What is this article about ?
This article gives a very good overview of what is a Horoscope or Kundli.
It tells about what kind of data is needed for to cast a Horoscope and which areas of life it is useful.
It also later talks about the role of malefic Rahu( dragon’s head) in any Horoscope or kundli.
Rahu or Dragon’s head is a Powerful malefic and is a Younger brother of the great Saturn(Shani dev).
its placement in any kundli Horoscope has a big Impact on various areas of life like Money, Sex,Job, Relationships, Foreign Travel, Home, Career, Luck, Children etc.!
This article at depth discusses the impact of Rahu or dragon’s head in various signs(Aries(Mesha rashi).to Pisces(Meena rashi)) of the Horoscope or Kundli.
on how it could impact your Luck, Money, Partnerships, Job, Relationships, Travel , Children, Family, or anything in life.
;0 The article interestingly talks about, how Rahu’s or dragon’s head in various signs or rashi could makes a person aggressive, or afflict his or her family life, make him not follow the ethics or religion.
or make him or her disciplined or highly rash or egotistical , or spoil his or her fame, give great IQ or intelligence etc .

What is a Kundli or Horoscope ?
A Kundli or Birth Horoscope is an Astrological Chart is a map of the heavens for the time of birth of a child.
It is connecting to the specific birth date, time and also place of birth to know the full set for planetary energies flowing at that time.
so in the Vedic Astrology an astrological Chart signifies the position of the different planets in various sign.
The planets include sun, moon, Jupiter, mercury, Venus, Saturn, and mars and also the shadowy planets like rahu and ketu- or the dragon’s head and dragon’s Tail.
any Horoscope or Kundli has the things secretly encoded for the individual like basic personality also all the information of past, present, and future of the individual is there.
Various names in which horoscope is called in India is Janampatri, or janam kundli.
Horoscope is a very powerful tool to match the marital stability of a couple. also it is helpful in suggesting about business partnerships.
The horoscope or kundli has 12 houses and also a lagan or ascendant.
The houses are fixed for the individual depending on the lagan of the Kundli.
The impact of transit or Gochar of planets into various Signs in the interval for days ,weeks or 7days .
Or even months or years gives various changes in various sections of individuals life.
It tells what kind of events and personality changes that could happen for the person.
. Also the simple dasha or directions system of Vedic astrology is used to make predictions.

The relevance & Important of Horoscope or Kundli?
Based on birth time and place and date of birth the kundli we get can predict fairly accurately about the probable future of the individual.
so as shared above it tells about the inclinations of the individual , money flows or wealth, the career one chooses.
The overall happiness and knowledge gains of the person, the kind of people he or she connects.
Kundli or horoscope helps to connect to best area of life in line with the person’s past life karma traits.
One can easily know about good and bad planets and also fortunate days or we call them lucky days.
The lucky colors or the numbers that come out to be fortunate.
Kundli or horoscope also tells about the best muhurtas or time to do things.
Vedic astrology is a powerful tool to give deep insights into various areas of anyone’s life.

Rahu(dragon’s head) In Aries Sign or Mesha rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Aries sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person aggressive & also original?
In the kundli or horoscope, Rahu is a fiery planet and Aries a fiery and active sign – so rahu here gives a lot of actions and energy to the person.
The person could be very ambitious, original in thought process and has the capability to do big things in life.
but at times may become rash and aggressive as rahu gives rashness and aggression.
,li> Anyone who opposes them would get the wrong end of the stick ;).
Will not work great in partnerships. Could have strong issues in the family front and with kids.
As Aries is ruled by mars(Mangal) and mars is in direct conflict with rahu- you have to take care of what you speak and do.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Aries sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person more prone to accidents ?
If your Rahu(dragon’s head) or the dragon’s head in Aries in Mesha rashi. Rahu(dragon’s head) when it gets into Aries sign the person has to take care of his head/driving and accidents .
Aries is ruled by Mars or Mangal. he or she has to think and then act .
As Rahu(dragon’s head)(dragon’s head) combines with mass energies action depending on the house where an error sign is placed in the horoscope. This combination could make the person with aggressive and action oriented.
Also innovative in approach in life he or she wants to do new things always in life but remember to not to be Rash in behaviour.

Rahu In Taurus Sign or Vrishabha rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have issues at the family front or money matters?
In the kundli or horoscope, Taurus us a passive or fixed sign, ruled by earth element and when rahu a fire planet comes in touch- gives good results .
As this gives stability and action both to the person. Rahu is a good friend of Venus as well.
But one could still have issues at the family front . Family life could be of a different and unique type.
Same is true with marriage type it would be different. There could be a lot of fluctuations in money matters.

Could Rahu or dragon’s head in the Taurus sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person Philosophically oriented?
You could become a great philosopher artists or writer.
Also, one is prone to sugar problems and diabetes as well. Driving carefully is much suggested.
Rahu(dragon’s head) here in the Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi is exalted in Taurus sign .
Taurus is ruled by Venus or shukra. So, this is good so that means Rahu(dragon’s head) strength is good in the horoscope.
so that makes a person disciplined but he or she could become fixed in nature or Rebel in nature .Venus or shukra gives a person indulgence in luxury which has to be handled properly . Your relationships have to be handled well because Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac so has some sensitive energy there. what one speaks has again to be handled properly .person has to avoid indulgence of any kind

Rahu In Gemini Sign or Mithuna rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Gemini sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have unexpected happenings at family or Home front?
In the kundli or horoscope, Gemini is a dual sign and rahu here as Gemini is ruled by mercury- suggest that one has to think and act. You will love altogether different things than others. Sudden and unexpected happening in life.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Gemini sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person think in new ways?
New thinking, new ways of doing things and helping society is there. You may have different views than others about government and society.
Interest in Occult and Astrology could also grow for you. Rash talk and actions have to be avoided. Education could get affected due to rahu.
Gemini is air and rahu is fire- so means there is a lot of talk or frivolous activities by the person that have to be avoided. Business partners have to be carefully chosen.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Gemini sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have good knowledge?
When Rahu(dragon’s head) is in the Gemini sign that is Mithuna Rashi. Gemini is ruled by mercury or Budha.
That means you may get status and knowledge or ability to speak at times(depending to other factors in your Horoscope) which other people cannot even imagine :).
This person could have friends which are totally out of the blue or person may speak things which are totally out of the blue .
Mithuna rashi as we know is ruled by planet Mercury that rules speaking plus the money one earns could be from non-conventional means. One may also do well in account.

Rahu In cancer Sign or karkat rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the cancer sign or karkat rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have rash temper?
In the kundli or horoscope, Rahu here in the cancer sign representing your mind- means one could have a rash temper. This combination affects the health of the mother.
It might be difficult for you to connect with the general lot of public.
You would be treated at a different frequency and are prone to getting into litigation matters.
But you will have exceptional way to solve problems and look at things. Also, rahu is fire and cancer an active sign but with water element- means steam here.
That is a lot of anger and rashness in the person could be there.
Rahu(dragon’s head) in Cancer sign or karkat Rashi suggest that because cancer sign is watery in nature and Rahu(dragon’s head) is fiery or fore like.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Cancer sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have a Saturn or Shani like disincline as well?
Cancer is ruled by moon or Chandra. so this person has to control rashness or anger in any form .
As moon here gets lot of Rahu(dragon’s head) energy in the horoscope or Kundli.
also heart of the person needs care and yes relationships need good care/ the person could be very disciplined and organized to deliver.
so that has to be used well. Also, sudden behaviour has to be controlled well by the person.

Rahu In Leo Sign or Simha rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Leo sign or simha rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person of fixed nature ?
In the kundli or horoscope, Leo is a fire sign and rahu is fiery- so in a sense the combination is god and gives great deal of action and aggression to person.
Leo is fixed and rahu is a renegade- so that means a person if gone to opposition to any situation could be very harsh and stubborn- this has to be avoided.
You would be fairly independent minded .You will not tolerate any criticism of any kind.
You would have fairly original way of thinking. Health needs proper care. Image also needs to be guarded.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Leo sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have high energy?
If Rahu(dragon’s head) is in the Leo sign or Simha Rashi . So now Leo sign means stomach that has to be taken care of by proper exercise to the stomach.
One has to do yoga also .
Rahu(dragon’s head) could create a sudden Surge of aggression and anger in the person and that has to be controlled. Rahu(dragon’s head) here sends energy to planet sun or surya.
so the public image of the person has to be taken care of.
so here one gets Rahu(dragon’s head) energy horoscope to image , also blood pressure in advanced age.
Plus health of father needs care. but at the same time, one could also get unexpected Fame as well in such placements of rahu.

Rahu In Virgo Sign or Kanya rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Virgo sign or Kanya rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person think negative?
In the kundli or horoscope, Virgo is ruled by mercury, the planet of common sense and Virgo is the sixth sign.
Rahu here could affect the decisions making process. It could also mean issues at the family front.
Virgo is a fixed sign and rahu is an active but retrograde- so this could take home matters and mind in a negative direction- so one has to be careful about the same.
Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Virgo sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person better at communications?
Rahu(dragon’s head) in Virgo sign or Kanya Rashi in the Horoscope. Virgo is ruled by mercury or Budha.
These people may come up a different kind of thinking because Mercury rules thinking, and Rahu(dragon’s head) gives a different kind of thinking and also a different way of speaking as well.
One can utilize this different thinking well for communications .
Family life may have unexpected issues if Rahu(dragon’s head) is in this sign. also unexpected health problems and foot needs care.

Rahu In Libra Sign or Tula rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could Rahu or dragon’s head in the Libra sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have issues at the family front and also sugar problems?
In the kundli or horoscope, Now Libra is the 7th sign and is an active sign and also is ruled by planet Venus or shukra.
The planet of beauty and comfort. Also, Libra or Tula is in air sign.
Now rahu is a friend of Venus as both are demoniac planets, also rahu is fire and Venus are air.
So there could be a lot of movement due to this in the family front. One has to take care of health issues of sugar type and sex organs.
Family life needs a guard and also one has to avoid issues with close relatives. One has to avoid indulgence of any kind now.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Libra sign or Tula rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have great wealth ?
if Rahu(dragon’s head) in any horoscope is in the Libra sign or Tula rashi. Rahu(dragon’s head) in the Libra sign means that sexual conduct has to be discreet.
One has to avoid indulgence too much in the luxury matters and sex matters .
but at the same time it may give unexpected wealth and luxurious to the person and the person can become a unique kind of judge or arbitrator .
there could be Lord of unexpectedness in life as Libra and Rahu(dragon’s head) conjunction here. Dong Shiva japam and donation to churches and temples can help a lot.

Rahu In Scorpio Sign or Vrishchika rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Scorpio sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person aggressive or rash at times?
In the kundli or horoscope, Now Scorpio is ruled by mars and does not go well with rahu once again a fiery planet- this could create excess anger and rashness.
Also rahu is weak and debilitated here. You have to take good care of your behaviour and stay in discipline.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Scorpio sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person original in nature?
You could be very different and original in nature and may dig out altogether different things by your native originality. You can solve any problem if you decide to.
Scorpio is a mixed sign with water element- now this burns all the rahu energy and at the end could give lot go fights and issues at the family front.
If your Rahu(dragon’s head) in the Scorpio sign on the Vrishchika Rashi . so here Rahu(dragon’s head) and Mars(Mangal) ruler ship gives unexpected aggression to the person and also Rahu(dragon’s head) is very weak and debilitated.
so rashness at any cost has to be avoided in the matters to do with the house where Rahu(dragon’s head) is sitting.
One needs to develop more discipline and avoid any aggressiveness or haste in business matters.
Also the colon health also so cancer related elements have to be taken care .large intestine also needs care.

Rahu In Sagittarius Sign or Dhanu Rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could Rahu or dragon’s head in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi of Kundli or Horoscope suggest that the person needs to take special care for following ethics and also take care of kids?
In the kundli or horoscope, Now Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi is ruled by planet Jupiter or guru is a fire element also Sagittarius is a mixed nature sign.
So rahu here could affect the dharma or ethics related thinking and also one need to take care of kids and ethics.
As Jupiter is the karaka for kids. One also needs to connect to the right people in the society as rahu affects the social aspect here.
The energies or Yoga is similar to Guru chandaal Yoga

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person be interest in occult and Vedic astrology ?
when Rahu(dragon’s head) is in the sign of Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi. the father’s health needs care .
Sagittarius sign is ruled by Jupiter or Guru. also, one should follow the religion properly because Rahu(dragon’s head) energy goes to Jupiter as well. so, Dharma has to be properly followed.
interest in astrology etc is ok but Tantra has to be strictly avoided by the person.
yes unexpected gains from the relatives and in-laws from wife side or the husband side is there.
one might develop different kind of interest in life as Rahu(dragon’s head) and Jupiter combination could make one get very deep into matters of religion.
Also interest matters to do with occult and in general that is Vedic Astrology or Mantra . Your liver and spleen need proper care

Rahu In Capricorn Sign or Makar rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Capricorn sign or Makar rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person have un usual hardships in life?
In the kundli or horoscope, The sign Capricorn is ruled by planet Saturn and good friend of rahu and also Capricorn is an active sign with earth nature.
So rahu gives good gains and benefits here in the Capricorn. It makes the person hardworking and tenacious and could give good gains from lands.
Rahu gives the ability to do big work.
There could be un usual hardships and work in life due this conjunction.

Could Rahu or Dragon’s head in the Capricorn sign or Makar rashi of Kundli or Horoscope suggests a person needs to take care of nerves a-or may be do more Yoga?
When Rahu(dragon’s head) is in the Capricorn sign or Makar Rashi in any horoscope. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn or Shani dev.
if Rahu(dragon’s head) is in the Capricorn sign on the Makar Rashi that means a person would be very disciplined and organised in his or her approach.
hard work is inbuilt in the person if Rahu(dragon’s head) is in the Makar Rashi. but yes, father’s health needs some care and so does public image.
Your knees need special care and massaging would help. Your nerves also need care as Rahu(dragon’s head) and Saturn combine .
health needs yoga . Also, Rahu(dragon’s head) in the Capricorn sign also could give sudden distinction to the person :).

Rahu In Aquarius Sign or Kumbha rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could Rahu or dragon’s head in the Aquarius Sign of Kundli or Horoscope make a person a bit fixed in nature?
In the kundli or horoscope, Aquarius or kumbha rashi is ruled by Saturn or Shani again and also is a passive sign and is airy in nature.
Rahu is fire, so there is some gain of rahu being here but mostly the hard work done by the person gets lost.
Rahu here could give peculiar and rigid instincts to the person.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi of Kundli or Horoscope make a person hardworking ?
Now if your Rahu(dragon’s head) is sitting in the Aquarius sign or the Kumbha Rashi. Saturn or Shani dev rules the Aquarius sign.
this gives very distinction to the person with a different way of thinking and a very innovative nature.
This also gives a very hardworking nature to the person. the person has to take care of the knees and the Shin part of the body .
also nerves need to be taken care of by proper yoga .You may work exceptionally hard and have very distinct kind of thinking which at times not many other people would understand.

Rahu In Pisces Sign or Meena rashi in any Kundli or Horoscope:

Could Rahu or dragon’s head in the Pisces sign of Kundli or Horoscope due to Jupiter and rahu energies make a person a but dominating in nature?
In the kundli or horoscope, Rahu in Pisces or Meena rashi ruled by planet Jupiter and rahu is not a good friend of the same- so ethics have to be properly followed.
Meena is a mixed sign and also is a water sign- so rahu here does not go well.
It could give a rash temperament to the person but not able to do much.

Could rahu or dragon’s head in the Pisces sign or Meena of Kundli or Horoscope make a person travel to distant lands more than others 😉 or say foreign travel ;)?
If your Rahu(dragon’s head) in Pisces sign on for Meena Rashi . As rahu is in Pisces so one should follow the ethical conduct a not get into Tantra or other things.
one should follow the Yoga Path. Jupiter getting Rahu (dragon’s head) energy so one could have an expected travel to distant lands and a lot of travels to distant lands.
if your Rahu(dragon’s head) is in Pisces sign or Meena Rashi
– so your relationships need care . Your feet need care and so does the liver and spleen of the person needing care.
You’re doing yoga would help a lot . You may go very deep into subjects and have keen interest in Vedic Astrology & clairvoyance and the other things in life.

Something very interesting about Rahu or Dragon’s head in Various signs, rashi in your Kundli or Horoscope-Predictions?
Rahu is also known as dragons’ head and is actually the intersecting point of moon with the orbital of earth around sun.
It represents our past life and karma and connects to the eighth house.
It is fire and also smoky in nature, like steam engines are a true representative of rahu.
Rahu also represents old people, lepers, it represents people who are innovative or rebels or people who do not accept the current norms in some sort like Fidel Castro.
it rules the criminals, underworld , accidents, terrorists, scientists, electrical engineering.
It also represents grey colour and also it rules over the in-laws.
So if in conflict rahu could create great conflict with in-laws
Now when such aggressive rahu that brings in past life karaka sits in any sign- it gives various results.
The results for rahu in various signs or rashis are given above.