The ChaturVimsamsa Divisional Horoscope OR Varga Birth Chart
About this article?
This article in depth discusses the significance of ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart.
It looks at how d24 or chaturthvimshamsha chart could be looked for person’s education level or profession of expertise easily.:)
Also the article looks at various 24 divisions of this chart.
It talks about How do the planets indicate various areas or subjects of specialization for any kundli or Horoscope?
This article interestingly looks at the meaning of all the 12 Houses or bhava of ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart in detail.
Plus suggest how to do the calculation for the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart.
What are Some very interesting Facts about ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional or Varga charts? How does it connect to educational level of a person?
ChaturVimshamsa d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart deals with education or deep thinking of the person.
It suggest how the person debates or argues about matters.
in that sense it is similar to the 5th bhava in the Horoscope.
the significator or karaka for ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope is mercury or budha in any kundli or horoscope.
This connects to the intellect and also education of the person.
ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope also indicates the education line and the educational level of the person.
As budha or mercury also connects to learning abilities, so does the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart.
what is the Meaning of various houses of ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart ?
The 4th bhava of the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart particularly deals with the early education.
this could be your high school or 12th education in schools.
The 9th bhava or house in ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart relates to the graduation degree of the person or the specialization of subjects the person chooses.
The 2nd bhava or the 6th bhava or house form the 9th bhava in ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart deals with your master’s degree.
the 7th house or bhava in the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart .
that is the 6th house form the 2nd bhava of the d24 horoscope deals with the doctoral or research degrees.
How do the planets indicate various areas or subjects of specialization ?
Various planets in ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart in the 9th , 7th or 2nd bhava indicate various subjects and areas of education.
they could also indicate areas of interest for the person.
so like various planets play various roles.
Mars or mangal is for engineering, technology, electrical engineering, fire, metals
rahu is dealing with chemicals. mathematics, toxins and also acids.
ketu deals with electrical current, electronics, timing equipment and clocks
Saturn or Shani dev connects to stone related work, building material and also civil or maintenance work and also constriction work.
Jupiter deals with dharma or religion related knowledge or work, scholarly work, counselling, or ability to advise people, also ministers, politicians and teaching or legal matters.
Venus means banks, management, business management, also chemicals due to shukra charya effects.
mercury is knowledge or teaching, blanks, commerce, or wealth management, accounts also journalism & communication.
Moon – fluid business, women health related business, water related business, nursing, or human resources.
Factors influencing ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope or varga chart interpretation?
The natural benefics like moon, Venus, mercury, Jupiter etc here in lagan or ascendant indicate good basics and learning, quick grasping of subjects and good learning curve.
also the significators of a particular line of work have to be well placed. Like if Venus is well placed so one could easily do well in care industry.
what is d24 or ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart? What are the divisions and calculations of the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope Or Varga Chart?
We also look at The Energies ruling each division Of the Sign of the zodiac for the ChaturVimshamsha d24 Divisional Horoscope .
The ChaturVimshamsha or the 24th harmonic is 1/24 of each sign or 1 degrees 15 minutes each.
The distribution of lords of the division starts from sign Leo for odd signs and from cancer for even signs.
In case of Odd signs the ruling deities (2×12, that is the 12 deities repeated twice to make it 24 divisions for the sign of the zodiac), order given below list is repeated twice are.