What does this article cover?
It covers the impact of twelfth house in any horoscope and then This article in depth covers what makes mehbooba mufti so successful figure in kashmir and why did she choose the career of politics and service to Kashmir people .
The article also covers the nakshatra based reasons for distinct personality of mehbooba mufti
It also covers her loss in 2016-17- the astrological causes.
The Predictions about timing of kashmir problem coming in control and mehbooba came 100% true marked in red below
Impacts of twelfth House lord or Vyaya’s Lord in Various Houses or Bhavas based on vedic astrology or Jyotish
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or Vyaya’s Lord is in Tanu Bhava or the First house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be a high-roller, be weak in constitution, will experience the ill effects of apathetic issue and be without riches and learning( the reason is the twelfth house is a house of sickness and it takes away all the good things from the ascendant).
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or Vyaya’s Lord is in Dhan Bhava or the Second house of your wealth in your Kundli or horoscope, the person will dependably spend on unfavourable deeds( as there is a connection between the house of expenditure and also the house of wealth flows), be religious(The twelfth house deals with religion as well, and twelfth lord being in the third house from twelfth the second house gives action related to religion), will talk sweetly and will be supplied with ethics and satisfaction.
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or that Vyaya’s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava or the Third house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be without congenial joy(The reason is that the twelfth house connects to wastage and decay and third house environment of the person), will despise others and will advance self-support.
- If the lord of twelfth house or that Vyaya’s Lord is in Bandhu Bhava or the Fourth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be without maternal bliss(as the lord of house of losses gets into the house of mother and family)the and will step by step accumulate misfortunes as for grounds, transports and houses( once again the twelfth house malefic energy comes in the home or family).
- If that the lord of twelfth house or that Vyaya’s Lord is in Putr Bhava or the fifth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will be deprived of children and learning( as twelfth house deals with losses or wastage and its lord presence in the house of learning and children could cause this). He will spend, and visit holy places keeping in mind the end goal to bring forth a child( the twelfth house is also the house of nirvana or liberation so the energy of the same coming to the house of thinking could make a person do so).
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or that Vyaya’s Lord is in Ari Bhava or the sixth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will acquire hostility with his own men(tow negative house the sixth and the twelfth combine here), be given to outrage, be wicked, hopeless and will go to others’ spouses( house of sex is the twelfth house and the sixth house is house of others, so sex with other spouses).
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or is in Yuvati Bhava or the seventh house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will cause consumption by virtue of his significant other, won’t appreciate matrimonial joy( as the lord of stress gets in energy top the house of conjugal bliss the seventh house) and will be deprived of learning and quality.
- If the lord of twelfth house or Vyaya’s Lord is in Randhr Bhava or the Eighth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will dependably pick up, will talk approachable, will have a medium range of life and be supplied with all great qualities( One has to note that eighth house is ninth house form the twelfth house).
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or Vyaya’s Lord is in Dharma Bhava or the Ninth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will shame his senior citizens( the ninth house denotes father or senior or gurus, so the malefic energy of twelfth house would affect the senior people of the person), be hostile even to his companions and be constantly purpose on accomplishing his own matters.
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or Vyaya’s Lord is in Karma Bhava or the Tenth house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will spend on real people and will appreciate just average fatherly delight. As the tenth house is for the king or regal people and the twelfth house is for expenditures- so spending on regal people is there. As the tenth house is for father as well and the malefic energy comes here – so average for father.
- If In case that the lord of twelfth house or Vyaya Lord is in Labh Bhava or the eleventh house of your Kundli or horoscope, the person will cause misfortunes( as the house of gains afflicted by the house of losses the twelfth), be raised by others and will now and then increase through others.
- If the lord of twelfth house or Vyaya’s Lord is in Vyaya Bhava or the twelfth house, the person will just face overwhelming wastage, won’t have physical strength, be bad-tempered and resentful. There is a high concentration of negative energy by the twelfth house in twelfth.
- Those are the impacts of Bhava Lords, which are to be reasoned, considering their qualities and shortcomings. On account of a Grah, owning two Bhavas, the outcomes are to be deducted in light of its two lordships. That is for say Aries ascendant Aries, the planet rules 1 and 8t house- so results of all above would be a combination of the above two.
- On the off chance that opposite results are along these lines demonstrated, the outcomes will be invalidated, while after effects of shifted nature will happen. So there are balancing effects here. Say one lordship say as X and the other says Y, the combination is X +Y.
- The Grah or planet will yield full, half, or a fourth of the impacts as indicated by its quality being full, medium and unimportant, based on the strength of the graha or planet.
The Twelfth House Analysis and general predictions of Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir ms. Mehboob Mufti Sayeed–PDP Party Supremo Predictions – Based on Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish
Personal details of mehbooba Mufti sayeed
Born 22 May 1959 (age 57)
Bijbehara, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Political party Jammu and Kashmir People’s Democratic Party
As time Of Birth Not available so Solar Chart of Mehbooba Mufti- chief minister of kashmir and jammu region is created
|| Planetary Position ||
Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
Asc Taurus 16-29-43 Rohini 2
Sun D Taurus 06-54-42 Krittika 4 Enemy
Moon D Libra 29-31-60 Vishakha 3 Neutral
Mars D Cancer 00-43-50 Punarvasu 4 Debilitated
Merc C D Aries 23-03-28 Bharani 3 Neutral
Jupt R Scorpion 03-26-23 Anuradha 1 Friendly
Venu D Gemini 19-29-43 Ardra 4 Friendly
Satn R Sagittarius 12-48-05 Mula 4 Neutral
Rahu R Virgo 17-17-39 Hasta 3
Ketu R Pisces 17-17-39 Revati 1
Uran D Cancer 19-19-24 Ashlesha 1
Nept R Libra 11-37-52 Swati 2
Plut D Leo 08-21-50 Magha 3
- Analysis Mehbooba Mufti correct chief minister of Kashmir- Kundli or Horoscope- based on Vedic astrology and Jyotish:
- Now a quick look at numbers, she is born on 22= 2+2=4, so ruled by Rahu – makes a person non-conventional or rebel in the sense she being a Muslim woman in Kashmir has come out to be the first women chief minister of Kashmir.
- Rahu gives her a disciplined approach. Also being born on 22nd gives her the capability to do and build large work- now you see she is the honorable chief minister of Kashmir
- Her destiny number is 6= Venus, so she is born to serve the society or motherland. She born to rebuild Kashmir (Rahu and Venus together)
- Her twelfth lord is in the third house of initiatives and environment.So she came to rule or lead in a troubled environment of Kashmir to be the chief minister. That is all her actions have to work out within the troubled environment of Kashmir, which is there since the 1990s.
- Mars is weak in cancer- so it suggests as very angry crowd she would have to deal with.
- Mars is a planet of action ruling police and military- and it sits in the house o action the third house- clearly indicates she has to use the police and military in her life to ensure the troubled Kashmir is taken care of.
- Mercury the ruler of the fifth house of children and karaka for children and discrimination is in the twelfth house- clearly suggest she would have to deal with anger( Mars) of young kids or youth in her environment.
What makes Mehbooba site so different from others ?

what is the influence of Rohini Nakshatra or Mehbooba Mufti Sayeed’s personality?
How does Purva Phalguni nakshatra influence Mehbooba Mufti Sayeed ?
What made Mehbooba mufti choose politics as a career and was successful?
now looking at her 10th House and also note that she is born on 22nd and Rahu sitting in the fifth house of thinking plus it aspects the Lagna as well. so the rebel nature in her as well which is affecting her way of working gets obvious based on numbers and astrology. Rahu could also make her good at politics and shrewd. she would be a person who would care and also rebel as well. she is a dignified lady because of Jupiter.
What role does the Moola(Mula) Nakshatra play for career or action house of Mehbooba Mufti Sayeed?
2016 ending and 2017 Predictions for mehbooba Mufti chief mister of Kashmir
- Jupiter ruling the eighth house of trouble was earlier before August in the house of image and public- but now it gets into the fifth house. So though the young kids would remain a bit angry some slight pacification would be there and her public image would slowly improve.
- September 2016 would be a bit hard, but in October 2016 onwards slow regain of peace and comfort would come up. But it would mean a lot of proving and she has to avoid ego hassles at any cost as she would be very determined to solve problems.
- By the year-end and starting 2017 as Saturn gets into her 8th house , she will be a bit relieved and as it gets conjunct with her natal Saturn at 12 degrees- that is say about 5 degrees in Sagittarius, she will regain what she has lost by Feb. mars time frame 2017 and slowly and steadily grow.
- She has a slight chance to face victimization or blame and stress by January 2017 for a few months. But mostly over all would be stable.