Demonetization Indian Currency notes –Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) ,black money- impact 2017 economy , Stocks, Property and Money matters?
The significance of Houses or bhavas:
I The soul or essence of each bhava or house is give.
Tanu Bhava or the first house your kundli or horoscope(birth Chart) implies the soul (self) your physical body, Dhana bhava or the second house in your kundli or horoscope(birth Chart) family, back, life partner et cetera., your kundli or horoscope(birth Chart) Sahaja bhava or house of initiatives or third house your more young kin/sisters or brothers and your ability to do business, Putra bhava or fifth house your kundli or horoscope(birth Chart) represents relatives(as it is second from the fourth house) and Yuvati bhava or the seventh house your kundli or horoscope(birth Chart) your spouse, wife ,lover or sex life. It is moreover said, that a Graha or planet in Putra bhava your kundli or horoscope(birth Chart) transforms into a Karaka for companion( children are also treated as companions).
- The Karakatwas of the Bhava or houses your kundli or horoscope(birth Chart) all together are sun or surya(first house), Guru or Jupiter)(second house or wealth house dhana bhava), Mangal or mars(Third house), Chandra or moon(the fourth house), Mangal or mars)(The sixth house), shukra or venus(seventh house), shani or Saturn (eighth house), Guru or Jupiter(ninth house) , Budha or mercury(tenth house) , Guru or Jupiter(eleventh house) and shani/Saturn(twelfth house).
- Ari or sixth house in your horoscope or kundli(Birth Chart), Randhr(eighth house) and Vyaya(twelfth house) are Trikas, Dusthana, or malefic Bhavas.
- Sahaj(third house) , Ari(sixth house), Karma(Tenth house) and Labh(eleventh house) are Upachayas.
- Dhana(second house), Putra(fifth house), Randhr(eighth house) and Labh(eleventh) are Panapharas
- and Sahaj(third house), Ari(sixth house), Dharma(ninth house) and Vyaya( twelfth house) are Apoklimas.
- Association with Trikas will convey wrongs. Kendras and Konas (Putra or the fifth house and Dharma or the ninth house) are hopeful Bhavas or houses , the association with which changes even negativeness into a guarantee.
Demonetization Indian Currency –Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) ,black money- impact 2017 economy , Stocks, Property and Money matters?
Now let us see astrologically what could affect money matters for India based on India’s Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart).
- The karaka for money and commerce = mercury(budha) and Jupiter(Guru)
- Based on India’s Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart)The banks and trade are ruled by 10th house,11th
- Money position like GDP inflation by second house( deals with money, accumulated money matters)
- Based India’s Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) The karaka for money is mercury for any country- but especially for India, it gets exact impact of ketu( IN(Aquarius or kumbha rashi= 10th house) and transit mercury or budha in Libra or tula rashi. It is in sixth house so already weaken and is near Jupiter(guru), the karaka for money and wealth.
- Jupiter also gets aspects from ketu and Jupiter(Guru) rules property for India, hidden wealth( black money).For India’s Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) So it is clear ketu is in the house of actions ort karma( 10th house), creating sharp attacks on the hide money or black money and over all demonetization of money.
- Also recent attack of India on Pakistan terror camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir is a clear indication of Saturn, ketu( the cutting or surgical influence in place) .That the reason India did the surgical attacks. There was a role of mars as well in the surgical attacks.mars(mangal), ketu and Saturn causes cutting actions- so be it surgical attacks or demonetization of 500rs and 1000 rs currency notes.
- Also in India’s Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) Saturn the lord of actions or tenth house is in Scorpio- not so happy, with natal ketu- so doubly confirms the sharp and sudden action of demonetization possible.
- Now sun for India’s Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) represents the public image of India and is weak in Libra or tula in sixth house along with Jupiter and transit mercury. This clearly indicates a strong connection of this move with the entire public of India.
- In 2017, India’s Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) Saturn would get into eighth house and Saturn(shani) rules luck and fortune for India, also corruption and economic growth for India. So Both corruption would go down and so could be economic growth be affected. Property might gets some boost with presence of Saturn in eighth house.
- In transit of Jupiter(guru) in Libra in august September 2017 time frame- there could be a lot of recovery of money and economy and property could surge more.
- The gains would come from catching of black money, religious matters. Leaders of nation need to take of health-especially leaders which connect with religious matters.

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