About this article?
This article discusses about the Akshavedamsha chart or varga horoscope.
The Akshavedamsha horoscope looks at the general aspects of life like love,health,career,money,name ,fame, children etc and also religion or dharma and spirituality.
In the article it gives you the method of calculating that your akshavedamsha or d45 chart .
Plus examples of how to look at various aspects of life ;).
Like how could akshavedamsha chart impact your thinking etc . The spiritual inheritance connection of akshavedamsha varga chart is given.
so also role of various houses and planets in akshavedamsha varga chart is discussed at length.
Plus so is the application of the akshavedamsha varga chart done.
and also as sample example the d45 to akshavedamsha varga chart of spiritual Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji is analyzed so see how he gets great dignity in spiritual matters and dharma ;).
Then as a sample example the Akshavedamsha chart predicts about India as a country .
It analyzes various aspects of India like how India has done excellent computers, and how there is unity in diversity for India :0 and much more.
so this article on Akshavedamsha this is a very interesting article to read ;).

What is akshavedamsha or d45 Horoscope or chart?
Now the first question is what is what is this akshavedamsha or d45? it is the 45th division of any sign in the horoscope. so that means 0 degrees 40 minutes per division is akshavedamsha or d45.
0 deg 45 min x 45 = 30 degrees π
with akshavedamsha or d45 horoscope we look for all aspects of life. also kindly note that as the lagna or ascendant changes every 3 minutes so the birth time should be accurate! π else one could take the lagna of d1 itself as akshavedamsha or d45 lord.

Akshavedamsha chart Quick summary for review
Akshavedamsha chart gives the hidden or inner virtues and strengths and virtues of a person.
the karmic pattern essentially.
so also the foundations of psychology and spirituality of any one is evaluated here.
so also the traits of inheritance and parental influences is looked into here.
The signs are divided in to 45 parts thats is 30 degrees in 45 parts making it 40 minutes each.
The inherited traits of any person and talents and character both from paternal and maternal ancestors is given in the Akshavedamsha chart.
so also insights into psychological and spiritual development of the person is also given here.
so also talks about strengths, weaknesses of psychology and again the ability to fight back is also given in this chart.
so in brief Akshavedamsha chart gives suggestion of inherited mental health or psychology and spiritual makeup of the person.
It can give the virtues or talents inherited and so also challenges and karmic traits from ancestral lineage.
Akshavedamsha chart can help in self awareness and flexibility to improve and align to good things of ancestors and reduce the and things inherited form ancestors.
so helps in better spiritual evolution.

How are the various signs or rashis in horoscope assigned to the akshavedamsha chart or Horoscope?
so casting horoscopes for akshavedamsha or d45 . The planets in movable signs have Aries the starting sign for akshavedamsha or d45 lagna followed by Taurus and so on(aries,cancer,libra,capricorn) .
also if fixed sign like Taurus, leo,scorpio,aquarius- then Leo rises as the first division lord of the 45 division of akshavedamsha or d45.
also for planets in movable signs like (Gemini, Virgo,sagittarius and Pisces) the first division of akshavedamsha or d45 starts with Sagittarius sign.
How To calculate The AkshaVedamsa Divisional Horoscope or Varga Birth Chart? What are the deities that rules various divisions of the Sign(details)
The AkshaVedamsa or the 1/45th part of a sign(D-45).
In case of movable sign use Aries, is case of fixed signs use Leo as the Starting Sign and in case of common signs use Sagittarius.
For movable signs the deities are:
β’ Brahma,
β’ Shiva
β’ and Vishnu
For fixed signs :
β’ Shiva
β’ Vishnu
β’ and Brahma and
For common signs
β’ Vishnu,
β’ Brahma and
β’ Shiva
What are the deities for the Akshavedamsha chart or horoscope?
the three Supreme duties are Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu for movable sign the first deity is Brahma(Brahma->shiva->Vishnu->Brahma…repeats) . for the fixed sign shiva is there and Vishnu is there for movable sign as the first deity and series repeats.
All of the above deities repeat 15×3 times the lordship for AkshaVedamsa
How are various life aspects in the akshavedamsha chart or horoscope(kundli) analyzed?
In examination of the horoscope Akshavedamsha chart all aspects of life are covered . Akshavedamsha chart also looks into how the person conducts himself or herself .
It also look over emphasis on the religious conduct and also may be downfall and the moral conduct of the person .so mantra or sacred incantation & remedial measures and plus the overall conduct of the person is analyzed based on Akshavedamsha chart.
what is the role of sun or surya in the akshavedamsha chart or horoscope in any kundli?
The planet sun or surya in the Akshavedamsha chart core kundli represents Atma or soul of the horoscope . if the planet sun is aspected by benefics in Akshavedamsha chart or horoscope it would mean a sattvik soul .otherwise if malefic are there it shows a negative person as such. π
what is the role of Moon or Chandra in the akshavedamsha chart or horoscope in any kundli?
If we look at moon or Chandra or mind it suggest the mental morality. so if moon is un-afflicted it gives a very serious nature and also not so deviant nature . π
what is the role of 6th,1st,3rd and 9th bhava of any chart or horoscope in any akashavedamsha kundli?
In Akshavedamsha chart or kundli the lagana(ascendant), the 3rd house , the 6th house and 9th house are analyzed also in some cases .
The lagans for d1 chart are taken if proper birth time is not there.
also the well-connected Lords of 1st, 3rd,6th & 9th house give good action and Karma by the person. if afflicted or not well connected suggest issues in connection.
How could one get good thinking based on any chart or horoscope in any d45 or akashavedamsha kundli?
the benefic association of 1st,3rd,6th and 9th bhava in Akshavedamsha chart or horoscope gives good and positive thinking.
what gives good thinking any chart or horoscope(kundli) in any akashavedamsha kundli?
if mercury or budha is retrograde in Akshavedamsha chart or horoscope it gives negative or criminal thinking. also moon even if good in association with mercury would give such kind of results. mercury or the planet for discrimination has to be un afflicted.
How could you judge a character based on chart or horoscope(kundli) in any d45 or akashavedamsha kundli?
as the 4th house or bhava rules your mind, so in Akshavedamsha chart or kundli(horoscope) the lord and the house un afflicted could give you a great mind and positive thinking . π

Spiritual Foundation and Psychological Strengths given in Akshavedamsha chart
The spiritual inclination and also inner values like emotional strength or value systems is given in the Akshavedamsha chart.
various houses of Akshavedamsha chart suggest various attitudes towards life.
a good planet in the 2nd house of Akshavedamsha chart means good speech for the person.
malefic like rahu ketu or mars indicate the struggles.
like rahu and ketu in 9th house indicate struggle of sudden aspects or negative traits for spiritual evolution of anyone.
so also 12th house if of liberation and ability of person to endure things.

House based Significations in the Akshavedamsha chart
The 1st house reflects the basic confidence and mental abilities and clarity.
so also the 4th house deals with emotions and family values.
the 4th house deals with inherited emotional environment from parents or ancestors.
The 5th house in Akshavedamsha chart is of counseling ability or intelligence that is inherited by the person.
so also being the Purva Janma house suggest gains due to past life karma.
so also 9th house the inherited dharma and so also spiritual beliefs of the ancestors.
The 10th house show the ethics for work and duty.
so also how the ancestral karma is inherited by the person.
12th House: Represents the desire for spiritual liberation, sacrifice, and connection with the divine, reflecting any inherited spiritual wisdom or tendencies.
the 12th house in Akshavedamsha chart suggests the motivation for spiritual liberation.
the talent to sacrifice and suggest spiritual tendencies or abilities that could be inherited by the person.
The 8th house suggest the inherited obsessions or negative tendencies or fears as well.
it could also be mental health challenges .

Role of Planets in the Akshavedamsha chart
The placement of planets in the Akshavedamsha chart reveals specific inherited strengths or challenges.
For example: Sun: Indicates inherited pride, leadership qualities, and ego-driven tendencies from the paternal side.
Moon: Represents maternal lineage, emotional intelligence, and inherited nurturing tendencies.
Jupiter: Reflects inherited wisdom, morals, and philosophical outlook, often showing the ethical and spiritual inheritance from both sides of the family.
so logically in Akshavedamsha chart the planet sun means what is the ego or pride that is inherited by the person.
Moon suggests the quality of maternal lineage and so also emotional maturity and ability to take care of others.
as moon means sensitivity.
the planet Jupiter in Akshavedamsha chart suggest what are the morals and ethical values inherited.
so also philosophical attitude inherited and so also spiritual inheritance from both sides of the family.
Saturn: Shows karmic burdens and inherited restrictions, such as ancestral responsibilities or challenges in the form of fears, discipline, or endurance.
Rahu/Ketu: Indicate karmic patterns from ancestors that may appear as psychological or spiritual challenges, often showing tendencies for certain desires or deep-seated phobias.
Saturn or shani dev in Akshavedamsha chart, naturally suggest the karma or burdens of karma.
this could reflect in mental or psychological or spiritual challenges.
or challenges in form of fears and extra discipline etc.

Application of the Akshavedamsha Chart in Personal and Spiritual Growth
Akshavedamsha is highly valuable for those looking to understand their deeper character, life purpose, and inherited karmic patterns.
By examining the Akshavedamsha chart, one can gain insight into inner qualities and challenges that are subtly shaping their life.
This chart serves as a tool for self-awareness, guiding the person toward growth by recognizing inherited influences and understanding how to transform challenges into strengths.
Additionally, individuals on a spiritual path can use the Akshavedamsha chart to identify areas where they may need to release ancestral karma or align more closely with inherited virtues for spiritual evolution.
The subtle influences are there in Akshavedamsha chart.
so we can understand a person at deeper level.
the subtle and deeper influences that shape the life.
Akshavedamsha works as a self awareness and guiding tool for people.
so also Akshavedamsha chart helps people to reduce the impact of negative spiritual karma and along deeply with inherited spiritual virtues.

Khavedamsha chart
How is High dignity and spiritual Lineage predicted for India based on Akshavedamsha chart or Horoscope?
now we analyze Akshavedamsha chart or Horoscope for our country . Now for India what is happening in the horoscope is that in the Akshavedamsha horoscope Leo or Simha rises and sits in the 2nd house of bhava of wealth and status.
so it very clearly means India would be like a world leader. as Leo is ruled by number 1= sun.
also Akshavedamsha chart or Horoscope suggests how the individual or country would function in the world . It suggests the conduct and ethics of the country .

All this clearly means India would be a leader and infact an inspirational leader of spiritual revival and movements . like that for sri Jaggi Vasudev of Isha foundation, ISCKON or art of Living by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji etc. All these illuminating movements have been started by Indians and the world is looking to India for guidance in spiritual matters today’s . π

What is the role for Sun or Surya for India’s d45 or Khavedamsha horoscope? also what makes India excel in computers based on Akshavedamsha chart or varga horoscope(kundli)
Sun or Surya which is called the soul of India is in the 2nd house in the horoscope in the Virgo sign or kanya rashi.This sign is ruled by lord Vishnu or Krishna. π Vishnu so focus towards conservation of culture would be there in India. :).
also because it’s a 6th sign. so some of the energies of India would go towards spirituality and home(number 6) .
also as Virgo sign or kanya rashi is ruled by mercury (budha) . this sign rules industries, computers and mathematics . so India would do great in computer industry – we know it has great representation on Google(sundar Pichai), Facebook or even design of our ISRO satellites has been done by intelligent Indians. π It is a very clear indication of how good the Indians are great in computer related things or Medical Sciences .

what kind of ethical and moral Conduct India would adopt based on Akshavedamsha chart or varga horoscope(kundli)?
we have moon or Chandra rules mind or morality in the Akshavedamsha chart or Horoscope. in this horoscope Sun is close to moon or the mind. so this very clearly means that the mind of Indians :). would be independent & clearly focused on very good ethics of business as well .
there could also be great intellectual achievements and education for India. also Indians would be focusing on home and own culture. also we can very clearly see how moon and sun define focus on the things mathematics, literature and creativity.

Whys is there Unity in Diversity in India?
India is a land of diverse cultures and sub cultures and races etc. But still there is unity in India- why?;) we look at the lordship of lagna that is sun . the lordship of 3rd house is Libra or venus, that again is in the 6th house and 6th house lord (Capricorn ruled by Saturn) is in the 3rd house.
This suggests a strong coordination between these two houses. so the unconscious and sub conscious is great for India. The 9th house lord Aries or mars is strong in the 4th bhava . this is the super conscious mind of India. so that means all the culture subcultures in India would live in harmony. People would love Holy Bhagwat Gita, Holy Bible or Koran or even the old testament and Guru Granth sahib. everyone here is equal and in harmony π
How are various cultures and societies IN India well connected based on Akshavedamsha chart or varga horoscope(kundli) ?
as indicated that 3,6th and 9th bhava lords are well placed and interchange of energy is there. also mars the lord of super conscious state and purva punya is great for India. It is very strong in the house of public prominence or the 4th house. so it very clearly indicates that India would be an action Guru in terms of taking initiative of taking the mankind to the higher state of consciousness .
The 9th bhava or house or super-conscious gives great intelligence to Indians .
what is the role of mercury or budha in giving India great discrimination based on Akshavedamsha chart or varga horoscope ?
Mercury rules Intelligence and mercury(budha) is sitting on the ninth sign of Sagittarius(dhanu rashi) sign for India’s d45 or khavedamsha horoscope or Kundli.
Mercury or Budha is in the fifth house of India’s d45 or khavedamsha horoscope or Kundli so very clearly this indicates that India would excel in giving ancient Vedic knowledge to the world.
as ancient Vedic knowledge also deals with mantra and mercury also rules mantra shastras. Note 5th bhava also rules mantra.
The 5th house also rules purva punya and past life cultures for India. so it also rules the dignity of India & the Vedic culture plus other ancient cultures of India. that will come back and India will regain her dignity to fullest. π . earlier for over thousands of years it was under shackles of foreign rule, now it would come out in full bloom .