About this article
In detail the Pisces sign or Meena rashi traits, Luck, Career, Money, Love, Health etc are discussed.
For fine tuning of traits, one could use the actual Horoscope and planetary placements.
To elaborate the Pisces sign or Meena rashi , the Horoscope of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is taken in to consideration later in this article.

The Basic Qualities of people with Moon in Pisces or Meena rashi?

What are the Basic Traits of Pisces or Meena Rashi horoscope people ?
As Pisces or Meena Rashi horoscope People are ruled by Jupiter the planet f affluence. π so Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope would enjoy riches .
Also Pisces being a watery sign and connected to foreign lands being the 12th sign.
So Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope and might have fondness to things from the sea or River or Water( as the Pisces sign or Meena rashi rules water & sea etc).
The Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people could be enamoured or excited with his/her spouse and garments or clothes.

What are the Physical traits of Pisces or Meena Rashi horoscope people?
Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope Might have a well-proportioned body as moon that is lagan gets Jupiter or Pisces energies and Jupiter gives a well-proportioned body to you.:)
Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people may have a prominent nose, huge head, and an ability to overcome your adversaries π as Jupiter would give you success ;).
Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope could also be easy-going with ladies as Jupiter is also number 3= fin ;), with enchanting eyes.
They would also make fortune by travel as 12th sign Pisces or Meena rashi rules travels ;).

Loves glistening (shining) articles, is affluent and well educated.
As moon represents self and Pisces ruled by Jupiter .
so when self gets energy from Jupiter or guru the planet for education and wealth- you naturally get wealth and education

What are the emotional traits of the Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope person?
Having moon in Pisces makes Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people too emotional as moon is number 2 and an emotional planet π .
also as Pisces or Meena rashi is sign 12 with a 2 there .
so 2×2= makes the person highly emotional. also have Jupiter as a lord of the same so moon Plus Jupiter attracts Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope people to like literature, poetry, and higher tastes of life.
But moon being a weak planet they may also get easily discouraged or losing faith in self.

What are the health problems Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope are prone to ?
Pisces or Meena rashi people generally love to travel, especially by sea and love to change matters too soon ;).
As moon id a watery planet and so Pisces sign so it could cause obesity to the person.
Pisces or Meena rashi also rules fluids and glandular releases in the human body. so glands need care.
These people may worry much and apparently Jupiter may give them optimism but at times happy also :). so a mixed bag for them

PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF Pisces or Meena rashi horoscope to Kangana Ranaut below

Kangana Ranaut the Bollywood actress has moon in Pisces – the overall effects
The sun is in Pisces or Meena rashi for Kangana Ranaut but give effects like moon in Pisces for her.:)
As sun, moon and lagna or ascendant all are essentially Lagna or ascendants and important energy distribution points in any Horoscope
being a Pisceans she could be highly emotional.
yes she left her home from Himachal Pradesh (India)at a very young age.
That can happen only when , one is highly passionate and emotional.
Yes she(Kangana Ranaut) still is very affectionate and connected to her family. & yes sooner or later may start some social work due to her high sensitivity. :).
Pisces or Meena rashi being 12th sign, and in the 1 series of numbers may at times have some seclusion in life.
Yes she was into affairs with Hrithik Roshan etc but now mostly on her own.
also as moon impacts glands so health needs care. that what is needed for her.
This Yoga gives strong body π so let her do that.
also we wish her all the best in life. π