About this article ?
This article in great detail discusses the very interesting role of the planet Saturn or Shani Dev for Virat Kohli the IPL cricket player ;).
It shows how based on Virat Kohli’s Horoscope on how he got great discipline to be the best in cricket .
So is the role of Saturn or shani dev evaluated for Virat Kohli’s wife(spouse) Anushka Sharma.
The article further discusses the impact of Saturn transit on Virat Kohli for the coming several years for him in terms of his career , family and growth in the IPL matches at length .;)

Virat Kohli kundli & horoscope, Saturn(shani) transits to Sagittarius(dhanu rashi)–Indian cricket IPL 2017-18 predictions
Name: Mr. Virat Kohli
Date of Birth: it is Saturday, November the 05th, 1988
Place of Birth: new Delhi

the overview of Saturn or Shani dev for Virat Kohli’s Horoscope and IPL cricket game 😉 ?
The horoscope analysis and role of Saturn for Virat Kohli is given below.
we can clearly see that for Virat Kohli Saturn or shani dev is ruling the second and third house for him .
Now second house in any horoscope or kundli is for wealth status and speech .
also for Virat Kohli and third house means initiatives or self drive actions that Virat Kohli does for IPL matches and cricket game in general 😉
we note that for Virat Kohli the planet Saturn or shani dev is blessed and sitting on the ascendant or Surya Lagna . so strength and Saturn or shani dev that also markesh for Virat Kohli grows.
also we note that Saturn or shani dev is in conflict with the ninth house lord Leo or sun or surya. so Father of Virat Kohli .
It clearly indicates that his success his father may not be able to see .
also note that Saturn is almost ok .harmony with the 4th bhava(house) of the horoscope of Virat Kohli .
that means he’ll still his mother would still be able to see his success.
Jupiter or Guru rules the 4th bhava Jupiter and is just ok with Saturn.
Ruling 2/3 house of horoscope and also Saturn aspects 7th house for Virat Kohli .
so that means that thoughts and initiatives of Virat Kohli will give great boost for him also due to the third aspect of Saturn from the 2nd bhava.
That means that he will be much disciplined and will have discipline in regard to his friends as well.
Saturn aspect on moon gives him depth of thought as well.
Saturn or shani dev aspect on 4th bhava and also moon give Virat Kohli a philosophical nature as well. it gives Virat Kohli mental discipline .
we also note that Saturn aspects Venus or shukra as well.
so Saturn or shani dev gives discipline to his wife and life partner Anushka Sharma as well. 😉
we know that she was also success in the film industry so because Venus shares good energy here and suggest that his career would slow and steady grow.
Plus the planet Venus would give him popularity but that will only come by discipline ;). that Saturn has give t Virat Kohli.

What role EXACTLY and SURELY does Saturn or shani dev play in virat kohli’s horoscope(Kundli)? 😉

what roles does mars or Mangal play for virat Kohli along with Saturn and why?
Now virat kohli was born in the month of November in the sign of Scorpio or vrishchika- which is the eighth or 5th sign of the zodiac though ruled by aggressive planet mars or Mangal.
Given the numbers of anka jyotish of virat kohli ,we have eighth the month number and 8= number of Saturn or shani PLUS most important he is born on Saturday-

Is the mars and Saturn energy conjunction cause of loss of father to virat Kohli at a Younger age?
one can clearly see the discipline of the planet Saturn (shani) in his success.
There is a conflict of mars and Saturn which caused him loses his respected father early in life.

What planetary energies give great energy and zest to shots and game of Virat Kohli? Is it Saturn at the base?
In the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, In his surya kundli- Saturn or shani dev sits in his third bhava or 3rd house of initiatives and shourya courage.
so he shows disciplined courage in his shots we know, He is a great cricket captain for India and IPL.

what planets give virat Kohli quick decisions in fielding and yes batting of IPL cricket?
For the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, Saturn(shani) gives him the hard discipline to do things.
it also aspects his thinking or mind that is the fifth bhava or house and helps him in quick decisions to make them a success.

what is the role of Saturn and moon for Virat Kohli’s Horoscope and destiny?
For the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, The Saturn aspects natal moon.
It also impacts the career as moon or Chandra is career lord.
So his career or the tenth house is clearly influenced by moon and yes Saturn energies.

does ketu as well along with Saturn or shani dev play a role in quick snap decisions of Virat Kohli?
The natal ketu in his chart in the house of gains also gets energy from Saturn or shani dev giving him a clear edge over other in sudden or snap decisions.

what roles does Ketu(dragon’s tail) play along with Saturn for making Virat Kohli so rich ;)?
So given the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, Hard discipline of Saturn and ketu has made him the wealthy and king of cricket world.

Impact of Saturn or shani transit from Sagittarius to Capricorn sign in January 2020 for Virat Kohli and the IPL cricket Match?
Now looking at the at what is Saturn transit for Virat Kohli, especially after January 2020.
it is in the second house of horoscope of Virat Kohli for 3 years.
that is the years 2020 2021 and 2022 and also maybe year 2023.
Saturn or shani in the 2nd bhava will strengthen the 2nd house in transit that is wealth and status of Virat Kohli in the coming few years.
and what he says he will talk with confidence and will be a great team leader in the IPL matches ;).
also this Saturn transit for Virat Kohli in Capricorn sign or makar rashi would significantly increase the wealth and status of Virat Kohli.
sure barring the time from may 2020 to September 2020 when Saturn is retrograde it would help Virat Kohli to do great in the IPL cricket matches.;)
based on the influence of the 3rd bhava or house Virat Kohli will also connect to his siblings as well .
Virat Kohli would get good status ,but only after proper effort. Virat Kohli would get name and fame but with proper effort .
he would do great in the international cricket and IPL.
Virat Kohli’s mother may face some issues and yes he may build his house more or buy more property as fourth house of horoscope of Virat Kohli is aspect.
His sun or surya in the 11th house is also aspected by Saturn so he has to take care of the blood related or pitta problems .
we note that mercury is also there. so once again Saturn would give great grace to him(Virat Kohli). 😉

Virat should do well in his career or cricket and the IPL matches
One is bound to see more maturity in his decisions
He may have serious issues in relationships at personal or professional front.
We wish him all the best in life

How does the impact of Saturn(shani) transit in Sagittarius or dhanu(2019) rashi impact virat kohli based on SURYA kundli or horoscope?
In the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, Saturn or shani dev comes or transits in his third bhava or house where his natal Saturn is sitting.
This reinforces his natal Saturn(shani) energies – ruling his public image and thinking- so giving him a definite boost in public image.
That means he would be smashing the Indian IPL cricket matches much more easily than others in the team.
Virat Kohli’s discipline levels and judgment would be much better than what was in the year 2017- naturally leading to better results.

Saturn(shani) transit in Sagittarius or dhanu rashi impact on virat kohli for on MOON kundli or horoscope?
In the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, From his moon sign or rashi Leo(simha rashi)- Saturn crosses his fifth house or bhava.
His discipline would increase- but he has to keep his thinking as positive as Saturn is a malefic.
Due to the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, He might face issues in tosses or snap judgments in the coming year 2017 ending and 2018 as his fifth house or bhava is impacted.
Given the kundli and horoscope of Virat Kohli, He has an aspect of Saturn(shani) on his love and professional relationships with rahu in the seventh house of relationships.
As Saturn rules the sixth and seventh house of love/marriage and also vighna(opposition) 6th bhava for virat kohli.
This could cause unexpected breakages in personal and professional relationships or at least lot of dryness or strong difference of opinions or legal issues could come to fore.
Gains or money matters may have issues. He might have issues with Tax department.
We hope the best for him.