Does Leo or Simha as a lagan in Horoscope or kundli play a strong role for shaping Sachin Tendulkar’s personality and cricket play?
cricketer Sachin Tendulkar is Leo ascendant and the lord of Leo= sun sits in 9th, the house of his Kundli or Horoscope to give great fortune for him!
Also sitting on mars or Mangal dispositor, which is planet of action and relatively strong- it gives him a powerful personality.

what makes Sachin Tendulkar so much ethical and nice? is there anything special in his Kundli or horoscope or indicate the same?
Sachin Tendulkar’s ascendant being in 9th house in his kundli or horoscope, that also on a Mars Or Mangal sign Aries(mesha rashi).
This gives Sachin Tendulkar great personal power and strength in playing cricket.
This Yoga or combination Also means help from father and yes a life of ethics as 9th rules dharma and ethics.
So Sachin Tendulkar would respect his family and follow the dharma/ethics.

What roles does Venus or shukra play for Sachin in his Tendulkar Kundli or Horoscope to boost his career?
Venus or shukra in the Kundli or Horoscope is combusted in Aries and rules the 3rd house and 10th.
These houses have to do with initiatives and actions/ for Sachin Tendulkar career.
But it also means Venus or Shukra gets good energy from powerful sun(surya dev) of Sachin Tendulkar and hence gives him a boost in his career or cricket.

which planet is responsible based on Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope for his master strokes in cricket ;)?
Now in the Kundli or Horoscope of Sachin Tendulkar, Rahu(dragon’s head) close to Moon and in 5th house aspects his Venus, giving him the master strokes and exceptional ability, that world has seen in him. 😉
Moon in Jupiter(Guru) again gives him the inclination to follow ethics and dharma.

what made Sachin Tendulkar based on his Kundli or Horoscope so famous and popular in life?
The strongest planet for Sachin Tendulkar in his Kundli or Horoscope is planet sun with is with a shadabala of 640.11 – that is his ascendant and gives him unsullied Name and Fame.

is there a Raja Yoga in Sachin Tendulkar Kundli or Horoscope to make him a big success?
The exceptional success Sachin Tendulkar had in Indian cricket could be explained by Raja Yoga of sun in Aries(mesha rashi) in 9th house and sun having a good amount of shadabala.

what makes Sachin Tendulkar A++ class cricketer based on his planets in Kundli or Horoscope?
dear friends we know that nothing happens by chance. so now if they look at real-life. if luck or fortune 😉 is not supportive a person really does not get great results even after a lot of hard work. 🙁

what roles does Mars or Mangal in Kundli or Horoscope have for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope for giving him success in cricket?
Now looking at Sachin Tendulkar’s horoscope or Kundli the 9th house. it is ruled by Mars (Mangal) and this planet is exalted in the 6th house of challenges for Sachin Tendulkar.
but Mars still will help Sachin Tendulkar to become the best cricketer of the world.
As Mars is an exalted and its planet of action . Cricket is an active sport closely connected to action to mars.
Kindly Note that 9th house also is the bhava or house for past life karma for Sachin Tendulkar.

What role does 9th and 10th house play for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope for his success in cricket?
also 9th house of fortune in the Kundli or Horoscope for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope has the planet of luxury Venus sitting there.
we look in Sachin Tendulkar’s Horoscope that Venus or Shukra which is the lord of career or the 10th house is sitting in the 9th house.
so, this clearly means the 10th House of career for Sachin Tendulkar gets blessings from the 9th house . also, the lagan Leo (simha) ascendant lord sun is in the 9th house.
The Lagna that is Sun or simha Lagan of Sachin Tendulkar gets good energy of the house of fortune 9th house along with the planet of opulence Venus as well.
Now as sun or surya dev is the lagan of the Horoscope and it is in the 9th house of Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope along with Venus the 10th house lord.
so, this combination of Lagna lord with the 10th Lord in the 9th house creates Raj Yoga in Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope for giving Sachin Tendulkar many benefits of cricket .
so for Sachin Tendulkar he gets greatest success. in all whatever he plays 🙂 in form of cricket.

What roles does the 5th house of Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope have for his success in cricket ?
Now let us look at the 5th house of ability to think and act for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope.
The 5th house lord is weakened & debilitated in with mars in the 6th house sign for Capricorn or makar rashi.
But note that mars also give good strength in the horoscope . the 5th house has Rahu or Dragons head as well.
so, Jupiter has this energy as well in Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope.
so now we have rahu(dragon’s head) and Mars(Mangal) energy together sending energy to 5th house of Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope.
so, the Deep and action-oriented thinking by rahu, Saturn (Shani) and mars gives Sachin Tendulkar the ability to give the master stroke .

Does Moon or mind in Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope Give him a good and blessed mind? ?
The planet moon or mind for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope is on Dharma or the Sagittarius sign.
which gives very good for good and blessed thinking for Sachin Tendulkar .when is the look at the career lord Venus for Sachin Tendulkar.

What role does 7th house in Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope give him great Popularity and name amongst people ?
Venus or shukra for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope is fair enough in the 9th house .Saturn is there in the career house of Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope.
as Saturn is there ,it suggests as career house of his kundli has the Lord of 7th house .
so Sachin Tendulkar’s career connects to people. as 7th house deals with connection to people to this gives Sachin Tendulkar a good connection to people or public. so, this is one of the causes of his publicity.

what makes Sachin Tendulkar marry a wife(Anjali) who is older than him and beautiful as a well based on Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope?
Now for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope if you look at the 7th house have the lordship of Saturn or the Aquarius sign.
The Aquarius sign is ruled in turn by Saturn or Shani dev. as we know Saturn is sitting on a Venus sign is Taurus into the 10th house of Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope.
Now Saturn is an old planet , so it gives older or more aged wife and also beautiful wife due to Venus dispositors.
Also due to Venus on the base or dispositor of Saturn or Shani dev in Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope ,his wife Anjali is caring wife is also a doctor. 🙂

2016 horoscope predictions for Sachin Tendulkar
Up to mid of 2016 it could be great time for Sachin Tendulkar.
Also after May he gets Jupiter period, that again is lord of 5th house and has good relationships with mars could give him a new era and name and fame in new roles.

About Sachin Tendulkar’s family Life based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
The aggressive planet Mars or mangal becomes raja yoga karaka for sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope and rules the 4th house and the 9th bhava of the Horoscope.
so whenever mars period run sachin tendulkar would give make good money, or buy new cars or extend his house.
Also get better gains, wealth and honors or awards. sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest that he will have gains from your father as mars rules your ninth bhava as well.
As fourth house lord of sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope is in sixth house, so he has to avoid haste in dealing especially in the family life.
more conscious effort is needed to maintain peace in the family. infact his family life is naturally peaceful- as mars in 6th bhava destroys the negative nature of 6th bhava.
Thoughts have to be more positive for sachin tendulkar. sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest that he has to take care of Lungs and chest need special care .
more prone to flu or common colds.
Mars is exalted for sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope so give good and big house for him.
mars also give sachin tendulkar’s good muscular body.
also helps him to follow dharma well.
also with hard work sachin tendulkar is bound to win.
. sachin tendulkar would have strong feelings about the home and family life and stay very close to them in general .
sachin tendulkar would be loyal towards family members. mars or mangal gives him a royal nature, splendor, and a large home environment
sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest that he would live like a kind for sure.
but sure being a Leo guy he has to handle matters.
There could be more action and activity in the basement of the house of sachin tendulkar.
he will work hard to bring out his luck and fortune and also maintain good and happy family life .
yes difference in opinion in family matters is possible. sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggests that the more peace of mind he maintains. the best it is for his family.

About Sachin Tendulkar’s Career or Job Life based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
Venus is the lord of the 10th bhava for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope.
Venus or shukra has kendradhipati dosha here so Venus periods for him could cause issues in career and otherwise matters for sachin tendulkar.
As Venus is fair and also lord of tenth bhava so could give sachin tendulkar would get good royal favors and patronage and good thoughts from people I power.
for sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope Saturn or shani dev is in the 10th house. As the tenth house has a partial ruler ship of Saturn or shani dev as well.
Saturn or shani here makes sachin tendulkar affluent and attracts richness.
sachin tendulkar later may work for the down-trodden people or less empowered people.
The person could visits sacred rivers and shrines. The career may have sudden elevation and depression.
The 10th house lord of career or Job sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope is in 9th house makes him act in spirituality and dharma and with great success:).
yes he was sathya sai baba ji’s greatest bhakta as well. sachin tendulkar would also seriously take up dharma & spirituality.
The could be a good preacher/healer or a teacher as he grows older .
he is prone for charita. Also sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest that his father has had good influence on him and he(sachin tendulkar is also very dutiful)
. sachin tendulkar would have a good drive to earn money in the main to support a standard suitable to your high self-image.
You may have a strong drive for personal prominence. he could be very possessive at times.
sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest he win ins career only after good amount of struggle and effort.
Sticking at one place and building focus as sachin had developed would help him a ton. sudden turnarounds in job and accepting or rejecting matters could be there in his personality.
he could follow Vedic remedies for best results. yes sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest he would get prominence and wealth,
but sure after a lot of struggle at career front.

About sachin tendulkar’s Money or wealth and status Life based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
A strong mercury or budha for Sachin Tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope here gives good status and gains to him.
sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope has Ketu or dragon’s tail in 11th bhava suggest so he could gain sudden money by sudden events like horse racing, lottery or also trading and stock markets.
He has to be careful with money matters as such.
sachin tendulkar’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest that he has a kind heart and personality.
sachin Tendulkar may also participate in charitable works.

About Sachin Tendulkar:
What makes Sachin Tendulkar the master blaster of Indian cricket so different? Sachin needs no introduction. He was a great success in Indian cricket team, and yes the first choice of IPL/BCCI in his prime.