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Effects of eleventh house of gains or Labh’s Lord in Various Bhavas or houses.

How could the eleventh (11th) house lord in any horoscope gives one an artistic nature? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Tan Bhava or First house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be genuine in disposition, be rich, happy( as gains go to self or the body), even-sighted, be a poetic in nature, be eloquent in speech and be always endowed with gains.

How could the eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope make one have great wealth and accomplishments;) and also be charitable ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Dhan Bhava or Second house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be endowed with all kinds of wealth( the house of gains and wealth both connect) and all kinds of accomplishments( two good houses or bhava connect), charitable, religious and always happy.

How could the eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope give fathers bliss ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava or third house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be skilful in all jobs( as he is bound to gain from his skills, is he has to be skilful), wealthy( the house of action and house of gains combine to create wealth)), endowed with fraternal bliss and may sometimes incur gout pains.

could eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope make one religious and visit shrines ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Bandhu Bhava or fourth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will gain from maternal relatives( as house of mother and house of gains connect here), will undertake visits to shrines and will possess happiness of house and lands( the house of lands and house is blessed by the energy of house of gains).

what kind of placement of eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope give great education? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Putra Bhava or fifth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be happy, educated and virtuous( as the house of education would gain from the house of gains). He will be religious and happy.

Could the eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope indicate cruelty of any person ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Ari Bhava or sixth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be afflicted by diseases, be cruel( as house of gains get affected so could cause frustrations), living in foreign places and troubled by enemies.

How does the eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope indicate virtues in any person ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Yuvati Bhava or seventh house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will always gain through his wife’s relatives( as the good energy of the eleventh house gets into the seventh house or bhava), be liberal, virtuous, sensuous and will remain at the command of his spouse.

How is reversals in life indicated by the eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava or eighth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will incur reversals in his undertakings and will live long( the gains get into reversal mode as n eighth house- sort of behaves like rahu, the planet of reversals), while his wife will predecease him.

could eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope indicate a raja Yoga ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Dharma Bhava or ninth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be fortunate( two good energies mix the ninth and then eleventh house so good results), skilful, truthful, honoured by the king( gains from king are also indicated) and be affluent.

How could the eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope give good intelligence and dharma ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Karma Bhava or tenth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be honoured by the king( the action of gain is there, so the person gets honour or action form the king), be virtuous, attached to his religion, intelligent, truthful and will subdue his senses.

How could the eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope give good happiness and great learning’s to a person ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Labh Bhava or eleventh house of your Kundli or horoscope, the native will gain in all his undertakings( the master combination of gains and gains does this), while his learning and happiness will be on the increase day by day( this is a strongly positive combination).

could eleventh (11th) house lord in any Horoscope indicate multiple wives ? If the Eleventh house lord or Labh’s Lord is in Vyaya Bhava or twelfth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will always depend on good deeds, be sensuous, will have many wives( the house of gains in indulgence) and will befriend barbarians.
Eleventh House Lord or Bhava Kundli or Horoscope Placement- gains,money,luck & advancement-Mukesh Ambani Head Reliance Group JIo Telecom-Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
Birth Details of Mukesh Amabani Reliance Industries head
Name: Mukesh Ambani
Date of Birth: April 19, 1957
POB : Aden, Yemen
TOB: 6-00 pm
Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
Asc Libra 03-46-07 Chitra 4
Sun D Aries 06-01-41 Ashvini 2 Exalted+
Moon D Sagittarius 09-48-09 Mula 3 Neutral
Mars D Taurus 27-18-06 Mrigasira 2 Neutral
Merc D Aries 24-39-59 Bharani 4 Neutral+
Jupt R Leo 29-51-49 Uttaraphal 1 Friendly
Venu C D Aries 07-20-41 Ashvini 3 Neutral
Satn R Scorpion 20-27-16 Jyeshtha 2 Enemy
Rahu R Libra 27-41-43 Vishakha 3
Ketu R Aries 27-41-43 Krittika 1
Uran D Cancer 09-35-24 Pashyami 2
Nept R Libra 08-01-46 Swati 1
Plut R Leo 04-43-25 Magha 2
Basic Analysis Of Mukesh Ambani’s chart(reliance telecommunications Jio head)
Eleventh House or labia Bhava effects for Mukesh Ambani and year 2016 2017 for Mukesh ambani and his Jio initiative:
He runs
So lets us focus on his sun period.