About this article ?
It talks about how is Longevity or Lifespan evaluated in any Horoscope or Kundli with special real life example of Adolf Hitler as well.
This article at length discusses longevity or Lifespan of Adolf Hitler based on Vedic astrology calculations in his Horoscope or Kundli.
It looks at the strength of lagan and eighth house .
and also how the Adolf Hitler’s Kundli or Horoscope predicts what planetary combination made Adolf Hitler commit suicide on 30 April 1945.
why it was madhayayu for Adolf Hitler’s Kundli or Horoscope is given for his Horoscope.

Birth Details , Horoscope & Kundli of Adolf Hitler ?
Name: Adolf Hitler
Date of Birth: Apr 20, 1889
Time of Birth: 18:30:00
Place of Birth: Braunau
Time Zone: 2

How is Longevity or Lifespan evaluated in any Horoscope or Kundli?
The core determinant for Longevity or Life span in any Kundli or Horoscope is the strength of lagna.
Infact lagna of core ascendant strength is taken and also navamsha(d9) or moon lagna in some cases.
but sure so is the strength of life giver 8th house of the kundli or Horoscope important.
Then is the Ayushkaraka Saturn or Shani dev very important in determining the longevity.
so is the presence of malefic or benefics in the core nervous system of the Kundli or horoscope used to determine the longevity or life span.
like malefics like Saturn , mars, ketu or dragon’s tail or rahu dragon’s head etc are not so great in Kendra bhava or trikona like 1,4,7.10 house and also 1,5,9 house.
The below article calculates full longevity and life span for Adolf Hitler.

Basic Longevity or Life Span of Adolf Hitler Based on His Horoscope or Kundli?

What planetary combinations in Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest Longevity or Lifespan ending due to fire or Gunshots ?
The lagan or ascendant of hitter’s kundli or Horoscope. it is in the malefic house of 8th for Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
also it is in the enemy sign of aries.
Though dispositor mars is very strong.
but still mars in 8th bhava of death suggest that there is a possibility that Hitler or he would have fire, gunshot, or accidental departure.
Kindly note that Mars or Mangal suggest fire.
it seems he committed suicide and burns were there.
also aggressive mars the lord of the secondary markesh the 3rd house, is also there. now note here the own action or self of hitler’s kundli or Horoscope connects to lagan or ascendant .
so makes Hitler do suicide.

What planetary combinations in Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope suggest Longevity or Lifespan ending due to foreigners like Russians ?
sun the lord of 12th house or foreign lands is there near the lagan in the 8th house of Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
so suggest death by foreign people so yes Hitler and Eva Braun his lover and wife committed suicide in foreign lands due to fear of red army.
Venus the markesh bhava lord of the 2nd house of hitler’s kundli or Horoscope is also there in the 8th bhava.
so over all strong mars or mangal an energy, eighth house and also primary and secondary markesh being there for hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
suggest sudden death and also through own hands. captured by foreigners is also there as sun the lord of 12th bhava is there in the 8th house.

What planetary combinations in Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope suggest Longevity or Lifespan ending in middle age based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
Venus the lord of second bhava of family also suggests that a women from his family that is Eva Braun his girlfriend & wife is also there.
also his end would come unexpectedly is there die to the 8th bhava direct involvement and primary and secondary markesh both being there.
So over all lagan for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope is not very strong and is in 8th bhava, afflicted by markesh lords of 2nd,3rd, and 12th bhava of the Horoscope, so suggested less age for Hitler.
around 50-55 years and that also a violent death due to 3rd bhava , 12th bhava and also 8th bhava involvement for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .

Over all energy balance and also the Role of Saturn or Shani dev Longevity or Life span of Adolf Hitler Based on His Horoscope or Kundli?

What is the role of Saturn or Shani dev for Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope suggest Longevity or Lifespan ?
Jupiter is in Kendra bhava, though with ketu or dragon’s tail does bless Adolf Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
with some age. despite Saturn being in the 11th bhava of the Horoscope.
Adolf Hitler’s kundli or Horoscope .
Saturn is also very weak for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
it is in the enemy sign of cancer or karkat rashi.
this not only gives Hitler depression it also reduces his longevity as well.

Does Saturn or Shani dev for Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope or Kundli suggests health issues ?
From here on the 11th bhava , Saturn to Shani dev aspects the lagna or ascendant for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
impacting his longevity and life span as 11th or Aquarius sign or Kumbha rules the 6th house for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
this is the house for diseases.
so yes Hitler would remain plagued by diseases all over his life which is true. all this would reduce is longevity or life span as well.
so again the planetary arrangement for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope do not suggest dirghaya, or long life, but middle-aged life along with strong health issues to him.

which planet or dasha caused end of Adolf Hitler Based on His Horoscope or Kundli?

What is the role of Rahu(dragon’s head) and Venus dasha for Adolf Hitler’s Horoscope or Kundli suggests longevity or lifespan coming to an end in rahu-Venus dasha ?
on 30 April 1945 when the longevity or lifespan of Adolf Hitler was over.
It was rahu-Venus running in Adolf Hitlers horoscope when he faced issues in life or longevity.
Now rahu aspects his Jupiter the Jeeva karaka in the 4th bhava in Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
also it is in the 10th bhava.
Venus is his lord for 2nd bhava and 9th bhava or horoscope.
2nd bhava is markesh bhava for Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.
so naturally he is destined to leave the world that time.
also in transit Saturn or Shani comes with natal rahu or forms 4-8 numbers Yoga or combination in his 10th bhava.
also Saturn is ayushkaraka, so with rahu creates shadow to longevity or lifespan of Adolf hitler’s kundli or Horoscope.