada is in Karma Bhava or the tenth house(job, career, action , karma, father) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be brave(Ketu in the house of action gives bravery), shrewd, skilful, be a specialist in doing imperial requests.
also will love divine beings(Ketu also deals with divinity so ketu energy here blesses one with divinity).

If Pranapada is in Labh Bhava or the eleventh house(gains, advantages) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be renowned, high-minded, scholarly, well off, fair complexioned and close to his or her mother.

In the event that Pranapada is in Vyaya Bhava or the twelfth house(secret sex, foreign travel, indulgence, luxuries) of your horoscope, kundli or Birth chart.
The person will be mean, mischievous(Rahu or Dragon’s Head effects in the house of indulgence).
he or she could be inadequate limbed, will abhor Brahmins and relatives and experience the ill effects of eye maladies( Rahu or Dragon’s Head effects the eyes ruled by twelfth house), or be one-peered toward.

These are the impacts for Dhum and so forth.
Before pronouncing these outcomes, the impacts of sun or surya and different Grahas or planets(sun or surya, moon or Chandra or rashi, mercury or budha, Jupiter or guru, Rahu or Dragon’s Head, ketu ,Venus or shukra, Saturn or Shani, mars or Mangal)
all this ought to be admirably brought about by their positions, relations and aspects or Drishtis separated from their quality, or shortcoming.

Calculations of Pranapada for India predictions for India:
15th August 1947
00 hours 00 min.
Delhi, India
The pranayama lagna is in 3rd house based on detailed calculations.
As prana pada has Rahu or Dragon’s Head and ketu energy both and it sits on the house of initiatives., it gives great action ability and courage.
It makes a person daring.
We know how India avenged the URI attacks on army camp In India in the state of Jammu and Kashmir by terrorist from Pakistan so daringly and it is surging ahead.
Presence of ketu and Rahu or Dragon’s Head also suggests that one might have aggressive neighbours.
Rest is history we know how many times we have been attacked by your neighbours(Pakistan 3 times and China at least once).
We can clearly see how Vedic astrology gives clear indications on what kind of events could happen.
One day India would become a super world power by the presence of this prana pada lagna.

Where is Pranapada (Rahu or Dragon’s Head ketu) –India -2016 -17 horoscope-kundli-predictions Based on Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology
Birth data
India Country Chart – National Horoscope