Libra 2018 Horoscope


2018 Horoscope Overview for Libra(Tula rashi)

  • The year 2018 may be better than 2017 and Jupiter would bless you in family life and yes career and money or salary gains.
  • Yes there could be cold moments in the family front that you need to handle well.

2018 Libra Horoscope Monthly details

  • January and February could be over all OK, but yes coldness in the family front needs proper care. Monet and opportunities could come in.
  • February would be relatively better time for family matters and you will enjoy more sensitivity and peace this time.
  • March could be a great time for fun and family outings. You will enjoy things of life. You need to take initiative now. You could have better social and contacts and health.
  • April month means take care of your emotions and avoid tiffs. Family life also needs more peace at your end. Drive your car carefully. So as to avoid accidents.
  • May is a good time for you – but your and health of people around you needs care. There could be some dryness in the personal and love relationships but otherwise your love could grow very deep. Avoid arguments and insistence this time.
  • June is a time when there could be OK money flow and better communications with your people around. Better communications is sure to bring you good success. Think and then act on matters.
  • July- is a time for heightened sensitivity- keeps your time for love and relationships. Build better relationships at office. There could be slight element of sourness but you will come over it well.
  • August- is a time when Saturn could have its sway, take care of your position and avoid arguments or ego hassles now. avoid power conflicts happening now. dryness or coldness in family matters possible.
  • September is again a good time to connect and communicate. avoid excess or impulsive communication caused due to mars. slightly eventful time for you.
  • October could be a time when your dreams come true. guard on family peace. Your love for family and loved ones could grow beyond bounds. Your health and people around you may need more care. Let not sourness come in relationships at office or family- use your charm of caring nature for success.
  • November is a time when it could men some stress on you and your family. drive with care. Family matters and love needs care to stay away from dryness. Fights at family front to be avoided .Use the high passion levels to bridge the gaps of love and emotions or dryness that could creep in.
  • December is a great and gala time. High passion levels and love would help you at family and office front both. Have fun and good time for money matters. There could be more family outings and fun. enjoy and gave fun this time.


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