About this article ?
This article at length analyses the Horoscope of Captain Amarinder Singh, the chief minister of Punjab.
It looks at Yoga’s or planetary combinations that make captain Amarinder Singh so successful in his political Career?
Also it looks into role of various planets like Saturn, or Shani dev, rahu( dragon’s head) to make Captain Amarinder Singh a big success in Politics based on his Horoscope or Kundli .
Also ketu( dragon’s) and all other planets of the planetary system on how they shape the personality of the great captain Amarinder Singh based on his Kundli, or Horoscope is given?
It then looks at which planets make captain Amarinder Singh so Loyal and also a friend of friends etc(Yaron ka yaar :)) and various Unique energy exchanges in Captain Amarinder Singh’s Horoscope or Kundli.
Interestingly how Aquarius or kumbha contributes to idealism of captain Amarinder Singh and how mars or Mangal Gives him courage and action is analysed at depth?

Birth Horoscope of Captain Amarinder Singh
Name full : Captain Amarinder Singh
Date of his Birth :- 11th March, 1942
Time of Birth :- is unknown so we will create a Surya kundli or sun kundli
Place of Birth :- Patiala, Punjab, India

Captain Amarinder Singh Kundli or Horoscope- what Makes Him so Special and Different from others?
In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, His ascendant is Aquarius(Kumbha rashi) the eleventh sign rules by planet Saturn or Shani dev.
Please note he is also born on 11th of the month.
Aquarius or Kumbha rashi gives captain amarinder Singh a sensitive streak to the person and also makes him warm and lover of under-privileged due to effects of Saturn or Shani dev.
Aquarius or Kumbha the number11 could also at times make Captain Amarinder Singh revengeful if hurt by his opponents.
But in general Captain Amarinder Singh is good reasoned and difficult to convince in debate.
In the kundli or horoscope of Sri Amarinder Singh ji, His moon or Chandra is in Mula nakshatra or star- giving him a fixed mind and a sense of pride(may be due to his being form the royal status).
This also makes Captain Amarinder Singh peace loving , he might be giving spiritual advice as well, be wealthy & luxuries based on his Horoscope or Kundli. 🙂
yaaron kaa yaar person & spending money on friends, soft disposition, and charitable nature ;).
Captain Amarinder Singh may take great interest in public meetings and also public ceremonies.
We know all this is 100% true for Sri amarinder Singh ji.
In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, Saturn or Shani dev is in his fourth house of public image, along with Uranus the planet giving exceptional abilities and intuition to him .
plus with the energy of action-oriented mars or mangal that rules his initiatives or business or effort and also his house of career or karma the tenth house.
Giving Captain Amarinder Singh great ability to perform or do things.
But Saturn or Shani dev being close to Mars(mangal) and Uranus, there would be tumults in his mind and public image time to time.
We know his political career has been fairly tumultuous.
In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, His moon or Chandra in the eleventh house of gains and sitting in fourth house.
also the dev Guru Jupiter the planet of wealth and status and ruling his wealth and status house and money gains the second house and the eleventh house .
This combination Or Yoga or planetary conjunction clearly indicate a royal or regal lineage for captain amarinder Singh ji. Which he has indeed 🙂 .
His father being the last king of the state of Patiala.
Captain amarinder Singh’s Moon or Chandra in the sign of Sagittarius or dhatu rashi.
This indications in his Kundli or Horoscope gives him an inclination to dharma & religion and ethics.
Captain Amarinder Singh is known to have resented the operation blue star.

What about his Political and Professional Career for Captain Amarinder Singh?
In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, His relationships house the seventh house is ruled by a mild sun or Surya dev.
but it is still OK in Kendra bhava of the Horoscope.
Rahu –Ketu( rahu dragon’s head or Tail) axis affecting the same suggest a make break relationships in professional life of Captain Amarinder Singh.
Captain amarinder Singh could be prone to taking very strong actions at times due to rahu(dragon’s head) and sun(Surya) based on his Horoscope or Kundli.
In his kundli or horoscope(Birth chart),The planet of action mars or mangal is in the fourth house of public image and mind for Captain Amarinder Singh.
and with the dispositor Venus or shukra in twelfth house of stress of the Horoscope.
So over all captain Amarinder Singh is born to be leader & server of people by action(mars) and his idealism and philosophy – that is Saturn/Aquarius or Shani and Kumbha.
Captain Amarinder Singh might also have great interest and inclination for art and music as well.

Jupiter or Guru in his horoscope absorbs energy of taurus sign of Venus. So a good sense of taste would be there in captain Amarinder Singh based on his horoscope or Kundli.
Saturn and mars there give some basic aggression to the personality and so does it give good action and also karma and philosophy to captain Amarinder Singh ji.
Venus and mercury in Capricorn do have good influence on captain Amarinder Singh, so as said earlier, art, beauty, gardens may attract his attention more.
Mars with Saturn or Shani dev promises a career in military that captain Amarinder Singh ji did. Also good honours and respect to him due to Jupiter or Guru dev dear by.
Plus rahu(dragon’s head) in the 7th bhava suggest the next career for captain Amarinder Singh ji could have been politics or even films.:)

What has year 2017 and 2018 in store for Him?
In the kundli or horoscope of Sri Captain Amarinder Singh ji.
As the transit is in the first house from the natal moon.
This could impact his health and some decision he might take which he may want to revoke
He will gain in status and work more in a disciplined manner to build better Punjab as Saturn rules his second and third house from moon.
captain Amarinder Singh needs to take calculated steps against the drug mafia people.
Rahu or dragon’s head aspect on moon the lord of sixth house of opposition and Vigna helps him to crush the opposition with diplomatic cleverness of rahu(dragon’s head).
Jupiter or Guru’s transit in Virgo helps to strengthen his public image as its aspects Venus the lord of public image and self(Jupiter or Guru) in the natal house.

What Amarinder Singh Ji could expect after 6 Months from now in September 2017 and onwards in 2018 and beyond?
In the kundli or horoscope of Sri amarinder Singh ji, Rahu(dragon’s head) the planet of politics transits over his trikona or ninth house of luck and fortune and good past life karma- giving Captain Amarinder Singh success.
Which he has reaped in terms of success in elections and now he is the Punjab chief minister.
Captain Amarinder Singh may make pilgrimages this year in 2017/2018 for betterment of Punjab and otherwise.
When in September 2017 through 2018 rahu or dragon’s head enters his eight house.
it makes him vulnerable to risk from the drug mafia more. Also he needs to take good care of health otherwise.
Jupiter or guru transit in sign of libra(Tula rashi) from Virgo(Kanya rashi) causes more gains to the native as the transit in the eleventh house from moon or Chandra than the moon sign.
So part from the risk from the people of underworld 2017 ending and 2018 would be fair for him. But he may face some isolation and may need time to re-think and re-strategize matters.
Travel to various lands could be on the cards.
Rahu or dragon’s head transit over seventh house form ascendant would help him in diplomatic matters till September 2017.
2018 Rahu(dragon’s head) aspects on Venus the lord of image-so still he has to take care of his image September 2017 onwards & 2018. Jupiter aspect his house of wealth & status as well till 2017 September.
2017 September onward and 2018 Rahu(dragon’s head) transit over natal mercury or budha gives him great intelligence to solve political problems now..
but he may take some very un-thought political actions.
Over all we wish captain amarinder Singh ji all the best in this innings.

What are some interesting Facts and Figures for Captain Amarinder Singh the 26th Chief Minister for Punjab?
Captain Amarinder Singh was born on 11 of March 1942.
He is a politician from India from the state of Punjab and is currently the 26th Chief Minister of Punjab.
Captain Amarinder Singh is also An elected Member of the Legislative Assembly from Patiala.
It has to be added that he has also been president of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee, the state division of the Indian National Congress.
Interestingly captain Amarinder Singh has also been as the Chief Minister of Punjab from 2002-2007.
Captain Amarinder Singh is from a royal family with His father being last king of state of Patiala. He has also worked for the Indian army.

What are some Interesting facts about Political Life of Captain Amarinder Singh?
He was introduced into the Congress by late Sri Rajiv Gandhi.
who had been his friend from school day and amarinder was first elected to the Lok Sabha in the year 1980.
In 1984 Captain Amarinder Singh resigned as a protest against operation Blue star.
Later on he joined the Shiromani Akali Dal .
In the year 1992 captain amarinder Singh broke away from the Akali Dal and formed a splinter group called Shiromani Akali Dal.
this group was later merged with the Congress mainstream .
In the year 1998 He was defeated by Prof Prem Singh Chandumajra from Patiala Constituency in the year by thumping votes to the opposition.
He had been appointed as chairman of Punjab Congress Campaign Committee in 2008.
He has defeated senior Bhartiya Janata party leader Sri Arun Jaitley ji by a margin of more than 1,02,000 votes in the 2014 general elections.
Captain Amarinder Singh ji was sworn in as the 26th Chief Minister of Punjab.
On the date of 16 March 2017 at Punjab Raj Bhavan, Chandigarh union territory. Captain Amarinder Singh