What this article talks about?
This article gives in-depth and accurate predictions for sri Narendra modi ji for future based on Vedic astrology and Numerology or numbers- what one could expect from him and the nation India.
It looks at various planetary Yogas in sri Narendra Modi ji’s Horoscope like Chatussagar Yoga,Vesi Yoga,Gaja Kesari Yoga, Ruchak Yoga, Chandra Mangal etc.
All the facets of Sri Narendra Modi ji’s Horoscope like family, career, job, relationships and father etc are discussed based on his complete horoscope.
It also investigates various aspects of the Horoscope of Sri Narendra Modi ji on what made him an exceptional man:), that is the prime minister of India 😉 .
also the chief minister of Gujarat with great Popularity ;). all based on planets and nakshatras or birth stars as well.
Narendra Modi Ji Birth Data & Horoscope:
Name: Narendra Modi
Date of Birth: Sunday, September 17, 1950
Time of Birth: 11:00:00
Place of Birth: Mehsana
![narendra modi free horoscope astrology](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/IMAGES/celebrities/narendra-modi-horoscope.jpg?resize=400%2C400)
What makes Him so different? Based on his Horoscope
a)Lets use A bit of Astrology to fathom him:
Now looking at his horoscope, his ascendant – its Scorpio – ruled by mars. Mars sits on the ascendant, that is Scorpio sign itself! Also Moon sits there.
There is also an aspect of Rahu in Pisces.
So mars are very strong, and want action and only action. Simple. This with Rahu= number means practical action. It aspects 7th- so action could lead to new contacts and job growth.
We know how narendra modi ji came from ranks from a humble tea seller to prime minister. A tea seller has to be practical and if he is not action oriented- how could he reach the prime ministers position?
Also Scorpio is 8th sign- this sign has to do with digging of hidden things– like occult/spirituality and yes disciplining people who rebel against the society. With all this, moon represents his mind – absorbs all this energy.
So his type of personality would have interest in spirituality is clear- and we know sri narendra modi left home for pursuing spirituality in Himalayas. He has tried to internationalize YOGA– we have a Yoga day.
Rahu, a rebellious planet- but in Pisces the 12th sign aspecting mars gives some anger issues possibly- but at the same time tilts the person to spirituality as 12th sign covers spirituality and after life.
Also occult/yoga and an element of overall domination and strong and qquick politically correct actions.
So over all his thinking and personality is influence over all by = (KARMA Or ACTION) + (POLITICS )+ (DHARMA Or RELIGION)
Or Put it as Narendra Modi is = KARMA + DHARMA + NEETI(Politics) simply!
We know rest is history! All the above conclusion is true
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic prime minister a](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/numbers-numerology.jpg?resize=150%2C104)
b)lets use a bit of Numerology to fathom him:
17 September 1950
17=1+7=8 = Saturn
Sun sign = Virgo=Mercury= number 5
Destiny number = 17/8 + (September=9 )+ 1950/6( 1+9+5+0 = 15=6) = 8 + 9+ 6 = 23/5= mercury
His heart number =4= rahu
One can clearly see there is a lot of mercury in his life( sun sign/destiny number). Mercury is a merchant/business man and good for communications.
Can anyone doubt sri Narendra modi’s communication skills? In fact many elections he has made the party win.
Mercury also deals with money management- he did it while in his training for RSS and yes obviously much needed in tea selling.
5= mercury also means love to have new experiences, travel – you see how many travels sri narendra modi has done to different nations as compared to other prime ministers and deeply connected to them Number 5 is a true sales man and he has put our countries image to the top of the world.
His heart number(4=Rahu=Dragons head) tells us that he wants to work hard and that also discipline. A number 4 in heart give a non conventional streak in choice of matters.
Now at one end he is quite connected to India’s ancient past but he also is keen to modernize India by investments*(mercury)
Can anyone contradict there facts?
![yogas narendra modi India prime minister horoscope kundli](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/images-solar-system-planets.jpg?resize=230%2C157)
Saturn or shani dev would make sri Narendra Modi ji’s help all the communities downtrodden the and the Muslims brethren as well. because Saturn represents the downtrodden and the Muslims as well( 4= rahu = Muslims in some cases and Saturn 4+4=8 also for Muslims and downtrodden). all good for India 🙂
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic yogas](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/images-solar-system-planets.jpg?resize=145%2C87)
Some great Yoga’s in the Horoscope of sri narendra Modi ji?
Does sri Narendra modi Ji have Amla Yoga? How does it affect his life?
Let us look at Amala yoga in horoscope or kundli. this Yoga happens when the 10th House from lagna is occupied by a benefic planet . so looking at the Horoscope for sri Narendra Modi ji .
The benefic planet Venus or shukra is sitting in the 10th House of career from Moon Lagna and regular Lagna(ascendant). This helps sri Narendra Modi ji the prime minister of India to achieve lasting Fame and reputation .It makes Shri Narendra Modi ji’s character Spotless and definitely he will lead a prosperous life much above average :).
which are for sure which are the manifestations of this yoga as it gives good wealth and good earnings and fame in life. all the above manifestations of Amla Yoga are there for Sri Narendra Modi ji.
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic personality yoga](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/rsz_horoscope-96309_1920-zodiac.jpg?resize=150%2C125)
what is the role of Parvata Yoga in the horoscope of sri narendra Modi Ji? How does it affect his life?
Sri Narendra Modi ji has parvata yoga as well .this happens when the benefics like venus, mercury, Jupiter and in some cases moon are properly placed in the Kendra’s like 1/4/7th or 10th house. also the 6th and 8th house is either occupied by benefics so parvata yoga if formed.
for Sri Narendra Modi ji the benefic like Moon in the lagna in the 4th house also we have venus or shukra and also effect in the 10th House of career and job we have venus or shukra.
as some of the Kendra house like 7th is un occupied but still some effects of this Parvata yoga is there. so the effects of this Yoga hundred percent true and it makes a person prosperous and also really liberal in nature. This is true for Sri Narendra Modi ji. It also gives Sri Narendra Modi ji good humour ;).
It has also made him the Prime Minister of India and also makes a very passionate and loving in nature. 🙂 with love for country India. so partial parvata yoga is there for Sri Narendra Modi ji.
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology shukra venus personality yoga](https://i1.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/venus.jpg?resize=150%2C150)
Does sri narendra modi ji have vasi Yoga as well?
This vasi yoga happens when other than moon the other planets are occupying the 12th house from Sun .For Sri narendra modi ji’s horoscope, venus and Saturn are sitting in the 10th house and his sun is in 11th house . so this is a clear vasi yoga for him.
as a result of this yoga it makes Sri narendra modi ji very happy prosperous and liberal minded . so which is hundred percent to for him. he is also favourite among the ruling classes and is the Prime Minister of India. Sri narendra modi ji also has full support from Bharatiya Janata Party and rashtriya Seva Sangh(RSS). clearly indicates that vasi yoga is working for Sri narendra modi ji . 🙂
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic mangal mars personality yoga](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/mars-image.jpg?resize=182%2C121)
What is the results of Ruchaka Yoga in sri narendra modi Ji’s horoscope? How does it have results in his life?
Sri narendra modi ji has Ruchaka yoga . This Yoga happens there for sure happens when Mangal or mars is exalted in a Kendra’s houses of Horoscope like 1st 4th 7th to 10th House or occupy a Kendra and be in own sign . for Sri narendra modi ji mars is in the Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi. so for Narendra Modi ji mars or Mangal sitting the Scorpio sign in the lagna this is a very clear there for Sri narendra modi ji.
The results of this Ruchaka Yoga are that Sri narendra modi ji has a strong physique we know that sri Narendra Modi ji has a good Yogi body. strong body some famous because of his action and effort, Sri narendra modi ji is a very famous .
he also has good knowledge of ancient texts. he has spent a lot of time in Himalayas to learn the ancient matters. Sri narendra modi ji is equal to a king. all this is a living proof for Sri narendra modi ji. as per the Yoga and otherwise it is confirmed he is close to traditions and Customs .
also his complexion is a real red due to mars and the body is attractive . ruchaka yoga also gives Sri narendra modi ji charitable nature to the person. it is said that this Yoga could make Sri narendra modi ji leader of an army . we know Narendra Modi is leader of India .basically the Yoga hints towards the operational qualities to lead India for Sri narendra modi ji which is hundred percent true for him. 🙂
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic money wealth india personality yoga](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/bank-note-209104_1280-money.jpg?resize=150%2C100)
Does sri Narendra Modi ji- Have gaja kesari Yoga in his Horoscope or kundli?
For sri Narendra Modi ji GajaKesari yoga is there. so for GajaKesari yoga to be there Jupiter has to be in Kendra with respect to moon . all this is 100% true for sri Narendra Modi ji .moon is in the lagna Jupiter in his kundli(horoscope) and Jupiter or guru is in the 4th house or 4th bhava with Aquarius for sri Narendra Modi ji. So this very clearly is Gaja Kesari yoga
this Gajakesari yoga has give sri Narendra Modi ji very good relationships . also note that Jupiter in Kendra with respect moon gives energy to Jupiter. It gets a sort of exalted and the energy gives good relationships and makes him polite and generous in nature .
The gajakesari Yoga also states that it would make you help him make villages and cities. so yes he is being making a large set of things .he has built cities like Banaras or Varanasi. 🙂 also nation building is a large work.
Nation building or say India t building is a clear indication . gajakesari Yoga states that person would have reputation and name even after one leaves for heavenly abode.
so this is hundred percent true for sri Narendra Modi ji he has a great reputation as a prime minister and has been elected twice :). so very clearly the GajaKesari yoga is getting reflected in his life 🙂 His name could remain till eternity. 🙂
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic prime minister india personality yoga](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/PM_Modi_2015-VIRGO.jpg?resize=127%2C150)
Does sri Narendra Modi ji- Have kemadruma Yoga in his kundli?
In regard to Kemadruma yoga there are no planets on the other side of moon .for sri Narendra Modi ji on either side of moon there is no planet . also his moon sits in the Scorpio sign as a result this yoga is formed.
This Yoga makes a person tough in behaviour. modi ji is generally calm and relaxed so this is not coming up fully. also poverty reflected in the kemadruma Yoga was there with sri Narendra Modi ji. he struggled a lot from low ranks. because of the cancellation of this yoga is there by good yoga’s in sri Narendra Modi ji’s Horoscope. this gets balanced for sri narendra Modi ji . 🙂
![moon chandra narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology personality yoga](https://i1.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/moon-images.jpg?resize=130%2C94)
Is there any impact of Chandra Mangal Yoga in horoscope for sri Narendra Modi ji?
the Other yoga sri Narendra Modi ji has is Chandra Mangal yoga which happens when moon combines the mars or Mangal. This happens for sri Narendra Modi ji in the lagna. this Yoga suggests that the person may ill-treat mother and women- but this is absolutely not true for him. as there is cancellation of Yoga due to Jupiter energy( we just noted Gajakesari Yoga). Yes this Yoga also means earning by selling. sri Narendra Modi ji got money by selling tea.
Chandra Mangal yoga is more effective if it is in the unfavourable houses but for Narendra Modi ji it is not and is in the first bhava or lagna bhava. this is a favourable houses ,that is Lagna blessed and energy of mars or Mangal comes in.
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic prime minister india personality yoga](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/rsz_horoscope-96309_1920-zodiac.jpg?resize=150%2C105)
What is the impact of Chatussagar Yoga in kundli or Horoscope for sri Narendra Modi ji?
The chatussagar Yoga in any kundli or horoscope is there is the Kendra’s are occupied(1/4/7/10) house.
Partial Chatussagr Yoga is there for sri Narendra Modi ji.
This is if say tenth house are occupied by planets result and gives him great reputation that is equal to rule. Yes sri Narendra Modi ji is Prime Minister of India . 🙂
yoga gives in long life and blessings of health and children but yes sri Narendra Modi ji doesn’t have children because there is a cancellation .
The chatussagar Yoga also says that his(sri Narendra Modi ji’s) name will travel to cross the four Oceans and which is very true for him. sri Narendra Modi ji he is popular in America(USA and Canada),Europe(united kingdom,germany,france etc), Russia, Australia and even Arab countries(UAE/Dubai etc) as well.
we need to note that the planets in 10th bhava or Kendra are the most powerful, next is the 7th bhava, and then is the 4th bhava, and then the lagan or ascendant.
The chatussagar yoga contributes to get financial soundness and good name for the person.
![narendra modi horoscope predictions numerology vedic prime minister india personality yoga](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/horoscope-kundli.jpg?resize=150%2C100)
What do the core bhavas Like 1/2/5/9/10/11 of Narendra Modi ji suggest?
How to let us discuss various houses of Sri Narendra Modi Ji and how they make him so different from others.
This house defines his core personality, the next bhava or the 2nd bhava defines for narendra Modi Ji his wealth and status. This should also be strong and significant, we know 4th Bhava or house defines his public image – this strong or fair enough house which is again the
also, the fifth house or the trikona house is also an important 5th house as it is the house of Purva punya. so is the 9th house of luck and fortune, he cannot become the prime minister of India without luck supporting him :). Then let us look at the 10th house and 11th house for gains and career aspects.
![narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/PM_Modi_2015-VIRGO.jpg?resize=127%2C150)
The first house of Lagna of Narendra Modi ji
Now the first house of Narendra Modi Ji has Scorpio or vrishchika Rashi there and this is ruled by planet Mars. It also has some energy of mars or number 8 Saturn as well. Overall all this makes him action-oriented and yes somewhat aggressive in getting things done. he is also a well-disciplined person and yes determined to get the goals completed
![second house of wealth & status narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Capturelegend.jpg?resize=150%2C117)
what does the second house of Narendra Modi Ji say?
![narendra modi horoscope predictions education yoga](https://i1.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/children-education-career.jpg?resize=100%2C150)
2nd House Lord for Narendra Modi Ji is Jupiter, this planet also rules the fifth house. we know it is Sagittarius sign in the 2nd bhava for Narendra Modi ji.
This planet Jupiter is placed in the Kendra bhava or the fourth house of public image. we also know that the second house is also the house of speech image of Narendra Modi Ji. Now one can see how his speech could help in creating a great public image. this also gives him hands-on education. we know education come by learning and his(Narendra Modi ji’s) education is by struggling and fighting in life right since when he was born. with spiritual and material goals and also political rivals and other issues.
![home education kendra narendra modi](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/house-home.jpg?resize=150%2C99)
yes overall due to Jupiter he has a desire to learn more and more as guru is there sitting in the Kendra Bhava. This enhances his desire to learn and grow in an image more and more all over life. For Narendra Modi Ji let us look at the lord of the 4th house is ruled by Saturn. See how Saturn being a public planet or the planet for the downtrodden person. he works for the public especially the gas scheme and shouchalaya or toilet schemes etc all targeted at lower and neglected class.
Now, Sri, Narendra Modi ji’s 5th House Lord is Pisces that is again ruled by Jupiter .now here Jupiter is fairly strong and is sitting on relatively weak Saturn that is on the Aquarius sign or Kumbha Rashi. all this would give him good knowledge good gains as well. yes, it indicates as well as – the dispositor Saturn is very weak- it denies the promise of the son or a male child for Narendra Modi Ji. so Jupiter in the 4th house means more knowledge than others and also all these answers and answers questions in regard to his image.
![narendra modi horoscope predictions ancient india personality yoga](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/rishi1.jpg?resize=116%2C150)
Now looking at his house of father or luck and fortune the 9th house of Narendra Modi Ji because this is the house of Fortune/past life good fortune and karma for Narendra Modi Ji. It is moon or lord of in the cancer sign, sits in Lagna and rules the 9th house of Fortune. The first house is of Scorpio or vrishchika Rashi of Narendra Modi Ji and moon is debilitated. but being the first house it gets strength from the Kendra bhava.
Also, there is a strong from Mars, in fact, a lot of energy of mars to the moon also makes him(Narendra Modi Ji) more action oriented as well. moon there would give gains for Narendra Modi all over in life and also some phases of loss in Narendra Modi ji’s life . as the moon is a fluid planet. we know in Narendra Modi ji’s life he had a very humble beginning he slowly Rose through ranks in the Rashtriya Seva Sangh(RSS) and he rose to the position of chief minister of Gujarat. despite is controversy in the communal riots he raised to the position of prime minister ship of India in the year 2014. clearly indicates the phases of the moon influence his mind, destiny, and religiousness. also, moon sitting in the sign of mars or Scorpio gives him a great passion for religion.
![tenth house career job narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/career.jpg?resize=150%2C99)
what does the tenth house of karma or action say about Narendra Modi Ji?
The 10th house lord that is a sign of Leo or Simha is ruled by the sun. So action or karma is biog for Narendra Modi Ji. It sits in the friend’s house of mercury sign in the 11th house. 10th House rules the Karma of a lion and a leader. Leo sign ruling 10th house clearly suggests a strong leadership role, that’s why he also became the chief minister of Gujarat and then Prime Minister of India. Being weak it also impacts his father’s health and longevity .which to some extent is true .but overall this combination it gives him distinction in action and life over others
![11th house narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/bank-note-209104_1280-money.jpg?resize=150%2C100)
what does eleventh bhava of gains say for Narendra Modi ji?
let us look at the eleventh house for Narendra Modi ji. The 11th bhava of Narendra Modi Ji is ruled by the sign of Virgo Kanya Rashi and this, in turn, is ruled by planet Mercury. so Mercury the lord of the eleventh house also rules elder’s siblings. It is combust and it is also very young does not suggest high things for the respected elder brother of Sri Narendra Modi Ji. which is true? but at the same time, the sun suggests gains from royal patronage and yes money would be there. but not that much for Narendra Modi Ji. There is also budhaditya Yoga in Narendra Modi ji’s chart and it suggests in smartness and greatness in life for him.
![seventh house narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/love-romance.jpg?resize=150%2C91)
What does the seventh house of Narendra Modi Ji say about him ?
The 7th bhava also defines the kind of relationships you engage in . so it indirectly contributes to the greatness of any person . The lordship is Venus it is Venus there in the 10th House. so he or Narendra Modi ji would be connecting to higher-ups in life. who would have good wealth and status and image as 4th house Lord Saturn is also close.
The people would be with a good image . also Saturn rules the 3rd house of initiative and defines the people around him . the planet Venus suggests that you would connect to very high ups. as Saturn there Saturn could connect to the public.
![nakshatra zodiac narendra modi India](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/fire-planet-3281255_1920.jpg?resize=150%2C89)
how the personality of Shri Narendra Modi ji is different from others based on Nakshatra
Now based on is Lagna of Sri Narendra Modi Ji the nakshatra or star is Vishakha Nakshatra. It is in the asterism of Libra or Tula Rashi the ending degrees and also Scorpio. it is the 16th Nakshatra of the constellation and is ruled by Ketu as. Venus (Libra)and Mars(Scorpio) ruler ship gives good action and in fact great action to Sri Narendra Modi ji and yes dignity.
Plus also the ruler for the Nakshatra is Jupiter or guru, this gives Narendra Modi Ji the knowledge of Dharma. In fact, he was sanyasi in the Himalayas as well for some time. it also gives him a great discipline to solve problems. it is just like the farmer who has to till the soil, sows the crop and then yield the crop. So with this nakshatra of Vishakha, one develops the same capability of discipline .all this is in abundance in Sri Narendra Modi ji.
Now Sri Narendra Modi Ji the Prime Minister of India shows good ability discipline, dignity. all this comes from Jupiter and Ketu energies affecting this Nakshatra. plus this Nakshatra of vishakha being a part of Scorpio sign or vrishchika Rashi is a bit of aggression oriented and adds the same to the person. but here for Sri Narendra Modi Ji, it is more of aggression in action orientedness.
![moon sign rashi narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Captureconstellation-nakshatra.jpg?resize=150%2C111)
what does the nakshatra of Narendra Modi ji based on his moon sign do ?
nakshatra of Shri Narendra Modi Ji that is based on moon sign is Anuradha Nakshatra. It is purely in the Scorpio sign or Vrishchika Rashi.
It is the 17th Nakshatra and so partly ruled by Saturn or Shani dev and yes because Scorpio is ruled by Mars. it is ruled by Mars as well. Saturn is the ruler of t
he Anuradha Nakshatra. so one can see the clear conflict of energies in this Anuradha Nakshatra. That is the Saturn energy which makes the person focused and gives the person able to deliver in a disciplined fashion and also mars energy that creates conflict with Saturn(Shani) and it gives basic haste and aggression to the person.
so yes as a person Narendra Modi Ji has the great discipline and action and courage by doing yoga and other meditational practices . also this Anuradha Nakshatra makes him brave and a courageous person. sri Narendra Modi ji. has taken the bold step of attacking balakot in Pakistan’s North Western Frontier province. This boldness and courage are obvious in these decisions.
![narendra modi ji greatness career country India nakshatras](https://i1.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/300px-Aries_constellation_map.svg_.png?resize=296%2C300)
other nakshatras see how is career of Narendra Modi ji affected or impacted by various Nakshatra or stars ?
now Shri Narendra Modi Ji is the 10th house or bhava is ruled by Leo sign or Simha Rashi and there it comes under the influence of Magha Nakshatra or constellations. the nakshatra is in the Leo sign or Simha Rashi. Now Ketu as a ruler you can see a lot of Sun energy is here as Ketu magnifies the solar energy.
so here it creates great leaders and people of great actors who can reach the top if one is not dictatorial in behaviour. yes, there is leadership and especially spiritual leadership skills are there due to the Ketu + sun energy.
ketu planet energy sends stored energy to Dharma and religion aspects of life.
so as we know Narendra Modi ji’s lot of energies go towards meditation and on divine mother and yes yoga. plus Anuradha being the 10th Nakshatra, there is a good deal of solar energy here. so the leadership skills of Narendra Modi Ji are distinct and he does original actions of different from others in the society.
![nakshatra constellation narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i0.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Captureawards.jpg?resize=150%2C148)
what do the Other Nakshatra of 10th house Lord of Narendra Modi Ji say ?
Modi Ji that
AS Sun the lord of the 10th bhava sign Leo – is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra and is the 12th Nakshatra. Plus it is ruled by the planet sun. it also exists in Leo signs or Rashi. This Nakshatra has all the energies of Sun and very strong energy of sun free and yes good and benefic energies of planet Jupiter (guru)as well.
all this gives very good friendship at the ability to make close friends. Narendra Modi ji is a great friend of Israeli prime minister Netanyahu. It helps to make him or Narendra Modi ji do good to people and society. this Nakshatra also gives a lot of creativity and innovation and dignity which -is clearly visible in Sri Narendra Modi Ji’s ways of problem-solving.
he has resolved a lot of unemployment in India by Creative Solutions and suggestions. he has encouraged the entrepreneurs. Plus yes he lives with dignity and leaders with dignity.
Also, this Nakshatra makes Sri Narendra Modi ji want to help humanity which is definitely true for him. this Nakshatra people creates people with good dignity, happy and generous and yes good leaders . and people who have good initiative. so one can see all these qualities there in the Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi ji. he also has the courage and fighting and spirit to fight for real cause good qualities apart from being a great leader. we wish him all the best in life
so we wish all the best to the country and sri Narendra Modi ji!!
![narendra modi predictions 2019 2020 astrology numerology horoscope](https://i2.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Capture2020-2020-1.jpg?resize=207%2C169)
What to expect from Sri Narendra Modi ji in 2019 and 2020?predictions
prima facie based on numbers(numerology) and transits we look at sri Narendra Modi’s ji’s horoscope or Kundali . sri Narendra Modi ji’s = number 8= he is 17th born=1+7=8= Saturn 🙂 or shani dev. 2019 has Jupiter(2019 totals to number 3) Energy of Mars (9) as well. both Saturn(shani) and Mars(Mangal) is not very comfortable with each other. but mars are an action planet and Saturn stands for discipline. so still ok good with it and especially you see sri Narendra Modi ji’s won the 2019 elections with a thumping majority.
8+ 3 this could given great boost in sri Narendra Modi ji’s career or performance for nature. as he really won the 2018 elections. we also know how sri Narendra Modi ji’s retaliated for balakot and removal of the article 370 in Kashmir is there is a rebellion in Kashmir we know so yes Saturn of modi ji and mars of 2019 and Jupiter make it a success for him but eventful.
but in 2020, there is a number 8×4 combination./ so means excessive work in restructuring India done. also 4ahu and Saturn GOD forbid means some slight threat to sri Modi ji, but with GODs grace he would come up. His image in the international forums would go to leaps and bounds :).
Also based on planetary transits, in 2020 Jupiter gets into second house or Sagittarius or dhanu rashi that will given great much more greater name and fame in the world and it will strengthen his markesh bhava for sri Narendra Modi ji’s as well. 2nd bhava for modi has Sagittarius sign is markesh for him.
also may be sri Narendra Modi ji’s becomes deeply religious and attending/renovating shrines and doing work for the Sanatan Dharma revival.
at that time in 2020 Saturn the lord of public image and family for sri Narendra Modi ji’s would be in the third house in transit. this house is for initiative , so we can very clearly see great temples being constructed may be the Ajodhya one . we don’t know. but some big temple.
His initiatives would lead to great expansion in the work to do with image of India(4th house), infrastructures in the country India and also religion or Sanatan Dharma . so “sabka saath sabka vikas is there.
we may see some very significant revival of Vedic
culture as well in 2020 for sure.
![terrorism narendra modi horoscope astrology numerology India](https://i1.wp.com/astrozing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/terrorism.jpg?resize=123%2C148)
Is there a GOD forbid threat to sri Narendra Modi ji’s Life in coming years in the coming future?
Yes, ketu in the 2nd bhava and strong Saturn and rahu conjunctions make him probe to terror attacks but GOD’s grace is there for him and so is Maha dev’s protection.
What do people say about Him
This is what Wikipedia says about him
Narendra Damodardas Modi born 17 September 1950) is the 15th and current Prime, in office since 26 May 2014. Modi, a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was the Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014 and is the Member of Parliament (MP) from Varanasi. He led the BJP in the 2014 general election, which gave the party a majority in the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian parliament) – a first for any party since 1984 – and was credited for October 2014 BJP electoral victories in the states of Haryana and Maharashtra.
The prime minister, a Hindu nationalist and a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is a controversial figure domestically and internationally because of criticism that, when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, his administration failed to prevent the 2002 Gujarat riots. Modi’s economic policies (credited with encouraging economic growth in Gujarat) have been praised, although his administration has also been criticized for failing to significantly improve the human development in the state.