About this article?
This article at length analyses various planetary Yoga’s in any Horoscope or Kundli at length to see how they contribute to money or wealth and status in life.
It looks at the role of various planets like sun, mars, Jupiter , Rahu(dragon’s Head), Mercury , Venus, Ketu(Dragon’s Tail), Saturn, Mars etc in the Horoscope in creating wealth or Money Yoga’s.
Based on the Natal Moon or Chandra or moon Lagna the yoga’s or planetary combinations for money based on any Kundli Horoscope are also discussed at length.
as a PRACTICAL example to explain concepts better the Horoscope or Kundli of Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook CEO is also analysed at length.
What made him a Big success at such a Young age? 🙂
It additionally looks at the role of the ascendants or Lagna also rashi’s Like Aries(Mesha rashi), Taurus(Vrishabha rashi) to Pisces(Meena rashi) etc to create great wealth or Money in any kundli or Horoscope :).

How is wealth generated or created in any Horoscope or wealth Yogas?

What are the basic of wealth generation or creation in any Kundli or Horoscope?
wealth in any Horoscope is represented by three core factors.
1) the houses 2,11 of the Horoscope or Kundli .
2) The secondary consideration is the Kendra bhava 4,7,10 and also the trines ot the trikona bhava or the 1,5,9
3)Then is the health of the planetary Karakas or signifactors of wealth or money like venus or shukra and also Jupiter or Guru and also mercury or budha.

How do the Bhavas or Houses contribute to wealth generation or creation in any Kundli or Horoscope?
so as 1st house is self, so any Money flow combination should have connection with self or 1st bhava ( Moon or other lagna ) to make the money flow to the person.
Also the Lucky or money Giving houses are 5th(functions like venus or luxuries from this) and also 9th bhava( fortune or Luck).
So are the natural hsoues for wealth from 2nd bhava( money flows and status), 11th bhava or House is Gains and also help from friends.
Also property and assets are from 4th hsoue or Bhava.

How do the Planets contribute to wealth generation or creation in any Kundli or Horoscope?
so does money flow well if the Karakas Like Venus, Jupiter or mercury well placed.
Venus gives Luxuries, mercury helps in managing Money flows and Jupiter gives Opulence.
All the Yoga’s below are based on the same principles.

What are the Yoga or planetary Combination for wealth to do with Aries or Scorpio sign or Mesha & Vrischika rashi? Yoga of wealth 1:
In the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart) in case that a Rashi(or sun sign) of Mangal (Like Aries or Scorpio – that is mesha and Vrishchika rashi)happens to be Putra Bhava(The fifth house) with Mangal(mars) in that.
while shukra(Venus) is in Labha Bhava(eleventh house), the person will turn out to be exceptionally princely.
Explanation of the wealth or Money Yoga in the Horoscope or Kundli- Yoga 1: The reason is mars or mangal in any Horoscope , if is strong in a good house that is fifth house- this gives very positive energy for action and getting things done.
also, the eleventh house is of salary and money flows- Venus or shukra sitting there gives good salary and money flows in job or otherwise.
5th House of thinking + Scorpio(Vrishchika) or Aries Energy in 5th + 11th house having Venus or shukra energy ==> The person is Princely

What are Yoga or planetary Combination for wealth related to Cancer sign? Yoga of wealth 2:
Given the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart ).
In case that Karkat rashi(cancer sign) happens to be the ruler of Putra Bhava(The fifth house).
Also have Chandra or moon in in, while Shani or Saturn is in Labha Bhava(Eleventh house of gains), the person will turn out to be exceptionally rich and princely ;).
Explanation of this wealth or Money Yoga in the Horoscope or Kundli-Yoga 2:
As Moon in fifth gives mental stability and strength to the good house that is fifth house and Saturn in eleventh house that is sixth house from moon.
This removes the negative obstacles and otherwise being eleventh from ascendant supports money flows that would steadily increase.
Yogas for Wealth(money)- that is average wealth:

What is the Yoga or planetary Combination for wealth to do with Sun and Leo sign? Yoga of wealth 3:
Looking at the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart ).
If the planet surya(sun) be in Leo sign(Simha rashi) in the Lagan or ascendant and be yuti(conjunction)with.
or accepting a Drishti(aspect from Mangal and Guru), one will be well off in life).
Explanation of this wealth or Money Yoga in the Horoscope or Kundli : Yoga 3:
The planet sun in simha suggest good position a and royal comforts.
when the royal planets mars and Jupiter aspect the sun .
it gives royal patronage and growth in terms of money(Jupiter).

What is the Yoga or planetary Combination for wealth caused by Mercury or Jupiter? Yoga of wealth 4:
For the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart ).
if Chandra or Moon be in Karkat rashi( cancer sign) in the Lagna(ascendant) and be yuti(conjunction) with or accepting a Drishti(aspect) from Budh(mercury) and Guru(Jupiter), one will be well off.
Explanation of this wealth or Monet Yoga in Horoscope : Yoga 4:
A strong moon in moon rashi or sign gives mental ability and serenity and diplomacy to the person to win the battle of life.
mercury and Jupiter are money generating planets – they have to do with money and commerce and moon here is the self(=ascendant) this gives good gains in wealth and status.

what are the Yoga or planetary Combination for wealth due to Aries or Scorpio sign? Yoga of wealth 5:
Analysing the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart ).
if the planet Mangal(mars) be in Lagna or ascendant sitting in own Rashi( that is signs Aries/Scorpio or mesha/Vrishchika).
and be yuti(conjunction) with or accepting a Drishti(aspect) from Budha(mercury), shukra(Venus) and Saturn, the person will be rich.
Explanation of this wealth and Money Yoga in the Horoscope: Yoga 5: So for Aries or Scorpio ascendant.
Mars or Mangal gives the necessary energy to achieve and aspect of benefic mercury and Venus gives affluence and Saturn gives stability to achieve things.

What are the Yoga’s or planetary Combinations for wealth due to Virgo or Gemini sign ? Yoga of wealth 6:
If Mercury sign or Budh’s Rashi (or sun sign is Gemini/Virgo) be the Lagna(ascendant) with Budh in that and also Budh or mercury be in conjunction(yuti_ with or accepting a Drishti(aspect) from Shani or Saturn and Guru, the person will be rich.
Explanation Yoga for wealth & Money in your Horoscope: Yoga 6:
As mercury is karaka for wealth and gets good energy in the lagan and also getting Drishti or aspect from guru or Shani fortifies the strength of mercury as guru is natural karaka for money and Shani is a friend of mercury.

MOON or Chandra based Yoga’s or planetary combinations
Can the position of Moon form sun or surya make anyone a prince pauper or a king?
so as sun is considered a malefic and energy distributions in Kendra for it is treated as negative.
Now if moon or self or the person himself is in Kendra from sun or surya , so means it also take negative energy from malefic sun or surya.
so this first thing impacts wealth and status and also wealth as well.
if in Kendra bhava 1,4,10th the youth and childhood issues could be high in health and wealth issues.
if Moon is in the Panaphara Bhavas (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th houses) so average issues could be there in wealth and health .
But if in Apoklima Bhavas (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses) it would be a Great y in regard to wealth, money and health.
How could conjunction of Moon lagna and divisional chart plus Jupiter or Guru or shukra cause losses or Gain of wealth?
One born at night time will enjoy similar effects, if chandra is in its own.
So as Moon is the core of personality and if it is either exalted in the navamsha or d9 horoscope .
and say the birth is in day, then aspect of Jupiter could cause one have a lot of wealth & happiness etc.
also if one is born in Night and is strong in exalted, own or friendly Navamsha or d9 and there is an aspect of Venus or shukra that rules the nights or beauty of night :), then one could have great wealth and happiness.
also if Moon is in debility or in enemy sign and receives aspect from Jupiter during the day Or from Venus or shukra during the night the wealth would be less of that person.
What role could sixth, seventh and eight house of Bhava of Horoscope make one a King< CEO or a CTO or manager ?
There is a high energy shared by the benefics in the half-moon of sixth, seventh and eighth house of any Horoscope(Kundli) from lagna or ascendant or moon, then the adhi-yoga is formed and depending on the strength of the benefci sin the above houses- one could become the king CEO or leader of the state or a minister in the cabinet or otherwise or a head of armed services or Police or navy etc.
This could apply to senior management roles as well.
What are the Yoga’s or planetary combinations to make one rich with wealth and money as the time passes by ?
As we know about Upachya houses thats is 3rd, 6th 10th and 11th , plus so is 7th house houses, the planets here get stronger as time passes, so if we have good energies there, success is guaranteed.
so that means if benefics like Jupiter, mercury or Moon are there, the success is guaranteed as time passes by.
But it also depends on number of Good planets there.
so if one planet is there, so there is less money, if two planets are there.
so more money and if three planets, Good effects in life is there.
How could sun and moon Give you wealth and make you rich plus nice person?
If we have mostly benefic planers second from the moon sign that is in the dhana bhava, or wealth house- your gains and money would grow.
But sun and Saturn are malefics so they could cause stagnation in wealth.
being in the house of wealth great money flows and dignity is there.
so would the person have good intellect and success in life.
so is the 12th house from moon very important as this is the house of comfort and enjoyment.
so planets there may mean also – so other than the Saturn or sun there- money flows is high there.
the person is charitable and would get good name as 12th house deals with external people.
as 12th house deals with health issues and diseases, so would he be great in health.
so would the wealth also be high for the person.
due to the 12th house involvement sex and enjoyments would also be there.
– greatest riches and success there if the benefic planets are both in the second and twelfth house as well.
How could one be a recluse a without money ?
Now a person could be very recluse if there is no planet second house from moon as it talks about speaking skills and wealth, so no energy there.
The exception lies in sun or surya only.
so is the twelfth house of indulgence and luxury very important- so if no graha or planet or energy, issues in luxury and fun is there.
so are the Kendra’s or central house the central nervous system of any Horoscope or Kundli, if they don’t get energy then issues could be there.
The IQ of the person would also be less.
so in this case neither money or speaking to someone( second house) or pleasures of life that is twelfth house and the main backbone of the horoscope that is the Kendra behaves or house 1,4,7,10 get impacted.

Which combination made Mark Zuckerberg- the face book Guru or starter so rich?85.6 billion worth the fifth richest man in the world.

Which Yogas Made mark Zuckerberg, the face book Guru so rich?
Mark Zuckerberg – he CEO of Facebook
Date of Birth: 14th of May 1984
Place of Birth: Dobbs Ferry, in (New York) , USA
Time of Birth: 14.39 Hrs.
Given the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart ) of Mark Zuckerberg., Now please note the planet, Jupiter, or Guru the planet or wealth is sitting in the fifth house in own sign dhanu or Sagittarius.
This as we have seen earlier gives powerful raja yoga to mark.
In the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart ) of Mark Zuckerberg., Now mercury is the karaka for money flow and is the lord of money and salary is the lord of the eleventh house( Gemini or mithuna rashi ruling the eleventh bhava or house).
This lord of eleventh mercury or budha sits in the ninth house or bhava of luck and fortune, over all creating a powerful wealth yoga for mark Zuckerberg.
In the Kundli Or Horoscope(Birth Chart ) of Mark Zuckerberg., note mercury is the lord of the second house of wealth and status as well with Virgo or kanya rashi there.
this sits in the ninth house of wealth and fortune along with the planet of benefit and gains /luxury that is Venus in the ninth house of opulence- clearly indicating great wealth for him.

what makes Mark Zuckerberg such a big technology wizard to create a think like Facebook based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
now at the lagna Kundali or Horoscope we want to look for mark Zuckerberg the Facebook CEO. We all wonder how come he was able to create such a big technological breakthrough like Facebook.
It is a social media revolution. we note that mark Zuckerberg’s lord of lagna is Saturn .
That is the lord of Capricorn or makar rashi. Capricorn gives the will power and ability to innovate .
Saturn lordship provides discipline .
this planet Saturn or Shani sits in the 10th House of mark Zuckerberg causing raj yoga. all this gives mark Zuckerberg proper ability to work.

What planetary combinations or Yogas in the Horoscope of Mark Zuckerberg gave mark Zuckerberg such quick success ?
also note that when is a planet of hard work and discipline Saturn(Shani) show give mark Zuckerberg success slowly.
But it gives good success to the mark Zuckerberg .
for this we need to note that for mark Zuckerberg he has Mars or Mangal sitting very close in the 10th house of career or job.
Now mars are by nature a young planet and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg due to this gets success much earlier or more easily as compared to what Saturn would have given to him.
Mars in turn sends energy to mark Zuckerberg’s lagna so gives him good action and a strong desire to deliver .
7th lord moon in the 10th House suggest that mark Zuckerberg would flourish well in abroad mark . yes, he would m love travel .
The karaka for initiative sun or surya is in Aries sign or mesha rashi . This combination gives mark Zuckerberg great innovative ability to mark Zuckerberg.
as sun or surya exalted in Aries or mesha rashi for Mark Zuckerberg. sun gets energies from Venus in the 4th house .
that gives mark Zuckerberg a lot of creativity and do things well definitely.
that is what is reflected in Facebook it contains the updates engages the customers .also note Rahu(dragon’s head) is exalted Rahu & sitting 5th house of long-term thinking .
This gives access mark Zuckerberg very different ways of solving problems . Like innovative ways of solving problems.
note in fact that he did not complete his graduation and try to focus on .
what you want to do show all the things explain that what made Mark Zuckerberg is doing so well in technology.
note in his 10th house of action.
Mars and Saturn(Shani) both deal with technology closely .so does Mercury deal with computers.
Plus Mars and Saturn give good handle on technology . Plus, Mercury gives him could handle on Computer technology or software
and sun gives mark Zuckerberg recognition what makes him such a big success now we see the Jupiter is a karaka for health and for Mark Zuckerberg .Jupiter sits in dhanu or Sagittarius sign .
so mark Zuckerberg has a lot of money .
That will go for charity but still as Jupiter is strong in the 12th house.
so he will earn well.
also Saturn The Lord of 2nd house sits in the 10th House of career giving him good gains.
Mars or Mangal is the lord of 11th house of house of gains. Mars rules Scorpio .
so that that means exceptional gains from friends and people around .
also Mars or Mangal sitting in the 10th House suggest that that Mark Zuckerberg would do well in his business that is Facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg ‘s brothers & friends would help him .
It would also help him for original contribution .
so obviously Facebook is a very original contribution by Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook CEO.
Libra the Lord of 10th House very clearly indicates that he would be very artistic and creative in his work and Jupiter having the maximum energy in the horoscope.
so does sun so gives him very good ability to write communicate .
The Jupiter energy gives him status . also, Saturn being placed in the 10th House gives philosophy and hard work.

what are the 2019 and 2020 predictions for Mark Zuckerberg?
Saturn the lagna Lord of Mark Zuckerberg is in the 12th house in transit so he needs to be careful about his health image .
lot of his money could go for charity .
also but till September October 2019 Mark Zuckerberg will have to work harder for getting the money for Facebook .
He may incline more towards religion as well in this time .
plus, Jupiter which is the lord of 12th house of Expenditure is sitting in the 11th house so he must be careful about the losses brought about by the employees in Facebook company.
he to take care of that his brother’s o relatives who may cause any issue.
so, Mark Zuckerberg should keep tabs on people & home.
also based on Ketu transit Ketu gets on Jupiter and of his health . For Mark Zuckerberg 2019 could be really but hard for him .
he may face Court cases and rebellions within company. or other problems must be taken care of before Mark Zuckerberg is trusting people. also, he may get into legal problems.
Going courts may be high chance’s high Probability and results of regarding money may not be as great as he might expect them to be overall things will improve for him September 2019 onwards and the coming year 2020 will be great for Mark Zuckerberg for expand is Facebook.
with his new schemes & new methods to earn more money easily 🙂 through his social media platform Facebook .:)
Predictions for Mark Zuckerberg in the year 2017:
Transit of Saturn close to natal Jupiter in the fifth house, could create some issues for him in terms of his trust with people within the company face book this year.
There could be new pacts by Facebook for money as Jupiter and Saturn area conjunct and unexpected issues in old friendships might come up for mark Zuckerberg.
He might get into conflict or not so good agreement with people or his team members he is working with now or some of his important team members might leave him or face book.
He may start new strictures or strict rules for face book to function and he could be very aggressive about the same as Saturn and mars are conjunct in the third house of the natal chart.
September onward when Jupiter transits the sign of Libra or Tula rashi and rahu gets into cancer or karat sign.
His relationships would improve- he might take more interest in his Jewish religion .
Also he might start taking interest in religions of Middle East like Christianity and Islam and more keen interest in countries like China/Malaysia or Singapore/Korea.
We wish him all the best in life.
1) It talks about the planetary energies that make the Facebook guru mark Zuckerberg so successful as far as technology is concerned and wealth wise!
2) It then looks at some of the core Yogas or energy combinations that could make any one wealthy and rich based on classical Vedic astrology principles.
If you have these Yogas in your horoscope or chart and have the right attitude- you may also make big money ! 🙂

Something about Mark Zuckerberg?
Mark Zuckerberg or full name Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984.He stated a revolution on the internet by starting face book on the internet.
He or Mark Zuckerberg is an Internet entrepreneur.
He is also the chairman, chief executive officer, and also the co-founder of Facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth is estimated to be US$58.6 billion as of March 2017, making him the fifth richest person in the entire world!
Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook from his Harvard University dormitory room on February 4, 2004. He was at that time helped by his college roommates and fellow Harvard students named Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes.
The set of people then introduced Facebook to other college campuses-as a result Facebook expanded rapidly, reaching one billion users by 2012.