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Have You ever wondered on what makes the twitter tweet so much? Know the numerology and astrology behind twitter to know about the same.
What is the Vedic Astrology Perspective of Twitter :):
About Twitter (Wikipedia says):
Birth Date Twitter :
Date of foundation : 21st March, 2006
Foundation Place :- San Francisco , CA, USA
Solar Chart For twitter horoscope predictions / forecast and analysis
We could call the above chart as an approximation of the Vedic birth chart. Vedic birth chart is just like our natal horoscope- erected based on Vedic principles.
- Lord of action= 10th house and personality 1st = Planet Jupiter, it sits in 8th house and is retro gate
- So Jupiter we know is a planet of communication.
- Jupiter being posited in 8th house gives- some un-expected communication( Uranus types effects we saw in Numerology below).We know twitter is tweet tweet… and may be short and sometimes jumpy communication
- Retrogression of Jupiter means- something out of convention– we know twitter sort of goes for non conventional micro-blogging, when blogging was the trend!
- The lord of mind moon is weak and has influence of aggressive mars and retrograde sat run ruling 11/12 house. So could give in fighting within twitter.
Numerology of twitter : ):
Let us look at 2016 horoscope based on numbers. That is the numerology chart based analysis of twitter.
- Birth Date Number = 21 = Planet Jupiter= Planet of growth and expansion and yes communication as well.
- Birth Sign = Pisces majorly= Jupiter
- Destiny Number = 21(3) + march(3) + 2006(8) = 3+3+8 = 14 = 1+4= 5 = mercury = Planet stands for Communications
Also 4= Uranus 14, makes it a bit fast and sudden communication! We know twitter was a special kind of blog, with short messages.
- Message Size Twitter= 140! = 1+4+0 = 5 = Mercury and again , short and small messages
- Name Analysis Twitter:
Motivation Number(what twitter wants to do in Life?) = I +E = 9+5 = 14= OOPS again 14= 5 =Mercury= so twitter wants to communicate and yes make money(mercury stands for money also) J.
- Twitter, has 3 T’s there in the name , T=20= 2 = Moon= Planet of connection and yes its communication again!!!Strange Coincidence.
Rest is history- we know how Twitter as a company is dominated by planet mercury – the planet of communication! It exactly fits in the Numerology of twitter.
Conclusion horoscope predictions summary
- The year 2016 has Jupiter effects coming to the 10th house of action. So there could be some changes to do with means of communication.
- We know twitter plans to change their 140 char format.
- Saturn transit in 10th house could be source of trouble in deliveries and within the company culture (4th house aspected).
We wish them all the best!