About this Article?
This article at length explains the Shodashamsha or d16 varga or Divisional chart in any Horoscope of kundli.
It talks about what is d16 chart? How is it calculated?
How can you predict accurately about the Luxury or conveyance a person could have.
Plus also how to interpret the 12 bhavas or houses of Shodashamsha or d16 varga or Divisional chart in any Horoscope of kundli to know exactly how you could get luxury, comforts or car.
Would your luxury or car give you gains or losses? Many more questions are addressed here.

Some interesting facts about the Shodashamsha or d16 varga or Divisional chart in any Horoscope of kundli? What is it and what does it mean for you
what is Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
The Shodashamsha is one by sixteenth division of a sign or rashi.
To get the Shodashamsha or d16 or 16th divisions of a sign, Each sign is divided into sixteen equal parts.
which means 30 degrees /16 = 1° -52-30’ .
That is 1 Degree 52 minutes and 30 seconds.
This is the longitude duration of 1/16 division of a sign or rashi.
This is called the Shodashamsha or d16th of the sign .
In other classical texts it is called the kalamsha or niripmanamsha. There is a use of the word “kala” , this refers to 16 increasing or waxing stages of moon. so suggests over all happiness and also riches.
What ROLE does Shodashamsha or d16 play in any Horoscope of kundli
Now note that Shodashamsha or d16 , has 16 in it. 16= 4×4 , so It is called the 2nd harmonic or varga of the 4th house of any horoscope or Kundli.
we know that 4th house or bhava is the sukha bhava( connects with mind, happiness and vehicles) , so this means happiness (4th house) and also the mental state (2nd harmonic, higher state ) experiences through 4th house significations like comforts and luxuries from the vehicles.
It is like a moving asset and is NOT same as the immovable assets like Home or land etc. The Shodashamsha or d16 lays stress on enjoyment of wealth and vehicles .
so the two key things are Happiness and vehicles in Shodashamsha or d16.

What is the role of the Various Houses or Bhavas of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
First House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
This house of Shodashamsha or d16 horoscope(Kundli) or chart suggests the overall happiness of the person. also gains in vehicles or cars for the person.
Second House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
This house deals with assimilation of happiness. also the family attitude that gives us sense towards happiness.
Third House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
The basic initiative to get happiness or vehciles as 3rd bhava or house is malefic , it could mean losses and failures due to the same as well.
sharing of energy with ascendant of this house or lord could mean losses or issues due to own doing. so is the 4th house or the karaka off the same connected to the same.
Fourth House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
This clearly suggests happiness or unhappiness form the luxuries of life or vehicles.
The connection with 6th, 8th or 12th bhava or house could suggest possible accidents or outflows due to vehicle.
Fifth House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
Here are stored the karmas of your previous life reincarnation, that help you in your endeavors for luxuries or vehicles.
Sixth House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
This house stands for legal issues and disputes to do with your luxuries or vehicles.
It also means obstacles to achieves your luxuries.
Plus problems you face to get your luxuries or vehicles.
so are accidents ruled by this house or bhava of the Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli.
Seventh House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
This suggests partners or people who enjoy luxuries or vehicles with you.
a connection of d1 4th bhava with d16 7th bhava suggest , gains of car or vehicles or pleasures from others or partners.
Eighth House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
Long term or chronic problems due to luxuries/comforts or vehicles (cars etc) are given here.
accidents are also suggested here.
Ninth House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
The past life karma reincarnation and the luck factor in the luxuries.
a strength of this bhava or house spells goodness from the luxuries.
Tenth House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
The application or usage of the luxury or conveyances.
How one uses the karma to get luxury or work against it.
so basically karma for life to choice luxury.
Eleventh House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
This indicates the desire for luxuries and conveyances.
so how much one could go after luxuries or cars etc is indicated from this bhava.
a connection with lagan or ascendant indicates the connection to self.
twelfth House or bhava of Shodashamsha or d16 in any Horoscope of kundli
This is a the bhava or house of vyaya.
so what we lose like losing a car, or wearing down of car or luxury home.
Or theft or outflows of luxurious items or car.

What are the divisions or Vargas for D16 or shodashamsha varga charts
For the Shodashamsha Varga Category ( the 16th Divisional Horoscope)- there are primarily two good Vargas or divisions in the horoscope ?
The Vargas or divisions of the scheme are(The name of the each division):
1 kali
2 Bhedak,
3 Kusum
4 Nagapushpa
5 Kanduk
6 Kerala
7 Kalpa Vriksha
8 Chandan Vana
9 PurnaChandr
10 Uchchaisrava
11 Dhanvantari
12 Suryakant
13 Vidrum
14 Chakra Simhasan
15 Golok
16. and Śri Vallabh.