About this article?
This article in depth talks about longevity or life span in any Horoscope in terms of role of maraka planets like mars, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s Head)and ketu(dragon’s tail) & gives methods to know short, medium and Long Life
and also lords of the houses of the Horoscope or Kundli like 2nd, 7th, 3rd,6th, and 12th houses- and the role they play in defining longevity or Lifespan.
It in-depth talks about Saturn or Shani role for being the ayushkaraka for any Horoscope or Kundli, how it impacts Longevity or life span is discussed.
The energy balance much needed for Longevity and Life span judgment of the Kendra’s like 1,4th,7th and 10th bhava or houses of any horoscope or Kundli.
Is also discussed for various examples to clarify on how it impacts longevity or life span.
It then evaluates longevity or Lifespan based on a unique system of Jaimini astrology for your benefit.
as illustrative PRACTICAL examples for better grasp on the principles the horoscope or Kundli of Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji, Sri Sanjay Gandhi ji, smt. Indira Gandhi ji .
also Horoscope or Kundli of Adolf Hitler are taken as sample examples to digest the theory of longevity well : )

What are the life giving(Longevity giving) houses or bhavas in any kundli or horoscope (birth chart)?
That is the life-giving bhavas or houses are the eighth house of Horoscope, so eighth from the same is the third bhava or house, so this should be life giving.
Now the twelfth form any house is diminishing the energies of that house.
So twelfth from eighth is seventh bhava or house and twelfth from third is the second bhava, though with lesser significance- but this is there.

What are the major and minor marakas?
In any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),The Dhana bhava or second house lord is a powerful maraka and so is the seventh bhava lord of any Horoscope or Kundli.
Or any malefic here become marakas or any yuti or conjunction with the lord of the second or seventh house becomes a natural maraka.
The major or minors sub periods or dasha will bring in death or death like pain. All would depend on the life span of the person that is full (purnaya), medium (Madhya ayu) or short life span.

The role of eighth house and twelfth house lords of any Horoscope or Kundli and malefic and distress or death:
In any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),The dasha or a benefic planet (like Venus(shukra)/Jupiter(guru) or mercury(budha)) with twelfth bhava or the twelfth house may also cause either hospitalization or even .
So could the dasha of the eighth bhava or house lord planet happen the same effects could be there.
The lesser probability Is for planets that are natural malefic like Saturn(Shani), mars(Mangal) or rahu or ketu.

What is The role of Saturn or Shani in any Horoscope or Kundli for longevity or Life span?
For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),The planet Saturn or Shani becomes a high-class killer if it is not strongly placed and connected to maraka planet or graha.

What are the life span ranges in any Horoscope or Kundli based on Vedic astrology or jyotish?
There are three kinds of lifespan or longevity of any person that is the short, medium, and long lifespan.
Short life is less than 32 years, later on up to the age of 64 this is medium life and from the age of 64 to 100 it is long life. More than 100 the longevity or life span is called supreme.

Why should the longevity or Lifespan of the child not judged till age of 20 years?
Till the age of 20, the longevity or lifespan is undecided. There should be protection by mantra incantations/donation s and offerings to fire GOD as per the Vedas to prevent issues in life span.
Also Ayurveda and medicine has to be used. There could be issues to the child due to sins of mother and father and also his or her own in the past life.

What are the harmful life periods of various nakshatras?
If someone is born with a short life span, he or she could have death like issues in the dasha or planetary periods of a vipat star or the third star or nakshatra from the birth nakshatra
Also one with a medium life span could have death like issues in the dasha or planetary period of the pratyak star or the 5th star or nakshatra for the birth star.
In the dasha of the vadh star or nakshatra the 7th from the birth star one may leave for the heavenly abode
The dasha of the 22nd drekkana or decanate or the 23 or 3 or the 5th/7th nakshatras or asterism could cause demise of the person.
The lord of 2/12 counted form the rashi or the moon sign could be cause of demise.
This is true when moon or Chandra is a malefic planet. If moon is a benefic then there is diseases and not death as such.

How do the Dasha’s or planetary periods of sixth/eighth and twelfth house lords affect you?
The leaving of this world could happen when In any kundli or horoscope(birth chart), dasha or planetary periods of the sixth house or ari’s lord and sub period of the sixth bhava or house lord or the eighth house lord(Randhr bhava) or the twelfth house lord( Vyaya bhava) and sixth bhava or house lord runs.
If there are marakas or the killer planets, if these marakas have strength then there could be diseases, poverty and miseries etc in major or minor sub periods or dasha. Death or difficulties could be there.

What is the role of rahu(dragon’s head or North Node) and ketu(dragon’s Tail or south Node) as marakas?
How are rahu and ketu as marakas or death inflicting planets? Given any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),rahu or ketu is sitting or placed in tanu bhava or first house or Yuvati bhava or the seventh house or the Randhr bhava or the eighth house.
or the vayay bhava of the twelfth house or it is in the markesh that is the seventh bhava from a maraka lord or is placed with such markesh planet.
the planet rahu(dragon’s head or North node) and ketu(dragon’s Tail or south Node) acquire the killing power in the dasha or pratyantar dasha periods or main or sub periods.

What is the role of rahu(Dragon’s head or North Node) and ketu(dragon’s Tail or south Node) if your lagna or ascendant is Capricorn(makar rashi) or Vrishchika rashi or Scorpio?
In any kundli or horoscope(birth chart), one is born in makara or Capricorn lagna or ascendant or in Vrishchika lagna that is Scorpio sign , rahu becomes a maraka .
If rahu is in the ari bhava or the sixth house, Randhr bhava or the eighth house or the Vyaya bhava or the twelfth house.
There would be difficulties in this dasha But if rahu receives a Drishti or an aspect r a benefic, then the above problems would not be there.

Prediction of Longevity or Lifespan based on Jaimini system of predictions?
How is Longevity determined in Jaimini system
now we look at longevity based on the Jaimini system of Vedic astrology.
now as per Parashar astrology also Sri jaimini rishi states that the longevity is primarily judged by the lagna and also the 8th house lord in any horoscope.
also the 3rd bhava or the secondary markesh is also taken into consideration.

What is Long Life or deerghayu or Lifespan (Longevity) based on Horoscope or Kundli?
so when the 1st and 8th Lord is movable signs e then the longevity is high.
also when one(lagna or 8th house lord) is in a fixed sign and other is in a common sign then also there is very good and long life and longevity . : )
the chara signs are Aries, cancer, Libra, and Capricorn that is mesha Rashi, karkat rashi , Tula and Makar Rashi.
The fixed signs are the still signs that is taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius so that is in Hindi rashi Vrishabha ,Simha Rashi, Vrischika Rashi and Kumbha Rashi.
also dvishbhava or dual signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces and that is mithuna Rashi,dhanu Rashi and Meena Rashi.

what is Medium Life or Madhya ayu based on Horoscope or Kundli?
now further we look at when the first and eighth house Lords one is Cardinal sign and the other is a fixed sign the longevity given to the person is medium life or madhyayu

What is short Life or alpayu based on Horoscope or Kundli?
but if first and 8th both are in fixed signs and when one is a Cardinal sign and other is common sign the life is not long or alpayu.

PRACTICAL applications to Longevity and Lifespan on various celebrity horoscopes and kundlis

Sanjay Gandhi Horoscope or kundli analysis for longevity and kind of departure from world:

Name: Sanjay Gandhi
Date of Birth: Saturday, December 14, 1946
Time of Birth: 09:27:00
Place of Birth: Delhi
Longitude: 77 E 13
Latitude: 28 N 39
Time Zone: 5.5
In the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart for Sanjay Gandhi ji), If one notes Sri Sanjay Gandhi’s horoscope- his third bhava has an aspect from the eighth lord sun which is conjunct with ketu in the eleventh bhava.
So as it is said kujvate ketu or like mars ketu is there, the aspect form the aggressive malefic eleventh bhava suggest gets killed in an accident and also fire as sun is involved.
Aircrafts or aeroplanes burn into fire after crash we know.
For the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart for Sanjay Gandhi ji), There is mercury as well that rules the sixth house and also the ninth house.
this gives some protection- but adds fuel to the fire and suggest air explosions or accidents.
Also note that that natural malefic Saturn is the markesh for him and aspects the third bhava, now Saturn rules metals.
Also aeroplane or aircraft is made-up of metals.

Indira Gandhi Horoscope or kundli analysis for longevity and kind of departure from world:

Name: Indira Gandhi
Date of Birth: Monday, November 19, 1917
Time of Birth: 23:11:00
Place of Birth: Allahabad
Longitude: 81 E 50
Latitude: 25 N 57
Time Zone: 5.5
In the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart for smt. Indira Gandhi ji), The third bhava or house lord is mercury , it is with planet sun the markesh form lagan or ascendant for her.
The eighth bhava lord house lord is Saturn or Shani that sits in the Kendra and aspects long terms relationships(The guards were with her for a while).
For the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart for smt. Indira Gandhi ji), There is an aspect of mars or Mangal on the eighth bhava , mars is sitting in the second bhava of markesh.
Now the common point in mars/sun and Saturn is arms/metal- something cutting- so unfortunately she was shot dead.

Rajiv Gandhi Horoscope or kundali analysis for longevity and kind of departure from world:

Name: Rajiv Gandhi
Date of Birth: Sunday, August 20, 1944
Time of Birth: 09:53:40
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Longitude: 72 E 50
Latitude: 18 N 58
Time Zone: 5.5
The third bhava or house lord is mars sitting in the first bhava or ascendant.
So is the eighth bhava lord mars or Mangal.
For the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart for Rajiv Gandhi ji), There is a malefic aspect of ketu in Saturn sign on the mars or mangal.
Saturn or Shani is a natural killer.
So explosion is indicated as mars is in the third and eighth house both, so lord of fire energy.

Adolf Hitler Horoscope or kundli analysis for longevity and kind of departure from world:

Name: Adolf Hitler
Date of Birth: Saturday, April 20, 1889
Time of Birth: 18:30:00
Place of Birth: Braunau
Longitude: 13 E 4
Latitude: 48 N 15
Time Zone: 2.0
In the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart for Adolf Hitler), For Adolf Hitler’s horoscope the third lord of self is ruled by mars and so is the eighth house ruled by mars.
both are in the eighth bhava or house- so indicating a possibility of suicide by force or aggression.
Aspect of mars or Mangal on the third bhava of Hitler confirms the same.
The mars connects to the self or lagna or the ascendant that means killing of self-mercury in the eighth bhava.
In the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart for Adolf Hitler), Sun(surya) the lord of twelfth and foreign lands is here- so this happen in foreign lands when fighting the Russian army.
Venus the markesh for him /Hitler is also there in the eighth bhava. One has to note that he got killed in Venus sub period his markesh and in the eighth bhava along with his lover Eva Braun Venus and ninth bhava lordship of Venus).

So one can clearly see how the classical Vedic astrology principles can be applied to real life problems or matters with success or departure from the world.