April Birthdays Born Aries Mesha Rashi 2018-2019-horoscope-predictions

What is Something About People Born in April Or The people with SUN(surya) is in Scorpio Sign( aries rashi )?
General Characteristics of people with Aries sign or Mesha rashi

People born in this April month of any year generally come under the Aries sign or the Mesha Rashi.

They are born fighters with a strong will power and determination. They get their way in life some how and don’t want any kind of domination on themselves. else they could rebel back .:)

You could do very well in life give your will power and passion, but the things that could bring you back to square one are a) Your ego- that needs a caution,that could might you take egoistical actions leading to Issues.b) the second thing that you need to take care is that is you may get mislead by people who praise you or talk great about you- leading to issues in life.Mars or mangal creates haste and you may want things instantly- this has to be avoided at any cost.

April Birthday or Born descriptions

  • If you were born on 16th of April
    Something Interesting about You and your Destiny?:

    Based on your horoscope(Kundli) , you are a unique and distinct personality person. You could be fairly original in nature and may have different or distinct views about society and work.

    You also may have a keen desire to travel and your emotional content could be much higher/intense than others! You may not be comfortable at one place and may keep changing matters.

    What are some key Predictions of 2018 and 2019 for you ?:
    2018 as such average for you. may 2018 would be better but july you need care driving and tiffs at office. 2019 even much better than 2018
    as Jupiter and sun are great for you in regard to career/love/job or any matters.

  • If you were born on 15th of April
    Something Interesting about You and your Destiny?:

    Based on your horoscope(Kundli) , you are a highly emotional and passionate person to whom love means a lot in life.You love nature- be it dogs/pets/gardens/sea/lakes/scenic places or mountains- but love & passion is the core of your personality.

    You will be more than average fond of public connections and yes parties,You could be big success in life if you balance a bit of your highly emotional side of your nature and but loving nature!

    What are some key Predictions of 2018 and 2019 for you ?:
    2018 as such may be great as such for you and 2019 even much better and
    moon/venus and sun are great for you.May would bring in much better results and june 2018 slightly better. 2019 could be a great year for you in career/love/job or any matters.

  • If you were born on 14th of April
    Something Interesting about You and your Destiny?:

    Based on your horoscope(Kundli) , you are quick and sharp- with good speaking skills and also writing
    The only thing you need to take care of is high risk taking/stocks or investments, driving habbits and speech.

    You will need proper direction on how to use your energies inorder ot be a big success in life!

    What are some key Predictions of 2018 and 2019 for you ?:
    2018 as such may not be great as mars is debilitated for you and
    is moon not so great.May would bring in better results and june 2018 even better. 2019 could be a great year for you.

  • If you were born on 13th of April
    Something interesting about You and your Destiny?:
    Given your originatity and different way of thinking, also a bit of rebel and different nature than the crowd combined with a very bold attitude due to mars(mangal) and jupiter(guru) and Rahu in your horoscope(Kundli) you will do well in life.but Ensure that you donot loose your cool often πŸ™‚ and do your shiva japam for success- then world is yours!

    What are some key Predictions of 2018 and 2019 for you ?:

    2018 April needs more care in terms of driving
    or having any tiffs in the office,but the year ending is better.

  • If you were born on 12th of April

    What is Interesting & a bit different about You and your Destiny?:

    Given your originatity, a bit of rebel and different and very bold nature due to mars(mangal) and jupiter
    and Rahu in your horoscope(Kundli) you will do well in life. Ensure you donot loose your cool often πŸ™‚ and do your shiva japam for success- then world is yours!

    What are some key Predictions of 2018 and 2019 for you ?:
    2018 April needs more care in terms of driving
    or having any tiffs in the office,but the year ending is better.

  • If you were born on 11th of April

    What is Interesting & a bit different about You and your Destiny?:

    Given your sensitive, inspired,failry original and bold nature due to mars(mangal) and jupiter
    in your horoscope you will do well in life. Ensure you balance your hard and soft natures πŸ™‚ and let other
    people connect to your sensitive nature- then world is yours!

    What are some key Predictions of 2018 and 2019 for you ?:
    2018 Jan/Feb might have been a bit eventful-
    but year ending is better.


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