About this article ?
This article at length discusses the Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart in any Horoscope or Kundli of any person.
Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart in any Horoscope(Kundli) is primarily used gauging for suffering or misery for any person.
The applications of the Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart for the horoscope(Kundli) give the source of misery due to one self, Family members, siblings or Brothers and sisters, Home or assets, car or conveyances, loans or debts, children, enmity or opposition, people around, past life or your previous reincarnation, your religion or dharma or job or greed and also foreign lands ;0 ALL.
The method of Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart for any Horoscope(Kundli) calculation are also given.
The article further gives the 12 Houses of Horoscope Predictions of the d30 or the Trimshamsha chart
Further an example chart of a Celebrity is analyzed for the d30 or the Trimshamsha Horoscope or chart

What is the d30 or Trimshamsha divisional or Varga chart in any Horoscope or Kundli? The chart of miseries ๐
The 30th Division of any sign is Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart .
any sign is divided into in equal parts .
Only the planets that are considered are Mars or Mangal, Saturn or Shani, guru or Jupiter and also mercury or Buddha and also Venus and Shukra.
One has to note that sun and moon are not residing over any part of the Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart division in any Horoscope or Kundli.
so sun and moon do not form any part of the Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart horoscope or chart.
The reason is that sun and moon represent mother and father and as matri and pitri are divya or divine people they cannot cause problems to the person. ๐

what does the Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or Divisional Chart or horoscope tell about your mis-fortunes or Luck?
now we talk about Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or Divisional Chart or Horoscope(Kundli).
This Varga or Divisional Chart is basically seen or analyzed for mis-fortunes in life.
root cause of the source of the Misfortune we also apart from Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or Divisional Chart or Horoscope(Kundli) .
We refer to the relevant divisional or Varga or Divisional Chart That is the d10 dashamsha horoscope or d9 or navamsha .
so problems like Fortune or obstacles one faces and adversities and bad luck or mishaps that are happening in life- are traced to trimshamsha or d30 Varga or Divisional Chart or Horoscope(Kundli) .
And the corresponding divisional Varga or Divisional Chart like d30/d10/d9 etc.

How does Trimshamsha or d30 correlate with various problems in life like family, job, career etc?
so trimshamsha or d30 Varga or Divisional Chart or Horoscope(Kundli) is used to go to the source of any calamity or accident or reverses one faces in life.
It also looks at the misfortune or miseries one might face from accident or say issues with children or say problems at family front or even say property dispute .
Like life partner or wife problems form trimshamsha or d30 and also d9 or navamsha Varga or Divisional Chart or Horoscope(Kundli).
Career problem from trimshamsha or d30 & d10 Varga or Divisional Chart .
family or property dispute problem from the d4 or the chaturthamsha Varga or Divisional Chart .
say if there is an income Tax raid or CBI related search it is confirmed by the trimshamsha or d30 and the dashamsha or d10 Varga or Divisional Chart .
problem of children like deformity or behavioral issues can be found from d7 or saptamsha horoscope.

Can trimshamsha or d30 be used to know the character or nature of any person? Man or women?
trimshamsha or d30 is also seen for moral character of the person .
the planets placement in Lagna or with lagna Lord(ascendant) or the moon in various signs and various houses of the trimshamsha or d30 describe the nature and character of the female .
Trimshamsha or d30 horoscope or Varga or Divisional Chart Also gives the 6 weaknesses the person can acquire .
these are given by the planets in the lagna or moon the rising Varga or Divisional Chart .

The weaknesses and planets that one cans acquire are based on trimshamsha Horoscope or Kundli(Varga or Divisional Chart )?
what are the negative human qualities of human being given by trimshamsha or d30 divisional or Varga or Divisional Chart ?
The negative qualities are anger due to mars or Mangal. the next is intoxication that ruled by Saturn or shani dev & the number are 8.
Then is rahu or dragon’s head basically that is Ruled By number 4 .
then is last that is ruled by Venus or Shukra lust for luxary.
then is jealousy that is ruled by Mercury or budha.
delusion in regard to world is ruled by planet Ketu or dragon’s tail.
so ketu(dragonโs tail) blocks worship or self realization which can be derived from the trimshamsha or d30 Varga or Divisional Chart or horoscope(kundli).

How To Calculate the Trimshamsha Divisional Chart Or Varga Birth Chart? Also which energies rule which division
The Trimshamsha or the D-30 divisional chart . In this divisional chart the lord of odd signs are mars, Saturn, Jupiter ,mercury and Venus.
Each of the above planets rules 5,5,8,7 and 5 degrees.

How to Create the Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart Horoscope(Kundli) or Chart?
Now to create the trimshamsha chart which planet is given on divisions . various divisions are of unequal size.
For the EVEN signs Like Taurus and Cancer, Virgo etc.
Trimshamsha or d30 sign Division 1 It is Mars or Mangal rules the first divisions and rules from 0-5 degrees. The sign in d30 or Trimshamsha is Aries sign(mesha rashi. The tattawa or element is fire or agni.
Trimshamsha or d30 sign Division 2
for Saturn or Shani it is 5ยฐ to 10 degrees. The sign in the d30 or Trimshamsha is Aquarius or Kumbha and the tattwa or element Air or Vayu.
Trimshamsha or d30 sign Division 3rd
The 3rd divisions are ruled by Jupiter or Guru and the degrees are from 10 to 18 degrees. The sign is Sagittarius in the d30 or Trimshamsha horoscope[e and the element or tattwa is ether or akasha.
Trimshamsha or d30 sign Division 4
Then from 18 t0 25 degrees we have mercury or budha and the sign in the d30 or Trimshamsha is Gemini and the element is earth or prithvi.
Trimshamsha or d30 sign Division 5
The last element is Venus or shukra and the Trimshamsha or d30 sign is Libra and also tattwa or element is Jala or water.

for ODD signs in Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart for any Kundli or Horoscope the above sequence gets reversed. so 0 to 5 degrees is Venus and so on in the reverse order of the above.

The deities ruling this divisional chart are:
โข Agni
โข Vayu
โข Indra
โข Kuber
โข and Varuna.
In case of even signs this ruler ship is reversed(Varuna,Kuber,Indra onward).

Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart and all the 12 house predictions in any Horoscope or Kundli
No we talk about Trimshamsha or d30 horoscope or Kundli various houses of any Horoscope.
First House or 1st House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
first house suggest the weakness of the person that cause miseries to the person. It is the un happiness created by own doing .
the first house also suggest in d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart the problems connected to broth.
second House or 2nd House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
second house of Trimshamsha or the d30 divisional or Varga chart is of happiness or miseries that are there due to one’s family one is born .
what kind of miseries or may be happiness one could get from wealth earned and also your family.
Third House or 3rd House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
The 3rd house of d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart is house of courage and it is also the house of the courage to face the miseries problems of life.
also it indicates miseries or troubles created by people that are nearby or your neighbors and all the co-born’s or the siblings.
Fourth House or 4th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
The 4th bhava of the d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart gives the character the problems or issues mind due to Thinking or behavior one has at home.
it could be the house of aggravation due to property and also solutions of the same as well.
Fifth House or 5th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
5th house of d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart suggest good or not so good or bad intelligence or way of thinking that could cause happiness or otherwise that is trouble .
it also connect to the perverted thoughts a person could have say may be to do with porn etc. and any issues or negativity from the progeny of children
sixth House or 6th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
6th house of d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart is related or connected to debt and diseases of the body .
especially flights & accidents etc.
seventh House or 7th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
The 7th house of the d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart connects to the outside world and people .
It suggests problems arising due to the society or the people town of village where you are .
as 7th bhava rules spouse or life partner it means problems due to spouse or your life partner .
That is husband and wife.
it also shows your public behavior as well
Eighth House or 8th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
The 8th house of d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart is the house of mysteries and also birth congenital disease which one is born with.
It is also for weaknesses which are there due to the past life Karma with no easy remedy.
the disease that can become chronic in nature .
also basic miseries that is incurable in nature.
Ninth House or 9th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
This 9th house of d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart suggests the miseries that one might have due to the disrespect of religion or Guru or god .
It also suggest the blessing and Goodwill instead of the curses that gets if this house if the dharma a actions are good ๐
Tenth House or 10th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
The d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart 10th House suggest the problems are there due to your own willful wrong actions and attitude .
It gives person Sorrows or un happiness due to it.
Eleventh House or 11th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
11th house of d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart deals with the greed and the miseries due to the greed :(.
as 11th house is house of Gains. so the excess gains is great but not the greed ;). lesser the greed lesser are the miseries in your life ๐
Twelfth House or 12th House of the trimshamsha or d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart
The 12th house or the d30 Horoscope Varga Or Divisional chart suggest the problem that one gets in the foreign country or hospital and also of the sleep .
as the 12th bhava or house deals with all the 3(that is foreign lands, healthcare and seeping ;)).

Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope (Kundli) chart applied to a celebrity politicians each House of Kundli Predictions?
here we analyze in depth the 12 house of a Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope of a well known politician (celebrity) ๐ of India.
The first House or 1st House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
so looking at the first house of the Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope of the politician .
we would look at what problems he would create by his own effort.
as Mercury or Buddha is sitting in the lagan and it is debilitated.
so this means the in discrete actions of the person will cause his downfall. this is hundred percent true for the politician. ๐
image for his and his party has gone towards negative due to him.
Mercury rules words as well and his words or communication has caused a lot of problems to him.
The second House or 2nd House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
The 2nd house of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope is basically dealing with the problems or miseries of family origin.
exalted sun but lord of 6th here gives him good dignity but at the same time issues due to politics and lineage to his parental home.
we have the blessed planet Jupiter here so Jupiter gives blessings to family of this person. ๐
he is from an n Indian royal or great Political family.
sun or Leo energies here suggest that.
The Third House or 3rd House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
then comes the 3rd house of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope.
It house deals with the courage to face the miseries of life and also miseries from one’s brother sister or neighbor.
Now Venus or Taurus sign the 3rd bhava lord sits in the 7th house.
so this and absorbs the energy of the 7th house.
so this suggest problems due to society or people around could come to this person.
but over all Venus a benefic so good relationships with sister is indicated.
The fourth House or 4th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
now look at the 4th house of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope .
we see that in this 4th house malefic Saturn or shani de dev is here .
so as we know that this house suggests the character and the problems due to behavior at home of the celebrity.
so he may sometime face some issues due to property .
also as the planet Saturn rules of 12th house so he may face issues in foreign lands and also in hospital and related health.
The fifth House or 5th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
The 5th house of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope deals with intelligence of the person .
It also deals any kind of negative thoughts and progeny(children) of the person .
as for him 5th house lord is moon is in enemy sign of Capricorn so not much promise of children. though does not deny fully.
The sixth House or 6th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
The 6th house or bhava of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope deals with enmity with people and GOD forbid disease or accident .
sun is the lord here.
but it is blessed with Jupiter in the second house of the horoscope.
The seventh House or 7th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
then is the 7th house of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope.
as the seventh house deals with outside world & people at large .
also may be issues due to the society one livesโ in .
he is blessed with a homely sign Virgo the 6th sign with blessed Venus(shukra)- so would get a fair support from people.
bit note that Venus rules the 8th house so unexpected issues in public life or comfort in public life is there. he has faced sudden reversal in the same.
The eighth House or 8th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
The 8th house or bhava of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope connects to past life & Karma house and Venus(shukra) is ruling the Libra sign(Tula rashi) .so clearly good luxury ๐ in the past life or connected to the people he was with in past life as well .
The Ninth House or 1st House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
The 9th house of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope so suggest bad past life Karma is due to connection to the society or ethics and also religion .
we note that mars or Mangal(Scorpio or vrishchika rashi) is ruling and is in the 10th house.
where ketu so also there. There is also malefic rahu or dragonโs head, so wrongful actions to do with the religious actions cause problems. this person has to face a lot of flack due to his visit of temples.
The tenth House or 10th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
also note that the 10th House has Mars/Rahu and Ketu so aggressive actions or Rash actions connected to religion of dharma could cause problems .
The eleventh House or 11th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
The eleventh house or House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli suggest issues due to greed and miseries what is happening in one’s life.
that 11 house lord is of 4th house person has moon there in the Capricorn sign.
of great that could be there Saturn(shani) is ruling Capricorn(maker rashi) , so stress could be caused due to this .
The twelfth House or 12th House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli
The 12th house of House of Trimshamsha or d30 Varga or divisional Horoscope or Kundli has Aquarius(kumbha rashi) others again ruled by Saturn and is in the 4th house. so the foreign lands problems could come to the family.
we note that his mother is a foreigner ๐ and that is affecting the overall Political career as well for the person.
You can see how accurate is the d30 chart for any kind of predictions !!! ;).