About this article?
This article in depth and detail covers Longevity and Life span based on any Kundli Or Horoscope(birth chart).
How various sandhi’s’ in Nakshatra tithi etc effects Longevity or Life span, the arishtaas(negative points) and role of all planets in Longevity.
So is the malefic Navamsha divisions considered.
So as a Practical example of longevity and life span application give for Korean president Kim Jong Un
This article looks in details of various categories of gandhas like lagna, nakshatra, Rashi or tithi Gandha.
Also various poisonous or negative amshas or navamshas are identified that impact the longevity or life span.
Then is the Longevity of the Korean dictator King Jong Un discussed in detail based on his horoscope or Kundli based on principles discussed int he article .

what is the classical view of longevity or lifespan matters?

So we look at that actuality longevity or life span has is basically determined by the strength of lagan(ascendant) and also the 8th lord of the kundli or Horoscope(birth chart) .

Also the benefic and malefic energy balance defines the primary longevity.
So this is combined with strength of the lagna and 8th house in horoscope or Kundli(birth chart) to give the longevity or life span of the person .

Then are the Arishtha bhangas and others so many multiple ways by which it can be determined longevity or lifespan

Yogas for balarsiht are there to suggest if the child lives till 12 years of age of age or more. then it is Alpayu
Also this could be due to negligence of father or bad Karma of father .
so there was a prachalan or a practice of visiting the Saints at that age to eliminate this aspect

but if life is lost in between 8- and 12-years age of life span.
then it is due to Sin of the child himself & family the longevity or life span gets reduced.

Longevity ranges –
Longevity is divided into various Ranges like alpayu or the short life, madhyayu or the medium life(till 80 years of age) and deerghayu or long life till 120 years of age .
The alpayu or 32 years 13 various gets reduced due to various negative points which reduce this 32 years called the arishthas.

what are The various gandha’s or critical points in any horoscope?–
One of the gandha or the junction point is lagna gandha, other is rashi or nakshatra and also tithi or lunar date’s gandha.
so junction points in any Rashi or Nakshatra and they considered to be inauspicious .
Gandhmool is a common problem in Vedic astrology. This impacts the longevity or life span.
Basically the lunar date or tithi is due to moon’s occupation of various constellation but this changes due certain updates.
The lunar month of 28 to 30 days is divided into two parts that is Shukla paksha and Krishna Paksha.
So when the period the moon is increasing it is called Shukla paksha. And counting your days is 1-15.
then comes the waning moon or the Krishna paksha.
The first on 8,15 second in between the 10th and 11 that treated is inauspicious tithis or lunar dates.
all this with reference to Moon position with the sun .s a correlation of sun and moon dates gives these results.

what are the Gandhas or planets in lagna or ascendant to Impact Longevity or Lifespan of the Horoscope or Kundli(birth chart)?
The lagna or ascendant gandhas or junction points are lagna or ascendant gandhas. Kundli is only extension of the stars or the constellations or say Nakshatras.
so should the constellation of ketu(dragon’s tail) fall in beginning of Aries Leo and Sagittarius sign and those of Mercury at the need for cancer Scorpio and Pisces(Mesha, Karkat or Vrishchika rashi) to or one Ghati on both sides is called Lagna .
This could cause an arishtha or a reduction in the overall longevity

How could Visha Navamsha or d9 be malefic for longevity or life span?
some of the Navamshas or the d9 divisions are considered to be negative or malefic for longevity or life span if planets or lagna is there in the Kundli or Horoscope(birth chart).
The first navamsha or d9 of Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, and Virgo sign( The 1st Navamsha of Mesha rashi, Vrishabha rashi , Dhanu rashi and Kanya rashi).
5th navamsha or d9 for Libra Gemini ,Leo and Aquarius.(i.e. The 5th Navamsha Tula, mithuna, Simha and Kumbha rashi)
9th navamsha or d9 for Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.(i.e. The 9th Navamsha of The karkat, Vrishchika, Makara and Meena rashi)

PRACTICAL APPLICATION of Longevity & Life Span for The Horoscope or Kundli of Kim Jong Un below

Longevity or Lifespan –based on Kundli & Horoscope (birth chart) Kim Jong Un North Korea Donald trump USA war predictions
Kim Jong un was born on 8th January 1984.
He is the chairman of democratic republic of Korea and at the moment in conflict with USA and a possibility of war between North Korea and United states of America- run by President Donald trump.
In this article we do his (kim Jong un-Korea’s) basic longevity analysis.
His(kim Jong un’s) Surya kundli and Chandra kundli horoscope (birth chart) is analysed fully to conclude on the same.

Longevity of kim Jong Un north Korea based on Surya kundli horoscope(Birth chart)

In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea, The lagna of the surya kundli is very strong with Jupiter the lagnadhipati sitting in the lagna itself.
It does get slightly combust due to a malefic sun sitting in the first bhava, but still it is fairly strong.

In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea .
The eighth bhava of Horoscope or kundli lord or longevity or moon is a bit weak in the sign of Aquarius or kumbha rashi.
So he has to fear water and see and also he should not harm himself (suicide) as the third bhava is associated.
Moon in kumbha gives him mental firmness and rigidity as well.
It might make him a bit depression prone as well.
The negative actions he shows might be due to internal self-esteem, issues, or depression.

In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea ,Anger and aggression in mind is shown due to aspect of mars on moon.
This malefic aspect of mars from the 11th bhava also impacts the longevity of the ruler of north Korea, especially when negative aspects of mars is there on lagan or moon, or mars is agitated and weak.
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea ,The markesh for kim Jong un is mercury(budha) and Saturn(Shani).
but Saturn(Shani) is a greater killer as it is with malefic mars. So Saturn aspects on the lagna or 8th bhava lord could bring in trouble to longevity of this man.

For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea ,Now Saturn is in the lagna in transit in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi .
so it gets conjunct with natal mercury or budha the markesh for kim Jong unison that means any weakness or malefic aspect of mercury could be hurtful or harmful for the president kim Jong un.
Mercury or budha would be in dhanu or Sagittarius in the month of December 2017.
This comes into his lagna, so November ending, and December 2017 could be real hard months for kim Jong un.
As I have said earlier as well November second half and December 2017 could be critical months for kim Jong un’s life.
but still as Jupiter gains strength, his chances of survival and going more towards sadbudhi path also increases.

Longevity of kim Jong un north Korea based on Chandra kundli
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea .
The Chandra lagna moon is just OK in fact a bit weak as it is at a distance of 5 houses from the dispositor Saturn or Shani.
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea ,Mercury the lord of longevity is in the 11th
Mercury or budha is with malefic sun and also a benefic Jupiter so over all balanced.
The markesh are Jupiter and sun for him.
Both in 11th So hurt from weapons and also hurt in woods or forests/boat or ship is possible.
Over all longevity of the monarch of north Korea is not bad and should be above 60 years of age.
Unless a hard transit does not happen, which we can know only when we have the full tie of broth of the person.

predictions for kim Jong un
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea .
Rahu(dragon’s head) in the eighth bhava and moon sitting in the 11th bhava of Aquarius in the 3rd house of initiative could make him initiate suicidal or rash missions from Korea.
He does have to fear hidden attacks as he is prone to the same November ending and December.
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of kim Jong un of north korea ,He will gain in some wealth for his country Korea as Jupiter gets into his eleventh bhava.
He has an agitated Saturn with mars or Mangal in the natal chart, this rigid attitude could seriously impact his relationships with many countries.
Though slowly as Saturn or Shani dev gains strength.
he will recover in relationships with many countries including China.
We wish peace to the entire world!