what is this article about?
This article talks about Gulik and How it compares with other malefic like Ketu(dragon’s tail)/up-Ketu(dragon’s tail) and Saturn or shani dev.
It talks about impact of Gulik or mandi in any Horoscope or Kundli House or Bhava.It takes up various examples to do so. Like for rahul gandhi, salman Khan and India as a country impact of Gulik is discussed
It talks about the method of calculations of the finding out the Gulik, mandi or Ketu(dragon’s tail) and up Ketu(dragon’s tail) in any horoscope or kundali.
It also later talks at length about the impact of Gulik or the mandi on the life of Sri Narendra Modi Ji.
What is a Gulik or Mandi and what impact it has on destiny of any Horoscope or Kundli?
now what is Gulik? : ) It a is a satellite planet and it is closely connected to Saturn or shani dev and is highly malefic :(. Now how to calculate a Gulik or Mandi ,it has been given below in this article. now as we know that the other name of gulik is mandi as well , it is thought to be child of Saturn or shani dev 🙂
so Sun ==> Saturn==> Gulik. so sun or surya dev is father of Saturn and Saturn is father of Gulik.
Saturn or shani dev if badly afflicted in any Horoscope or Kundli gives Gulik type effects. So over all Gulik is considered it is much more powerful than effects of Rahu and Ketu . now as Saturn is number 8 and it is very malefic so is Gulik with double power of Rahu or dragon’s head = 4 x 2(double) and it impacts on any house wherever Gulik is placed.
The gulik Rises twice or two times in a day and night it has a well defined time to rise with reference to the sunrise or sunset
Simple quick calculation for Gulik (more details of calculation Given below in the article)
sun longitude + 133.20 = sun longitude + 120deg + 13.20 deg= sun longitude + 4×30 deg + 13.20 = sun long + 4 signs ADD Plus 13.20 minutes for quick calculation of Gulik . 😉
salman Khan and role of Gulik in his Horoscope or Kundli?
let us see the results for salman Khan the bollywood hero. His sun is in 12 degree Sagittarius we add 4 signs to the same & forth sign is Aries or mesha rashi .
we again add 13 deg 20 minutes and it comes around 24 degree 20 minutes in the Aries sign or mesha rashi. His lagan or ascendant.
Now gulik or mandi in lagna of Salman Khan aspecting physical body and also the relationship or partnership house of marriage house the 7th house. we know that Salman Khan is not married at all! so we Can very clearly see the effect of Gulik for Salman Khan!
so we clearly know the reason why despite the desire to marriage Salman Khan is not able to get married because of the Gulik position
Rahul Gandhi and placement of Gulik in his Horoscope or Kundli?
Now let us look at the Gulik for rahul Gandhi .For Rahul Gandhi ji sun sits in the Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi the 6th house at 3 degree 34 minutes so add 4 houses to it . we get the 9th house and then we add 13 degree 20 minutes so over all 16 degree 40 minutes Virgo sign .
Now this is in the 9th house of rahul Gandhi ji and represents his father sri father Rajiv Gandhi. It also represent the luck form past life. we know that rahul Gandhi ji lost his father at a very young age . unfortunately for him in the 9th house of father there are the worst energies are there in his horoscope .
India and role of Gulik in India’s Horoscope or Kundli?
Now let us take one more example of Gulik for India . The lagna or ascendant for India is Taurus or Vrishbha sign and sun is at cancer sign 27 degrees . Now counting 4 houses and 13 degree 20 minutes from the same we reach the 7th house. so adjusting degrees beyond 30 degrees the Gulik comes in the 8th house. The 8th house rules terrorists, sudden wars and problems.
we have in the past faced several wars from Pakistan and are still is facing terrorism by Pakistan in Kashmir and also in northeast . due to involvement of other countries there are naxalite movements. all this is unexpected and hidden enemies are there due to the presence of Gulik in the eighth house of India. despite the benefic Jupiter ruling the 8th house.
More Effects of Gulik
If any one of the above like Up ketu,chap,parivesh,Vyatipat or dhoom is close to sun or surya, and Chandra or lagna will destroy the length of life/longevity or wisdom of the person.
How To calculate the Position of Gulik in Your Birth chart as per vedic astrology-jyotish
Just like rahu and ketu, gulik or the sub planets (not visible but effective) are points of longitude which carry malefic energy in the cosmos. These are called upgrahas or sub planets.
The location of these planets is calculated from longitude of sun based on Vedic astrology or jyotish.
- Longitude Gulik known as Dhoom: Add 4 rasis or signs(=90 = (4 x 30 degrees) + 13 degrees + 20 minutes
The effects are inauspicious
- Longitude Vyatipat : Dhoom Longitude –53 degrees 20 minutes
The effects are inauspicious
- Longitude of Parivesh: Vyatipat + [(6)x30 degrees]
The effects are extremely in auspicious
- Longitude of Indradhanus or chapa : Parivesh– [53 Degrees 20 minutes ]
Effects are in auspicious
- Up ketu: Chapa + 16 degrees + 40 minutes
The effects are malefic in nature.
These above planets are malefic by nature, though not physically visible.
Gulik period Calculation For any Day as per vedic astrology- jyotish
The division of the day. Divide the duration of the day of any weekday into 8 equal parts. The eight portion is without a lord. The seven divisions are ruled by 7 planets, starting from the planet ruling the week day. Like for Monday, its moon starts and for sun day its sun starting.
The portion of the day ruled by shani(Saturn) is the gulik
Also on similar lines divide night duration into 8 equal parts , starting from lord of the 5th from week day(That is if it is Monday, then this lord is Friday, so Gulik is Saturday the 2nd divisions of night).
The 8th position is without lord. The Saturn’s position is a gulik sun’s (surya) portion is called Kaal, Mangal’s or mars section is called Mrityu or death, Guru’s or Jupiter’s portion is Yamaghantak and Budh’s or mercury’s portion is Ardhaprahar.
The starting of the day is taken at sunrise.
The position of the Gulik , the degree that is of the ascendant at the time Gulik starts( that is Saturn’s period stars) would be longitude of the Gulik at a given place. Based on longitude the effects of gulik for particular person could be estimated.
It first finds out the Gulik or up-Ketu(dragon’s tail) for Narendra Modi Ji. Then covers the impact of the same for him.

the calculations of Gulik or Mandi in the horoscope for sri Narendra Modi Ji
Now for Sri Narendra Modi Ji sun or Surya is sitting in the Virgo sign or Kanya Rashi at 0(zero) degrees 35 minutes . This makes is around 30×5(total of degrees till Leo sign or Simha Rashi) + 35 minutes =150 degrees and 35 minutes in the zodiac. Now add the constant 133 degrees 20 minutes . This gives 283 degrees 55 minutes. 283 can be written as 30x 8 + 3 degrees. so around 3 degrees and 55 minutes past the Scorpio sign is Sagittarius or dhanu Rashi. now Sagittarius sign or dhanu Rashi is a house of 2nd Bhava of Sri Narendra Modi in his horoscope.
What is the impact of Gulik or Mandi on the life of Sri Narendra Modi Ji?
now the 2nd bhava or house rules family, wealth and status for Narendra Modi . so Gulik or mandi sitting here destroys the same. we know that Narendra Modi ji was married to jashodaben chimanlal at a very young age but they could not live together and Modi Ji left for the Himalayas and he lived life on ascetic. so clearly the Gulik or mandi did not allow him to have a family life.
actually, a malefic planet(even if Saturn or Shani or Rahu(dragon’s head)) in the second Bhava gives the ascetic life or Yoga for ascetics for anyone. This is what happened to Narendra Modi Ji
also at the same time because of Gulik or mandi goes to Jupiter(guru) of Narendra Modi Ji. as Gulik is sitting in the sign of Dhanu Rashi. this Gulik energy goes to the house of the public image of Narendra Modi Ji as well because due to guru/Jupiter sitting in 4th house of public image.
we know how the opposition parties tried to discount Narendra Modi Ji and reduce his image. had it not been the Honourable Supreme Court to protect his image in case of riots in Gujarat. also off late recently he was called the “chaukidar Chhor hai” etc. This Gulik or mandi in the second house of Narendra Modi Ji sends strong energy to his fifth house of long term thinking and children. we know that Narendra Modi Ji does not have any children so this is the impact of Gulik(mandi) energy is clear here.
We note in the 5th house there is also a malefic Rahu(dragon’s head) sitting in the fifth house of Narendra Modi Ji. so Gulik( mandi) plus Rahu(dragon’s head) energy does not allow Narendra Modi Ji to have kids or children . also at the same time, Gulik strengthens his mind and long-term thinking.

Plus Rahu(dragon’s head) in the 5th house makes Narendra Modi Ji innovative and think differently. Rahu(dragon’s head) gives a bit level of thinking overall to him. we can see that Rahu(dragon’s head) + Gulik energy in the 5th house makes Narendra Modi Ji think so differently . also he does not allow any nonsense in the country. That courage made him do the ” note Bandi” and he won the elections again in 2019! it is a very clear indication that Gulik(mandi) & Rahu(dragon’s head) gives strong and different plus innovative thinking to Sri Narendra Modi ji’s life.