About this Article
This in-depth article discussed the Karakamsha and the 4th and 5th houses or Bhavas in any Horoscope or Kundli and how they impact your various areas of life in different ways like children, education, love, family, property, name, fame assets etc.
The first part of the article discusses karakamsha horoscope and then the next part discusses the fifth and ninth bhavas of any horoscope.
Then a real-life example of great scientist’s Albert Einstein is taken to help you explain things much better.
As said , the first section discusses various houses of karakamsha horoscope and what is the impact of various planets of karakamsha Horoscope for health, wealth, money, job, personality , children, and many other factors.
You get to know from you karakamsha Kundli – on how mars could make a person aggressive or ulcer prone? How could a person based on karakamsha kundli be a good doctor or a mechanic?
How could someone based on karakamsha kundli or horoscope become a rishi or at the either hand become wicked and negative use of tantra?
How could the karakamsha Kundli make one a great poet;) or a film composer or even a scientist? All explained in detail.
What is the ROLE of 4th( fourth) and 5th(fifth) house of any horoscope or Kundli is discussed in detail.
Then as shared earlier as a live example Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope genius Albert Einstein’s chart as well for seeing the practical application of the ideas put forward below.

What is Karakamsha kundli or Horoscope?
Karakamsha is the actually the planet with the highest degree in any. sign of the horoscope or Kundli.
It is used in Parashari system and also more in Jaimini system of Vedic astrology.
It is essentially the lagan or first house where this highest degree planet is placed in the d9 or the navamsha chart or horoscope.
but while calculating the Karakamsha we exclude rahu( dragon’s head), ketu(dragon’s tail) and also western astrology planets like Neptune( Hershel ) or Uranus and Pluto.
Karakamsha is actually the Atma or the heart or inner soul of the person.
so you see everything in the Karakamsha horoscope or Kundli is interpreted in terms of the SOUL or atma.
that is every house of bhava is looked form this context.
Like say if you look at the 9th bhava or house of the Karakamsha horoscope or Kundli.
It shows you how easy it is for the soul to reach self-realization. I mean is the luck supportive of the soul to evolve.
so say a benefic like Jupiter or say even Venus in the 9th house form Karakamsha horoscope or Kundli would mean much more ease of the person .
In order to achieve soul realization in this life time and may be say a malefic like Saturn or rahu sitting there.

What is the role of Fourth and Fifth house in any Horoscope or Kundli ?
Fourth House( 4th) or Bhava effects in any Kundli or horoscope ?
The fourth house n Vedic astrology rules the image, the family and also one’s home or possessions.
It also means your cars or vehicles and also the heart and lungs of the person.
The relationships with mother and inheritance and family type and connection with own country or homeland is evaluated from the fourth house in any kundli or horoscope.
the emotional strength and family peace is more if the 4th bhava lord is stronger and also there is no malefic in the 4th bhava or house .
like Saturn(Shani dev), rahu(dragon’s head) or ketu(dragon’s tail) or Mars(mangal) or there is no malefic aspect on the 4th bhava or house as such.
Following of one’s tradition and also may be travelling and settling to distant lands is calculated or interpreted form this 4th house or bhava of the horoscope.
Your dharma(religion) and emotional approach towards the same is revealed by this 4th bhava or house.
Fifth House(5th) or Bhava effects in any Kundli or horoscope ?
The 5th house in any horoscope or Kundli suggests the creative aspect of the person.
in fact in classical Vedic astrology the 5th house or bhava of the Horoscope is the house of emotions and also Venus or shukra.
so writing skills or ability to speak or communicate even through arts is looked by the 5th house in any horoscope or Kundli .
This bhava or house also suggests good karma of previous life incarnation, so apart from the 9th bhava of the horoscope.
this bhava is also looked for the good fortune coming from our past lives:)
The 5th house in any horoscope or Kundli is also known as the putra bhava or house of child or male child.
so conception and child birth and child all could be looked into from the 5th house of the horoscope.
The 5th house also is for personal pleasure and fun like love affair or over all fun activities.
The 5th bhava or house talks about the games you would like to play or how you would like to counsel people.
It also speaks about your entertainment and recreation related stuff.
Love affairs legal or not or may be children legal or not all are viewed form this bhava.
The fifth house in Vedic astrology also rules the ability to discriminate . The ability for normal mental or thinking intelligence.
one’s depth of thought could be looked from here.
One can also evaluate the higher education of the person from this 5th bhava or house .
also one’s spiritual progress and especially learnings as the bhava has Jupiter as the karaka all judged from the 5th house or bhava of the horoscope or kundli.
from the mundane astrology point of view as 5th house is children so it also represent the population and also birth rate of any country based on the horoscope.
The fifth house additionally represents the affairs of the nation, ambassadors, or arbitrators for any country.
yes connected to entertainment or say education(5th bhava is for education) and may be youth( Jupiter energy is also strong in the 5th bhava) , and yes `sports.

Various Matters related to karakamsha:

Which house of Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope deals with mantras?
The fifth house or bhava stands for learning and mantra sadhana. In Jaimini jyotish or karakamsha kundli.
we study the energy distribution with respect to the karakamsha in the Navamsha kundli or d9 chart to get some additional information about the person

What is the role of Mars(Mangal) & Saturn(Shani) in the Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope deals with mantras?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope (Birth Chart),if there are two malefic(either of the two Saturn/Rahu( dragon’s head) or Mangal or Shani or rahu) in a Kona( That is an angular house or bhava= fifth/ninth and first house).
From karakamsha, the person will know about Mantras and Tantra’s (incantation for the fulfilment of super-human forces). The fifth house and ninth house deal with mantras and incantations- so malefic take one to negative side that is tantric and mantras- that is the tamasic knowledge.

How could be malefic in the Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest that one could be a wicked Tantric and using his ability to harm others ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), On the off chance that a malefic at the same time gives a Drishti to two malefic in a Kona house( the fifth and ninth houses or bhavas) from Karakamsha, the person will utilize his learning’s of Mantras and Tantras for vindictive purposes.
while a benefic’s like Jupiter(guru)/Mercury(budha) and Venus(shukra) Drishti(aspects) will make him utilize the learning’s for goodness of the mankind. The explanation is simple that is the malefic make the person learn tantric or mantra and at the same time the benefics modify the usage of the same for good purposes.

How could Moon(Chandra) and Venus(Shukra) in the Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests one could be a Guru or Teacher of bad people or Asuras
In the event that , If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), Chandra or moon is in the Karakamsha, getting a Drishti or aspect from shukra or Venus.
the person will be an alchemist and- as Venus or shukra is basically shukracharya the alchemists of the asuras or the demons,

How could mercury or Budha Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope could make a person a good doctor ?
if in the above case accepting a Drishti(aspect) from Budha or mercury the local will be a specialist equipped for curing all infections- as mercury or budha makes the person .

what role does Venus or shukra play in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope to make the person unclean ?
On the off chance , If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), that Chandra is in the fourth house or bhava from Karakamsha and gets a Drishti or aspect from shukra.
the person will be tormented by white un-cleanliness.
as moon also represents home and also Venus is not treated as very clean.

How could the aspect of Mars(Mangal) & Ketu( dragon’s tail) in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests one could have blood related or Pitta(bilious) disorders ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),On the off chance that getting a Drishti(aspect) from Mangal or mars.
The person will have blood and bilious issues (as Mars or Mangal deals with the same)and, if accepting a Drishti from Ketu, the local will experience the ill effects of dark uncleanliness.

How could Rahu(dragon’s head) & Mars(Mangal) in the Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest possibility of Pneumonia ?
If Rahu(dragon’s head) and Mangal(mars) be in the fourth house or bhava of Karakamsha kundli or horoscope, or fifth house or bhava from Karakamsha, the person will experience the ill effects of pneumonic condition .
and if at the same time there happens to be Chandra or moon’s Drishti on the fourth, or the fifth, this suffering will be sure as moon or Chandra represents pneumonia like condition.

How could Mars or Mangal in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest stomach Ulcers ?
Mangal alone in the fourth, or the fifth will bring about ulcers- as fifth house or bhava deals with digestion.

How is the role of Ketu(dragon’s Tail) in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope deals with possibility of loose motion or loose bowels ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),In the event that Ketu is in the fourth house or bhava, or the fifth.
one will experience the ill effects of loose bowels and sufferings, because of (de-based) water.

How could rahu and Gulik in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests one deals with toxins ?
Rahu and Gulik will make one a specialist, curing toxic burdens, or will bring about inconveniences through toxin.

How could Saturn or Shani dev in the Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest one dealing with weapons or sharp objects ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), if Saturn or Shani be distant from everyone else and is in the fourth, or fifth.
the person will be adroit in bows and arrows- as Saturn deals with discipline and iron tools.

How does Ketu or dragon’s in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest one could be doing niche or fine work like watch making ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), Ketu or dragon’s tail Isolated put in the fourth, or the fifth.
It will make one a producer of watches and so forth- as ketu is like mars and a planet to do with working with metal.

How could Mercury or Budha in the Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests one becomes a sadhu or deals with self-denial ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), Budha or mercury is isolated in the fourth, or the fifth house of the Kundli or horoscope .
he or she will be self-denying of the most astounding request, or a self-denying, holding a staff or eb a sadhu.

How could rahu, sun and mars in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest that the person could be a mechanic of cars etc ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Rahu, surya (sun) and Mangal(mars), individually, in these spots signify a mechanic, a blade client and a lance, or bolt client.
Sun and mars together fire and metal make one a mechanic.

All these apply to karakamsha Lagan and also 5th house in some cases.

How could Jupiter or Guru in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest great learnings for the person ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),Chandra or moon and Guru(Jupiter) in the Karakamsa, or in the fifth house of the Karakamsha Kundli along these lines.
It means he or she is an author knowledgeable in all branches of learning- as Jupiter or guru means learning and also fifth house rules learning.
The review of writer ship will similarly slide on account of shukra or Venus and significantly assist on account of Budha or mercury.
Grahas in the fifth from Karakamsa If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),.

How Venus or shukra in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests one could be very articulate in art and literature ?
If shukra or Venus be in the fifth from Karakamsa, the person will be articulate and a writer- as Venus or shukra deals with art and literature.

How Does Jupiter in the 5th bhava of Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests god knowledge of Vedas and Upanishads?
Guru or Jupiter here in 5th bhava signifies, that he be an example and be all knowing, however be not able talk in a gathering.
He will be further a grammarian and a researcher in Vedas and Upanishads-as Vedas and Upanishads are considered to be books of highest learning.

Saturn or Shani in Karakamsha will make one inadequate in a get together as Saturn introduces moroseness, while Budha or mercury will make him skilful in Karma Mimansa.

How could mars or Mangal in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests fighting nature ?
Mangal in Karakamsha Lagna or ascendant, or the fifth in this manner will make one fighting in nature,

How could Moon or Chandra in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggests great achievement ?
while Chandra or moon in Karakamsa lagan or ascendant , or the fifth from that point signifies a Sankhya Yogi, a talk, or a vocalist.

How could sun or surya in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope suggest good vedantic knowledge and music
Surya or sun in the fifth from Karakamsa will make one learned in Vedanta and music.

How Could ketu or dragon’s tail in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope make one do well in mathematics ?
Ketu(dragon’s tail) will make one a mathematician and skilful in Jyotish-as ketu is a planet of research and analysis this makes the person a mathematics expert.
If planet Jupiter or Guru be identified with the said Ketu, these learning’s will be by legacy.

All these too apply to second and third from Karakamsa house or bhava and to the Karakamsha itself separated from applying to the fifth from Karakamsa.

How could Ketu or dragon’s tail in 2nd house of the Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope make one have defective speech ?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart), Ought to Ketu be in the second, or third from Karakamsa, the person will be blemished in discourse.
all the more along these lines.
if a malefic gives a Drishti to Ketu, as above. As ketu gives contraction of speech and second house deals with speech.

How kemadruma or struggle and then gains Yoga in Karakamsha Kundli or Horoscope be formed?
If in the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart),if a malefic be in Karakamsha, Arudh Lagn and the second and eighth from these locations.
there will be Kemadrum Yoga, the impacts of which will be still severer, if Chandra’s or moon’s Drishti happens to be there.
The impacts, due for these Yoga’s, will happen in the Dasha times of the rashis or sign, or Grahas/planets Kemadrum Yoga will work also.
if there are malefic in the second and eighth from the rashi, whose Dasha will be in cash.
The after effects of such Yoga will likewise be ominous. On the off chance that the second and eighth in the Kundali.
It comes forward with effects in the start of a Dasha, have malefic, then additionally Kemadrum wins all through the Dasha. This Yoga makes excellent general, professors or leaders as well

Karakamsa the fifth and ninth house or bhava- learning, mantras, and Albert Einstein analysis & predictions
If we look at his chart the lord of deep thinking is Libra, the seventh sign and also the sign of balance and is exalted.
This gives him (Einstein) a highly balanced and harmonious thinking due to Venus. He wanted to see harmony in nature- may be through physics.
Also we wanted to go deep into the same , in terms of action and in an independent way.
His depth is shown by exaltation of atmakaraka Venus( that is desire for beauty in physics took Albert Einstein to the dizzy heights or physics).
Also sun the lord of initiatives and actions there with Venus- giving him action and originality I his work and yes fame.
The lord of ninth house and eight houses of secrets Saturn blesses his Venus and sun .
giving him the luck and honours(Nobel prize and world fame) and yes keen interest in the hidden and beyond the ninth house.
There is a weak mercury but strengthens being in Kendra and energy exchange with strong Venus.
But still being lord of fourth house education Einstein had to pay the price in school.
In his d9 or Navamsha the fifth house and eight houses of secrets are rules by mercury and also ketu sitting in eight house. This gives him keen and penetrating intellect.
Mercury is a planet of maths and also science to some extent.
He also has the exceptional planet Uranus is fifth house.
Giving him exceptional ways to think- that gave him the general theory of relativity and the Nobel prize.
Great is the science if astrology to pin point matters or at least hint towards possibilities.