What is this article about?
D4 or Chaturthmsa is the measure of happiness and property or happiness through property and also mother for any one :). This article talks in depth about the divisions of the d4 or Chaturthamsha chart and the deities ruling the same. It then applies the same to examples like Mukesh Ambani .
basic introduction about Chaturthamsa or d4 chart of Horoscope
The d4 chart or the Chaturthamsha stands for happiness of all kinds π for the person. It is very simplistically created by say dividing every sign into 7 degree 30 minutes and based on the d1 chart or Lagna all the 4 sections are put in 4 quadrants from that sign. Like say for simha lagna or Leo the d4 divisions would fall in the lagna (Leo), then scorpio or Vrishchika =4th house, then Aquarius= 7th house and then Taurus or Vrishabha rashi (10th house).
The d4 or chaturthamsa applies to overall fate and destiny and wealth of all kinds and happiness for any person. It say applies to all the wealth like a liquid wealth (cash) :), gold, liquid property, landed properties, jeweler or gemstones. also the D4 division or chaturthamsa applies to change of Residence and transfers and also vehicles & cars, accidents and public image.
What is The Chaturthamsa Horoscope or Varga birth Chart & How to Calculate It?
The Chaturthamsa of any rashi or sun sign is calculated based on lord of four(4) kendras from the sign or rashi. Like if for Aries sign the 4 division are to be known, then the Kendra would be with signs Aries,cancer,Libra,Capricorn etc.The lord ship being Mars, Moon, Venus and Saturn. So the 4 divisions of the sign Aries from 0 to 7.5 Degrees, 7.5+ to 15 Degrees, 15+ to 22.5 Degrees and 22.5+ Degrees to 30 Degrees is Mars, Moon, Venus and Saturn respectively.

Deities of the D4 Chart
The lords of Chaturthamsa or d4 divisions are 4 sons of Brahma lord Brahma. Now lord Brahma is connected to Lord Vishnu.Vishnu ji represents happiness and opulence. so happiness is governed by the Lords of chaturthamsa (d4) planet in the d4 division it is placed.
1) Sanaka Division
The word sanaka means eccentricity. the person is eccentric about acquiring happiness and wealth and may get very deeply focused doing so. also the moon or the mind if here it confirm s the same.
2) Sananda Division
The sananda division means continuous Ananda or happiness. so basically the person looks at happiness with pleasure and has good enjoyment from wealth .also he or she does no generally complaint about the same.
3) Sanat Kumar Division
The sanat Kumar division is generally perfectly young the person may be having happiness youthful when the planet is in this division from 15 degree to 22 degrees and 30 minutes.
4) Sanatan Division
sanatan or eternity show the happiness that is permanent .in this case the person’s happiness doesn’t go down he is in a good state generally

What do the various House of your D4 chart mean?
various houses of the d4 or chaturthamsa chart or horoscope.
first house suggests how the use of wealth and fulfilment of desires is there and the wealth accumulation for happiness happens.
second house suggests the overall capacity of the person to get happiness from wealth. also kind of habits one acquires from wealth.
Third house Is the courage in earning wealth. It shows if strong good courage that one has to determine the happiness from wealth.
Fourth house show fixed assets like house or home and also liquid assets plus cars/vehicles. Plus the sense of happiness and contentment for the person.
5th house represents connection with the Poorva Punya in regard to happiness and father in regard to long lasting assets
6th House is for losses due to the enemy or changes in wealth
7th house basically suggests perception about your wealth by people around and how much they accept the same. The outward image as well .Image or perception of your wealth by others.
Eighth house This being a house of losses so suggest losses of permanent nature.
Ninth House how much one contributes to religion or Dharma . because this is a connection between 9th house & the D4 chart. that is the donations and charity.
11th house is gains of by friends and also goodwill assets.
12th House about wasting of the money and end of happiness .causes of spending or expenditure . also spending on sex or lust matters
The deities or the energies associated with the 4 divisions are(would be discussed with examples later):
β’ Sanak
β’ Sadanmada
β’ Sanat kumar
β’ and sanatan.

What gives Mukesh Ambani opulence vehicles palatial house based on Chaturthamsha or the d4 divisional chart ?
The 4th house Lord of Mukesh Ambani is ruled by Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi. it is sitting in Lagna or ascendant for him. Now Saturn is strong and great. But as Saturn or shani is sitting the Scorpio sign(vrishchika rashi) and is not that comfortable there .so it is agitated . It suggests issues and agitation in family and conveyances despite opulence and money etc . also note that mars or Mangal aspects Saturn or shani dev from 7th house for Mukesh Ambani.
what is happening in the D4 or Chaturthamsa chart(horoscope/Kundli) for Mukesh Ambani?

now Lagna of horoscope or kundali of the D4 chart(Chaturthamsa) again is Scorpio sign. which is very interesting and as mars or Mangal rules the same it suggest Mukesh Ambani would have great gains from landed property or anything to do with fire.:) so we should not forget reliance energy projects :).all this could would be greatly beneficial for Mukesh Ambani. also a strong enough presence of Jupiter gives great assets for Mukesh Ambani . Mukesh Ambani has a palatial house in Mumbai.
As we shared earlier the planet Jupiter or Guru sits in the 7th house with Saturn(shani dev) that could make him very happy and peaceful in general. due good placement of Jupiter or Guru and Jupiter sitting in the 7th house in the horoscope. so that means people will accept Mukesh Ambani’s wealth very easily. Also note Jupiter is close to 4th house lord Saturn .so that is his public image is good. Good for Mukesh Ambani’s property. Over all this combination suggest greater property for Mukesh. all is 100% true.
moon or Chandra is in the Pisces sign(Meena rashi) so that is very good for Mukesh Ambani that means that he will have great peace of mind to him and he will have spiritual inclinations as well. good for his mother and makes Mukesh Ambani’s mother long lived.
also note that Saturn)shani dev) is for masses and Saturn is relatively well placed in the deep d4 or Chaturthamsha chart of Mukesh Ambani. so he will have a good appeal to the masses which is very true for him and also gives him great friends.
In the horoscope of Mukesh Ambani(d4 or Chaturthamsha) mercury or budha is also fairly well placed and it is with Ketu(dragon’s Tail) in 3rd house .so that suggests that Mukesh Ambani would have great education in fact he could have very specialised or niche education as well . Jupiter is the Lord of the second house sitting in the 7th house so suggest that will make great money by connection with people .the Lord of 11th house Mercury is sitting in the 3rd house with Ketu.
So by own initiative Mukesh Ambani will create great wealth. The 10th lord is Leo or simha rashi ruled by Sun in the d4 or Chaturthamsa Horoscope . it is very strong and exalted and yes great fun. Sun the 10th lord is close Venus or shukra the planet of luxury in any horoscope or kundali. Placement in the 6th house suggest the home and vehicle expenditures could be high.