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What are the Predictions for Moon in Aries or Mesha Rashi in any Horoscope or Kundli?
Could Moon in Aries sun sign or Mesha rashi in the Horoscope or Kundli Give round and red eyes?;)
Now moon or Chandra is considered to be a watery planet and person with moon(Chandra) in mars or Mangal a hot and fiery planet makes the person have Round and red eyes.
Could Moon in Aries sun sign or Mesha rashi in the Horoscope or kundli make one an explorer or a traveler ?;)
The person is an explorer and wants to look at new things, is energetic, could have fleshly knees, changes wealth. As mars gives courage- mentally and as well as physically he could be brave, loved by females (typical Martian characteristics), great worker & awful nails.
Could Moon in Aries sun sign or Mesha Rashi in the Horoscope or kundli give scars in the body ?;)
Mars or Mangal makes person prone to accidents so there could be cut or scar in the head (Aries sign or mesha rashi is the head in the kala purusha.
How could Moon even is aspected by Aries sign or Mesha rashi created a highly dynamic personality ?
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