What is this article about?
D24 or chaturvimshamsha- is the measure of happiness and property or happiness through property and also mother for any one :). This article talks in depth about the divisions of the d24 or chaturvimshamsha chart and the deities ruling the same. It then applies the same to examples like Mukesh Ambani .
basic introduction about chaturvimshamsha- or d24 chart of Horoscope
The d24 chart or the chaturvimshamsha stands for happiness of all kinds 🙂 for the person. It is very simplistically created by say dividing every sign into 24 divisions.
The d24 or chaturvimshamsha- applies to overall fate and destiny and wealth of all kinds and happiness for any person. It says applies to all the wealth like wealth of knowledge. so also the D24 division or chaturthvimshamsha applies to change of Residence and transfers and also education , learning and vidya.

What is The chaturvimshamsha Horoscope or Varga birth Chart?
In Vedic astrology, the Chaturvimshamsha chart, also called the D24 chart, is a divisional chart that is essential to comprehending an individual’s aspirations in life, mental faculties, and spiritual development. Because the Vedas are the source of limitless knowledge, the term of vidya, or learning, is much broader there. Thus, at that time, learning included not only music but also mathematics, yogic practices, ayurveda, and many other subjects.
Therefore, we once more had the knowledge system of science of administration, the fine arts, such as construction, commerce or handling money, medicine, and once more kheti or agriculture.
The most fundamental is Atma-vidyA, or the understanding of the soul or spiritual quest.
Thus, the fourteen divisions of Vidya, or learning’s, are as follows: the four Vedas, the six Vedanta’s, the Puranas, and the Mimansa. Nya1ya, along with the four Upa-vedas, Dharma, or law.
Thus, this divide aids in the identification of learning.
Each zodiac sign is divided into 24 parts on the D24 chart, with a duration of one degree and fifteen minutes for each component.
It is principally concerned with the field of higher education, the acquisition of wisdom, and the true body of information.
It also provides insights on an individual’s potential academic performance, intellectual interests, and spiritual growth.
Key Areas Governed by the Chaturvimshamsha (D24) Chart:
Education and Learning:
The primary purpose of the D24 chart is to evaluate the calibre and scope of an individual’s educational background.
It demonstrates a person’s aptitude for success in a variety of academic subjects, such as engineering, the arts, literature, etc. As previously said, they will also be pursuing technical, philosophical, or creative knowledge, depending on the nature of their higher education.
The potency of auspicious planets such as Mercury, Jupiter, and the lords of the 5th and 9th houses in the D24 chart is significant in predicting success in research, higher education, and intellectual pursuits. Given that these houses address education
Intellectual Abilities:
Understanding one’s mental capacity, analytical talents, and recall strength is made easier with the aid of this D24 chart.
Any individual with a strong aptitude for thought and analysis can be indicated by a well-positioned Mercury or Jupiter in the D24 chart.
The Moon’s location in this chart also has a significant impact on how well someone can absorb and remember knowledge.
Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom:
The D24 chart indicates spiritual tendencies and the quest for wisdom in addition to intellectual pursuits.
It is crucial for understanding spiritual development because it evaluates one’s capacity for comprehending more complex philosophical and metaphysical ideas.
Given that Jupiter rules wisdom and advanced learning, its placement in the D24 chart is especially important for spiritual knowledge and comprehension. Therefore, if Jupiter is strong and in Pisces in D24, it indicates that the person has excellent writing and contemplative talents.
Important Houses in the D24 Chart:
The fifth house is a symbol for intellect, aptitude for learning, and creative knowledge. Venus and Jupiter’s planets provide natural creativity. however, the lords of these houses especially provide creativity.
In the D24 chart, a robust 5th house denotes a keen mind and a propensity for intellectual or artistic endeavors.
9th House: Oversees wisdom, spiritual understanding, and advanced degrees like as Ph.D., M.Tech, or MCA.
A strong preference for philosophical or religious studies and achievement in higher education are indicated by a well-placed 9th house lord.
Fourth House: reflects early learning experiences and basic knowledge, such as gardening, etc.
A robust fourth house suggests a solid academic foundation and a supportive atmosphere that encourages education.
Planetary Influences in the D24 Chart:
Jupiter: Jupiter is the planet of greater knowledge and wisdom, and its position in the D24 chart is essential for both spiritual comprehension and scholastic accomplishment. A strong Jupiter in a sign such as Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer, or even in the 5th, 4th, or 9th house could provide the individual with excellent wisdom and understanding.
A well-positioned Jupiter denotes a desire for learning about ethics, spiritual growth, and wisdom.
Mercury: The sign that rules intelligence, speech, and critical thought.
Mercury’s location on the D24 chart indicates a person’s capacity for rapid and efficient information processing, effective communication, and achievement in logical or technical subjects.
Moon: The intellect and memory are represented by the moon.
A powerful Moon in the D24 chart facilitates emotional intelligence and learning retention, which makes it simpler to achieve academic success.
A crucial instrument for evaluating a person’s capacity for learning in all its forms, intellectual accomplishments, and spiritual development is the Chaturvimshamsha (D24) chart.
It offers a more profound comprehension of the ways in which knowledge will be acquired, interpreted, and applied throughout one’s life.
Astrologers can learn about a person’s educational background, chances of success in the classroom, and philosophical and spiritual understanding by examining this chart.
One can forecast a person’s intellectual and spiritual journey path by examining the D24 chart’s important houses, planetary positions, and influences.

What is The chaturvimshamsha- Horoscope or Varga birth Chart & How to Calculate It?
To calculate the Chaturvimshamsha (D24) chart in Vedic astrology, you need to divide each sign of the zodiac into 24 equal parts, with each division representing 1 degree and 15 minutes of the zodiac sign.
This divisional chart is specifically used to analyze aspects related to education, intellect, and wisdom.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the D24 chart:
Step 1: Identify the Degree of the Planet in the Main Birth Chart (D1)
First, find the exact degrees and minutes of each planet in the Rashi chart (D1 or birth chart).
This includes the Lagna (Ascendant), Sun, Moon, and all other planets.
The placement of planets in the main chart is essential for calculating the Chaturvimshamsha chart.
For example:
Suppose the Sun is at 5 degrees 45 minutes in Gemini.
Step 2: Divide the Zodiac Signs into 24 Equal Parts
Each zodiac sign (30 degrees) is divided into 24 equal parts, so each part is 1 degree and 15 minutes long.
The 24 divisions are linked to the 12 zodiac signs in a repeating cycle.
This means that for every 1 degree 15 minutes a planet moves, it enters a different division, which is then assigned to a specific sign.
Step 3: Assign the Planet to the Corresponding Sign in D24
The sign in which the planet will fall in the Chaturvimshamsha (D24) chart is determined by its position in the Rashi chart.
The degree position of a planet in the D1 chart helps you map it to one of the 24 divisions in the D24 chart.
Summary of D24 Calculation Steps:
Get the exact degrees and minutes of planets from the Rashi chart (D1).
Divide each zodiac sign into 24 equal parts (each 1 degree 15 minutes).
Use the position of the planet in the Rashi chart to find its corresponding sign in the D24 chart.
Repeat the process for all planets and the Ascendant.

What are The divisions of chaturvimshamsha- Horoscope or Varga birth Chart & How to Calculate It?
The Chaturvimshamsha distribution commences from Simha and Karkata, respectively, for an odd and an even Rashi.
In the case of an odd Rashi the ruling deities repeat twice in the order of
and Bhima.
so for odd sign above sequence repeats again right to skanda
for even sign the series above goes back from Bhima, Madan and then skanda etc.
to know the deities for the Chaturvimshamsha in an even Rashi.
1. Skanda (Kartikeya):
Skanda, also known as Kartikeya or Murugan, is the warrior god in Vedic tradition, symbolizing strength, courage, and discipline.
In Vedic astrology, his influence suggests a strategic, disciplined approach to life’s challenges, particularly in learning and education. So if the 4th house d1 lord of 5th house lord is here. it suggests more focused and strategic learning’s.
Skanda’s energy is one of battle and victory, implying that individuals under his influence possess leadership qualities and the ability to overcome obstacles.
When applied to education, Skanda can guide individuals toward learning that requires discipline, focus, and perseverance, such as military sciences, management, or sports.
In the Chaturvimshamsha (D24) chart, which governs education and wisdom, Skanda’s influence brings the ability to tackle difficult subjects with resilience.
Those influenced by Skanda are likely to be competitive and motivated, constantly striving to be the best.
They can excel in fields where quick decision-making, strategic thinking, and courage are essential.
Moreover, Skanda’s connection to spiritual warfare (the battle between good and evil) indicates that these individuals may also have an inclination toward spiritual studies that involve discipline, ethics, and righteousness.
2. Parusdhara (The Sword Bearer):
If the 4th house lord or 5th house lord is in this division, it clearly means the person in education could have high clarity and authority in the subject. if it is in the 9th house lord means the same applies to higher education as well,.
Parusdhara, literally meaning “the sword-bearer,” symbolizes authority, protection, and the ability to cut through confusion or challenges.
In the context of education and wisdom, Parusdhara represents intellectual sharpness and mental clarity.
Individuals under this influence are likely to possess a keen intellect and a no-nonsense approach to learning.
They are decisive, focused, and able to break through barriers that may impede others.
Parusdhara’s influence would be especially beneficial in fields requiring logical thinking and analysis, such as law, administration, or science.
The sword, in this context, is symbolic of both protection and destruction, reflecting the ability to protect knowledge and truth while cutting through ignorance and falsehoods.
Those guided by Parusdhara may also have a sense of responsibility in guarding ethical values in education and knowledge.
They are not just learners but also protectors of knowledge, striving to uphold truth and justice in their intellectual pursuits.
Their educational journey may involve tough decisions and responsibilities, but their clarity of thought helps them navigate these challenges with ease.
3. Anala (Fire):
Anala, associated with the element of fire (Agni), represents energy, transformation, and purification.
Fire is a symbol of passion and drive, and in the realm of education, it reflects a burning desire for knowledge and a transformative approach to learning.
This is the division in case of great achievers like Einstein or top mathematicians etc. They have a strong drive to be at the top or learn the maximum.
Individuals influenced by Anala have a relentless drive to succeed in their intellectual pursuits, often going through intense periods of learning that result in personal transformation.
This energy can lead to breakthroughs in understanding complex subjects, especially in areas like science, technology, or creative fields, where innovation is key.
The fiery nature of Anala also points to the ability to destroy ignorance and illuminate the path of wisdom.
In the D24 chart, Anala suggests that learning is not a passive activity but an active process that involves trial, error, and ultimately, mastery.
It’s more of a hands-on approach of not simply bookish learning, but learning and then failing and then again learning the same. so more of a rigorous approach to learn things.
These individuals may face obstacles in their educational journey, but their passion and inner fire propel them forward, often leading to significant achievements in their chosen fields.
Their transformative approach to learning can also inspire others, making them natural teachers or leaders in their area of expertise.
4. Vishwakarma (The Divine Architect):
Vishwakarma is the celestial architect, representing creation, craftsmanship, and the practical application of knowledge.
In Vedic tradition, Vishwakarma is known for designing the gods’ palaces and crafting their weapons, symbolizing creativity and technical skill.
so one could find the great sculptors and creative artists n this arena, where high levels of creativity are needed. so also engineering and design work as large as dam etc or building etc fall in this category.
In the D24 chart, Vishwakarma’s influence points to education and wisdom related to architecture, engineering, and any field that involves the practical implementation of knowledge.
Those under this influence are likely to be highly skilled in hands-on professions where creativity and precision are essential.
Vishwakarma’s energy encourages the building and manifestation of ideas into physical form.
Individuals guided by this deity are excellent at taking abstract concepts and turning them into tangible results.
They are often drawn to fields like design, construction, engineering, or other technical professions where their craftsmanship can shine.
In their educational journey, they may prefer practical, skill-based learning and excel in environments that allow them to create or innovate.
Vishwakarma also symbolizes hard work, suggesting that success comes through dedication and attention to detail.
5. Bhaga (God of Fortune):
Bhaga is one of the Adityas, representing prosperity, wealth, and good fortune.
In the realm of education and wisdom, Bhaga’s influence brings opportunities for learning that lead to material success and social status.
Certain applied knowledge like MBA finance could give great money earnings, but an abstract subject like pure math’s may not. all this is figured out if the planet is in this division.
Those under Bhaga’s guidance are likely to experience good luck in their academic pursuits, often finding themselves in the right place at the right time.
Bhaga’s energy is favorable for those looking to combine intellectual growth with material gain, making him an ideal influence for those pursuing careers in business, finance, or administration.
In the D24 chart, Bhaga’s presence signifies not only educational success but also the ability to attract wealth and opportunities through knowledge.
As we know someone graduates in chemistry but gets involved in world history or so. so his or her learning’s do not align with what he is doing now. It might be more orthogonal many times. all this is looked basis of this division. If education related planets are in this division one gets the in line opportunities and success in the learned subject.
These individuals may benefit from scholarships, mentors, or advantageous connections that help them further their education.
Bhaga’s influence also ensures that knowledge is applied practically to improve one’s life and the lives of others.
These individuals may excel in fields where intellectual prowess translates into tangible rewards, such as economics, management, or entrepreneurship.
6. Mitra (The Friend or Ally):
Mitra, another Aditya, is the god of friendship, alliances, and harmony.
In the context of education, Mitra’s influence fosters collaboration, teamwork, and the ability to form strong, supportive relationships with teachers, peers, and mentors.
Some people work in cooperation and some work in isolation like scientists. So this division suggest the energies which support the team work.
Individuals influenced by Mitra excel in cooperative learning environments where mutual respect and shared goals are key.
They may thrive in group projects or collaborative research, where the exchange of ideas leads to collective growth and achievement.
Mitra’s energy also promotes diplomacy and tact in intellectual pursuits.
Those guided by Mitra are likely to be charming, friendly, and able to navigate social dynamics with ease, making them successful in careers where networking and partnerships are essential.
So also this division gives one the tact an diplomacy as well to survive in a group.
In the D24 chart, Mitra’s influence suggests success through social connections and alliances, whether in academia, business, or politics.
These individuals may find that their ability to form beneficial relationships greatly enhances their educational and career opportunities.
7. Maya (Illusion or Magic):
Maya represents illusion, magic, and the power to create and dissolve realities.
In education, Maya’s influence suggests a fascination with abstract, mystical, or metaphysical subjects.
Those guided by Maya may be drawn to fields like philosophy, psychology, or the occult, where they explore the boundaries between reality and illusion.
Maya’s influence can make these individuals highly imaginative and creative, but also prone to getting lost in abstract concepts if not balanced with practical grounding.
In the D24 chart, Maya’s energy can lead to deep intellectual exploration, but it may also indicate challenges in distinguishing between fact and fiction.
Individuals under Maya’s influence need to develop clarity and focus in their studies to avoid being overwhelmed by illusions or distractions.
However, Maya also grants the power of transformation and manifestation, allowing these individuals to excel in fields that require visionary thinking or creative problem-solving.
When harnessed positively, Maya’s influence can lead to groundbreaking discoveries in fields that explore the unknown.
8. Antaka (God of Death and Transformation):
Antaka, or Yama, the god of death, governs transformation, endings, and the transition from one state to another.
In the context of education, Antaka’s influence brings transformative learning experiences that often involve deep, inner change.
The metaphysics is dealt with 12th house in horoscope and especially this division. in theory 8th house could also be thought as it. so planets here could mean on is drawn towards meta physics or beyond normal life. Yoga and psychology also fall in this perspective.
Individuals under this influence may go through periods of intellectual or spiritual death and rebirth, where old beliefs or knowledge systems are replaced with new, more profound understandings.
These individuals may be drawn to studies related to death, transformation, psychology, or metaphysics.
Antaka’s energy can bring intense learning experiences that require the individual to confront difficult truths or challenges.
In the D24 chart, Antaka indicates that education is not just about acquiring knowledge but about transforming one’s entire worldview.
This transformative process may be difficult, but it ultimately leads to wisdom and personal growth.
Antaka’s influence is especially strong in fields that deal with life’s mysteries, such as medicine, healing, or spiritual counseling.
9.ha-Dwaja refers to the bull banner, a symbol of strength, fertility, and prosperity associated with Lord Shiva.
In education, this influence suggests resilience, determination, and the ability to push through obstacles.
Individuals under this influence are likely to have a strong will and an unyielding approach to their intellectual pursuits.
This kind of approach one need to manage tough management challenges in life. so even if one face obstacles one is able to solve matters.
They may face challenges, but their determination allows them to overcome these obstacles and achieve success through persistence.
In the D24 chart, Vrisha-Dwaja’s influence indicates steady progress in education and wisdom.
These individuals may not be the fastest learners, but their perseverance ensures long-term success.
They are likely to excel in fields that require consistent effort and dedication, such as agriculture, engineering, or any profession that involves building or sustaining life.
Vrisha-Dwaja’s energy also promotes fertility of the mind, suggesting that these individuals are capable of generating new ideas and bringing them to fruition through hard work.
10. Govinda (Protector of Cows, Krishna):
Govinda is an epithet of Lord Krishna, representing protection, compassion, and the ability to guide and nurture others.
In the context of education, Govinda’s influence suggests learning through service, devotion, and the protection of others.
Individuals under Govinda’s guidance are likely to excel in fields related to care giving, teaching, or social work, where their knowledge is used to uplift and protect others.
They may also be drawn to spiritual or religious studies, particularly those involving devotion and service.
In the D24 chart, Govinda’s influence indicates a compassionate approach to learning and teaching.
These individuals may find fulfillment in helping others grow intellectually or spiritually, often taking on the role of mentor or guide.
Govinda’s energy also promotes balance and harmony in education, suggesting that success comes through patience, kindness, and a focus on the greater good.
Fields related to education, counseling, or spiritual leadership are well-suited for those under Govinda’s influence.
11. Madana (God of Love):
Madana, also known as Kamadeva, is the god of love and desire.
In the realm of education, Madana’s influence suggests a love for learning and a desire to pursue subjects that bring joy and pleasure.
Individuals under this influence may be drawn to creative or artistic fields, where their passion and enthusiasm for beauty and aesthetics drive their intellectual pursuits.
Planets in this division help in success in creative fields. Like cinema and movies or even arts. It also applies to creativity in science world.
Madana’s energy brings a sense of charm and attraction, making these individuals popular in academic or social settings.
In the D24 chart, Madana’s influence indicates a deep passion for knowledge, particularly in areas related to the arts, literature, or humanities.
These individuals may also be drawn to studies related to relationships, psychology, or human behavior, where understanding desire and attraction is key.
Madana’s energy can make learning enjoyable and fulfilling, but there is also a risk of distraction or indulgence.
Balancing desire with discipline is essential for achieving long-term success under Madana’s influence.
12.Bhima (The Terrifying One):
Bhima, one of the Pandava brothers in the Mahabharata, represents immense strength, courage, and an indomitable will.
In the context of education, Bhima’s influence suggests a fierce approach to learning, where obstacles are met with brute force and determination.
BHima as the name suggests that this is needed in tough and challenging work or education. tough and challenges we find in manual work or armed services and so also sports and other matters.
Individuals under Bhima’s guidance are likely to be bold, unafraid of challenges, and willing to fight for their intellectual goals.
They may excel in fields that require physical strength, such as sports, military training, or competitive professions.
In the D24 chart, Bhima’s influence indicates that education is a battlefield where success comes through strength and perseverance.
These individuals may face significant challenges in their learning journey, but their courage and determination ensure that they will ultimately triumph.
Bhima’s energy also suggests a focus on justice and righteousness, making these individuals drawn to fields where they can defend others or uphold moral values.
While their approach to learning may be aggressive, it is also deeply principled, driven by a desire to protect and serve.

What do the various House of your D4 chart mean?
The Chaturthamsha or D24 chart in Vedic astrology is a divisional chart that offers deep insights into an individual’s education, intellect, wisdom, and even spiritual knowledge.
It is used to assess the quality of education, success in academic pursuits, and the individual’s overall intellectual and spiritual development.
Each house in the D24 chart holds special significance in these areas, providing astrologers with detailed insights into a person’s learning potential.
Here is a detailed look at the significance of the 12 houses in the Chaturthamsha (D24) chart:
various houses of the d24 or chaturvimshamsha-chart or horoscope.
first house suggests how the use of wealth and fulfillment of desires is there and the wealth accumulation for happiness happens.
The 1st house in the D24 chart represents the individual’s inherent intelligence, approach to education, and overall attitude toward learning.
A strong ascendant in the D24 chart indicates a natural inclination toward intellectual pursuits, a strong sense of purpose in education, and a proactive attitude toward acquiring knowledge.
As we know many people learn easily or are good learners. some do not want learn or are bad learners. all this is reflected here in this house.
If the 1st house is well-aspected, it shows confidence in learning, a sharp mind, and the ability to succeed in academics.
second house suggests the overall capacity of the person to get happiness from wealth. also kind of habits one acquires from wealth.
The 2nd house in the D24 chart governs early education, primary learning, speech, and communication skills.
It also relates to how one absorbs foundational knowledge and develops their basic learning abilities.
A strong 2nd house indicates success in primary education, good communication skills, and a solid foundation for future academic pursuits.
Third house Is the courage in earning wealth. It shows if strong good courage that one has to determine the happiness from wealth.
The 3rd house represents courage, effort, and perseverance in learning.
It shows how much initiative and determination an individual puts into their education.
A strong 3rd house in the D24 chart indicates a self-motivated learner who is willing to put in hard work and consistently make efforts to succeed.
People like bill gates could have this 3rd house strong as they have learnt all by their own efforts. Not by any college degree etc.
It also indicates success in subjects that require creativity and hands-on learning, like writing, journalism, and technical skills.
Fourth house show fixed assets like house or home and also liquid assets plus cars/vehicles. Plus the sense of happiness and contentment for the person.
The 4th house is the house of formal education, representing the nurturing environment in which one learns, the academic support one receives from home, and emotional satisfaction derived from education.
It also shows one’s comfort and emotional connection with learning.
A well-placed 4th house signifies success in higher education and academic support from family or mentors.
5th house represents connection with the Poorva Punya in regard to happiness and father in regard to long lasting assets
The 5th house governs intelligence, creativity, and how one expresses their intellect.
In the D24 chart, it is especially important for evaluating one’s capacity to learn and excel in creative or intellectually stimulating subjects.
Good creativity as we know is needed in physic, mathematics , arts and literature and also music. This house deals with all the same.
A strong 5th house in the D24 chart reflects high intelligence, creative problem-solving skills, and an ability to excel in areas requiring deep thought, such as philosophy, mathematics, or the arts.
6th House is for losses due to the enemy or changes in wealth
The 6th house in the D24 chart represents obstacles, competition, and challenges in education.
It indicates the hurdles a person might face in their academic journey, such as delays, struggles with specific subjects, or health issues that impact learning.
If the 6th house is strong, it shows that the person has the ability to overcome academic difficulties through persistence and hard work.
7th house basically suggests perception about your wealth by people around and how much they accept the same. The outward image as well .Image or perception of your wealth by others.
The 7th house governs partnerships, connections, collaborations, and mentorship in learning.
It indicates the role of teachers, or the mentors, or study partners in an individual’s educational journey. Like many times we learn from our team mates or say mentors within a class or college etc.
A well-placed 7th house in the D24 chart suggests that the person will benefit greatly from guidance, whether from teachers, mentors, or academic advisors.
It can also point to success in subjects that require collaboration or teamwork. a lot of subjects that need to be learnt need more of team work.
Eighth house This being a house of losses so suggest losses of permanent nature.
The 8th house is the house of research, hidden knowledge, and deep investigation. so as the 8th sign Scorpio is.
In the D24 chart, it shows the ability to study esoteric subjects or engage in deep research, making it crucial for those pursuing careers in medicine, psychology, or the occult sciences. so this house should be string for tantriks , research scholars and astrologers.
A strong 8th house reflects success in investigative studies and an inclination toward unraveling complex subjects. as 8th house means toughness and complexity and obstacles as well.
Ninth House how much one contributes to religion or Dharma . because this is a connection between 9th house & the D4 chart. that is the donations and charity.
The 9th house in the D24 chart represents higher education, spiritual wisdom, philosophical learning, and long-distance educational opportunities (such as studying abroad). 9th house is general for both education and travel.
A well-placed 9th house indicates academic success in higher learning, particularly in subjects related to religion, philosophy, law, or ethics.
It also shows an individual’s inclination toward spiritual or philosophical studies.
10th House
The 10th house governs one’s professional achievements related to education and learning.
It shows how academic success translates into career opportunities. Many times we know we study a lot or may do a PhD but not get Jobs or proper jobs.:(
A strong 10th house in the D24 chart indicates recognition in academic fields, success in careers related to teaching, research, or other intellectual professions.
It reflects how education influences the person’s status in society.
11th house is gains of by friends and also goodwill assets.
The 11th house represents gains, achievements, and fulfillment of desires through education.
It also indicates the social aspect of learning, such as group studies or academic networks. As the 11th house is generally friends and well wishers house.
A strong 11th house in the D24 chart shows that the person will gain wealth, recognition, or fulfillment through their academic endeavors. As the gains are assured
It may also indicate the successful completion of degrees or academic awards.
12th House about wasting of the money and end of happiness .causes of spending or expenditure . also spending on sex or lust matters
The 12th house represents isolation, introspection, and spiritual learning.
In the D24 chart, it may show a person’s interest in subjects related to spirituality, meditation, or secluded learning environments.
A strong 12th house can indicate success in studies that require solitude, such as philosophy, meditation, or research in quiet, isolated settings.
However, a weak 12th house may indicate challenges related to motivation or distractions in learning.
In the Chaturthamsha (D24) chart, each house provides important insights into different aspects of education and intellectual development.
By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of these houses, astrologers can determine the individual’s educational strengths, potential challenges, and the path they will take in acquiring knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth.

What gives Mukesh Ambani opulence vehicles palatial house based on chaturvimshamsha or the d4 divisional chart ?
The 4th house Lord of Mukesh Ambani is ruled by Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi. it is sitting in Lagna or ascendant for him. Now Saturn is strong and great. But as Saturn or shani is sitting the Scorpio sign(vrishchika rashi) and is not that comfortable there .so it is agitated . It suggests issues and agitation in family and conveyances despite opulence and money etc . also note that mars or Mangal aspects Saturn or shani dev from 7th house for Mukesh Ambani.
what is happening in the D4 or Chaturthamsa chart(horoscope/Kundli) for Mukesh Ambani?

now Lagna of horoscope or kundali of the D4 chart(Chaturthamsa) again is Scorpio sign. which is very interesting and as mars or Mangal rules the same it suggest Mukesh Ambani would have great gains from landed property or anything to do with fire.:) so we should not forget reliance energy projects :).all this could would be greatly beneficial for Mukesh Ambani. also a strong enough presence of Jupiter gives great assets for Mukesh Ambani . Mukesh Ambani has a palatial house in Mumbai.
As we shared earlier the planet Jupiter or Guru sits in the 7th house with Saturn(shani dev) that could make him very happy and peaceful in general. due good placement of Jupiter or Guru and Jupiter sitting in the 7th house in the horoscope. so that means people will accept Mukesh Ambani’s wealth very easily. Also note Jupiter is close to 4th house lord Saturn .so that is his public image is good. Good for Mukesh Ambani’s property. Over all this combination suggest greater property for Mukesh. all is 100% true.
moon or Chandra is in the Pisces sign(Meena rashi) so that is very good for Mukesh Ambani that means that he will have great peace of mind to him and he will have spiritual inclinations as well. good for his mother and makes Mukesh Ambani’s mother long lived.
also note that Saturn)shani dev) is for masses and Saturn is relatively well placed in the deep d4 or chaturvimshamsha chart of Mukesh Ambani. so he will have a good appeal to the masses which is very true for him and also gives him great friends.
In the horoscope of Mukesh Ambani(d4 or chaturvimshamsha ) mercury or budha is also fairly well placed and it is with Ketu(dragon’s Tail) in 3rd house .so that suggests that Mukesh Ambani would have great education in fact he could have very specialized or niche education as well . Jupiter is the Lord of the second house sitting in the 7th house so suggest that will make great money by connection with people .the Lord of 11th house Mercury is sitting in the 3rd house with Ketu.
So by own initiative Mukesh Ambani will create great wealth. The 10th lord is Leo or simha rashi ruled by Sun in the d4 or Chaturthamsa Horoscope . it is very strong and exalted and yes great fun. Sun the 10th lord is close Venus or shukra the planet of luxury in any horoscope or kundali. Placement in the 6th house suggest the home and vehicle expenditures could be high.