Love Or a Relationship(marriage) as we know is something very basic to our life! May be without love life may not have much meaning for us!
What Do You Get In this Report
The report gives you in Detail Your 36 Point Ashtakoota Matching.
- The overall Harmony and discord in the relationship along with a harmony score out of 36 points
- Your Physical Compatibility with your Partner
- Your Mental Compatibility with Your Partner
- Your Love and Romance Compatibility with your Partner .
- Your Sexual Compatibility with Your Partner.
- Children Compatibility- Telling you if Having Kids would be a smooth process for you.
- Get to know if you have the Dreaded mangal dosha in your kundali or birth chart- which could either the life of the partner or quality of relationships.
- Over 10,000 horoscopes related to Compatibility and Love service have been analyzed,Satisfied Customers are spread all across the world!
- & Many more things…
The Report Tells you about Mangal Dosha:
That is it tells you if you have mangal dosha(mars defect) or not. “Mangal Dosha” Literally means the “Defects due to Planet Mars in Your Horoscope”. Mars is a natural malefic planet and when it aspects your house of marriage – some care needs to be taken care of as it could affect the health or life risk of either of the partner OR impact the peace of marital life, depending on placement and lordship of Planet Mars. You will get an analysis of Mangal Dosha for Your Chart.
The Report gives Your and Your Partner’s Personality Description
Simple Remedies:
The Report Suggests Simple and low cost Remedies-that you can easily perform at your ease.
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Delivery within 72 Hours
” …I have been in great turmoil and full of guilt,as on one hand I feel I am not compatible with my present husband and whether I should go ahead with my boyfriend for marriage…At the the same time I am hurt, as I feel I am cheating someone. But your compatibility analysis and love report has given me a clear insight into my compatibility possibilities with my present husband. Based on which I can take a clear and guilt free decision on whether I should continue with the present relationship or may be re-marry. Thanks once again for the wonderful report. Would meet you when I am in India next.
Meghana USA “