Saturn (shani) is retrograde (vakri) in Sagittarius (dhanu) and Scorpio(Vrishchika rashi) in June, July 2017 Predictions for Your Moon sign (Rashi) for coming months?
Why Saturn transit is so important for you?
The planet Saturn is a long and distant plane from our earth at around 120,536 kilometers away. The largest planet is guru or Jupiter, Saturn or shani is just slightly smaller than the same. The average time Saturn takes to revolve around sun is 30 years and around the axis of the same it is 10 hours. For our earth it is 24 hours. Saturn rules the land and agriculture and rules most of the problems like delays, separations , death and other problems that we face.
What Happens when Saturn is Retrograde?
- The planet like Saturn becomes retrograde which is an illusion caused by motion of earth and yes the planet. But the planets are much larger when retrograde and are also brighter. So the electromagnetic waves reflected or radiated by the planet like Saturn are more profound but of different nature when shani is vakri or retrograde.
- So whenever shani gets retrograde or vakri in your horoscope, all the significations to do with the bhavas or houses it rules get impacted, delayed or with some problem or the other- plus there is an impact of shani drishti or aspect on 3/7/10 house.
- Also the transit or gochhar shani interacts with natal planets in your horoscope., creating an altogether new set of effects for you. Like if Saturn in transit is in 9th bhava of yours and there natal Jupiter(Guru) is there, so significations of Guru could start getting impacted along with the lordship of Guru and many more things.
Aries Moon Sign or Mesha Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit of Saturn or shani from Sagittarius to Scorpio sign, your career and money flow house or salary house affected. So you have to take care of what you do now and avoid any harsh steps Saturn might make you take. Take good care of male seniors at home as the ninth bhava is also afflicted. In July , august 2017 land related issues or sudden matters could come to fore for you.
- This transit of Saturn in your eighth house from your moon or rashi is not an auspicious transit and could cause loss of wealth or position. You need to take good care of health of your wife or husband and also your kids.
- Your image has to be proper and you may be indicted by the government or state. You have to avoid women of wicked character or nature, as they could be source of lo of trouble now. The transit is considered as bad sade-sati.
- Career or office might have unexpected issues.
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Taurus Moon Sign or Vrishabha Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), it impacts your ninth and tenth house of luck and fortune and also career or karma. So you may go for religious pilgrimages in July/august 2017.
- Also there could be issues in career matters now as the lord of career and purva punya or luck the ninth house is down.Take good care of male seniors and avoid any harsh or stubborn actions till July /august 2017 atleast.
- This transit of Saturn from seventh house of your moon or rashi sign is not a favorable one, so you need to take proper care of your sexual conduct and also health of your wife or husband.
- There could be travels and your image at office could be impacted .You have to take care of air travel now. Money needs proper care and mind needs to be kept stable now.
- You may not get help from your subordinates or life partner this time.
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Gemini Moon Sign or Mithuna Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), Your eighth and ninth house of landed property and luck and job are impacted and also by virtue of transit Saturn comes in the sixth and seventh .
- So Utmost care for job is needed and also health matters needs care. As entry of vakri Saturn or shani in 6th though is positive in some sense but aspect on third house could cause losses in business.
- This transit of Saturn or shani from sixth house of moon or your rashi is an auspicious transit, in this transit you may have much better food to eat and enjoy. Your disease would be less and you will get favors form the government.
- Your sexual pleasures could increase and also people who oppose you would be subdued for sure. You would develop a good personality.
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Cancer Moon Sign or Karkat Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), the seventh and eighth houses of relationships/love and job and also your lands are impacted. So is the transit happening from sixth to fifth house of yours.
- So kids or children need proper care now. So does your relationships that includes you husband or wife and also your job need s care. Unexpected and sudden problems in all the fronts could be there till July /august 2017 atleast.
- This transit of Saturn in fifth house of moon or your rashi is not auspicious . This could affect proper thinking of the person so one may not be able plan or take the right decisions.
- Sexual conduct has to be kept discreet, the life partner may suffer from vata or wind complaints. There could be issues in money flows. One needs to take good care of children this time. One is prone to accidents and the kids may have health issues.
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Leo Moon Sign or Simha Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), the sixth and seventh house are impacted – this could cause health issues and also relationships with loved ones and job needs care in July or august 2017 . If in foreign lands trouble could be there.
- The transit happens between fifth and fourth house. So care ash to be taken of kids, how you think and also for your landed property/home and also on driving.
- This transit of Saturn in the fourth house from moon or your rashi is not an auspicious transit, as Saturn or shani here could cause negative thinking in the mind. Your comfort levels could reduce and there could be property issue or issues to do with your image at office and yes within your family members.
- Your mother’s health needs care. Take care while driving. There could be an impact on your career as well.
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Virgo Moon Sign or Kanya Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), the fifth and sixth house are impacted. So kids or children need proper care now till July/august 2017 atleast.
- The transit happens from fourth to third house of yours. So take special care on how you drive , family peace and also your business. Try to connect to good and saintly people only.
- This transit of Saturn from third house from moon or your rashi is malefic and Saturn is also malefic , so two negatives combine to make a positive impact on your life. You could become more courageous and defeat people who might oppose you.
- You might start of new ventures and projects. Good for your initiatives and jobs. Your brothers/sisters and other people would help you. There could be people to helps you or serve you or obey you.
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Libra Moon Sign or Tula Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), your fourth and fifth house area ruled by Saturn or shani. So this transit could impact your way of thinking, land disputes or family disputes could come up and also kids need care in July or august 2017.
- The transit happens in the third house of shourya or courage and initiatives plus into your second house of wealth and status. So these things could be impacted.
- In transit of Saturn or shani from the second house from moon or your rashi is a part of the sade sati. This transit may cause you lose wealth and also position or status in family or office.
- You should keep your conduct ethical and not try earn by wrong means now .You have to speak sweetly now. Your life partner needs proper care now. As the family house is afflicted so family could be impacted.
- Transit form ascendant to twelfth house happens. So take good care of health.
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Scorpio Moon Sign or Vrishchika Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), your third house of initiatives and business and the fourth house or matri bhava is impacted in July or august 2017.As a results special care on your initiatives and yes peace in family matters is needed.
- In the transit of Saturn in the first house from moon or your rashi is a part of the sade sati the dreaded cycle. You may not be able to think properly. You may become dull witted with pain in limbs. There is lethargy and inactivity in the body.There is a lot of wind or vata in the body.
- There is a fear of accidents and also fall from high places. You may have issues with your friends and relatives and l travel to far off places. There is a fear from the government or state if natal Saturn is very weak in your horoscope. One may acquire a darker complexion and wanderings might be more.
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Sagittarius Moon Sign or Dhanu Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), your second house and your third house are involved in month of July or august 2017. So take care on what you speak now and also take well thought actions.
- This transit of Saturn in the twelfth house from moon or rashi is not auspicious . This could cause you travel aimlessly or atleast cause worry., expenditure could be on the higher side for you.
- You might be in conflict with your relatives or friends. Health is a concern now. Ensure you don’t get lured by hidden secret plans of others. You may come in conflict with well known people.
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Capricorn Moon Sign or Makar Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), your first and second house are involved- this could cause health issues in the month of July or august 2017.There could be issues with wealth as well. You may also travel.
- The transit happens from your twelfth to eleventh hsoue.So gains could be impacted.
- This transit of Saturn or shani in the eleventh house from moon rashi is auspicious . There could be gains in salary or earnings. You may get promoted. Sex life with wife or life partner and or others improves. You will have confidence and even wicked people help you. The signifcator of Saturn like cement, coal, petrol etc would be helpful for you.
Aquarius Moon Sign or Kumbha Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this transit retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), your twelfth and first house are involved. So take care of health and your sexual conduct should be proper especially bin the month of July and august 2017 . If in foreign lands take proper care.
- Your eleventh and tenth house are involved so stake proper care in career matters.
- This transit of Saturn from the tenth house of your moon or rashi sign is again not good. It could make you lose your job or change your job or atleast projects.
- You need to avoid harsh actions . There could be a lot of hard work that is needed. There could be obstacles in your employment or career. As there is an aspect on thru fourth house, so issues with life partner and family is possible. There could be issues of black magic , false accusation and not so good promotion for you in office or career matters.
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Pisces Moon Sign or Meena Rashi : Saturn(shani) transits retrograde(Vakri) in Sagittarius sign(dhanu rashi) till July 12 2017 and then is retrograde or Vakri in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi for few months.
- In this retrogression(vakri shani) of Saturn from Sagittarius (dhanu rashi) to Scorpio sign( vrishchika rashi), your twelfth and eleventh house are involved, so you have to take care of health and accidents and also your money gains or salary in the month of July and august 2017.
- The transit happens from tenth to ninth house, so take care of male seniors and also career.
- This transit of Saturn in your ninth house from your moon or rashi is not good as it makes the person a bit less close to dharma or religion or ethics. You have to be careful about the health of your father of male seniors.
- You have to take care of your health and conduct with others, especially seniors. Your brother and friends may not help you.
- There could be curse form elders and as ninth bhava or house represents journeys – you could have confinement or issues in Journeys.
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