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This article at depth deals with the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart. It tells how it connects to our overall health and well being and also how each of the 9 planets right from sun, moon , Jupiter, mercury, Venus ,Saturn, mars to Rahu(dragon’s head) and ketu(dragon’s tail) .
It tells you how they contribute to your health and well beings based n their placement in the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart
The article also talks about the significance of the 12 houses of d27 or vimshamsha horoscope.
The description of the each of the 27 divisions is given as a very useful way to refer to your horoscope or chart to see the predictions depending on which of the 27 division your planet is sitting in your Kundli or Horoscope.
It also tells how to calculate the 27 division of any sign of the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart.
The Sapta Vimshamsha chart, also known as the D27 chart, is a divisional chart in Vedic astrology that focuses on assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a person’s physical and mental constitution.
It is particularly concerned with evaluating the native’s inner strength, endurance, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges.
The D27 chart divides each sign into 27 equal parts of 1 degree and 6 minutes each, providing a detailed look at how the energies of the planets manifest in the native’s ability to face difficulties, their courage, and moral fiber.
Key Aspects of the D27 Chart:
Physical and Mental Strength:
The D27 chart reveals the native’s capacity to handle physical and mental stress.
It shows whether the native possesses the fortitude to withstand life’s pressures and the moral strength to remain upright in challenging situations.
A well-positioned Mars, for example, could indicate strong physical stamina and courage, while a well-aspected Mercury might show sharp mental acuity and adaptability.
Inner Confidence and Virtue:
This chart also provides insights into the native’s confidence and ethical conduct.
It helps determine how the individual deals with ethical dilemmas and their inner sense of righteousness.
The placement and strength of the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn in this chart are particularly important in assessing moral integrity and the ability to uphold one’s principles.

what is the role of your SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) in Your overall health and well being based on the planets in your Horoscope?
what is the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope meant for ?
SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope gives the overall health of the person based on its position in the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) chart. This chart used to judge the bodily strength of the various functions within your body for general vitality of the person .

Role of Planets in the D27 Chart Summary:
Each planet in the D27 chart has a specific role in defining the native’s inner resilience.
For instance:
Sun: Indicates the strength of willpower, self-confidence, and the ability to take decisive action.
Moon: Reflects emotional resilience and the ability to handle emotional stress.
Mars: Represents physical courage, vitality, and the ability to take bold actions.
Mercury: Denotes mental strength, adaptability, and quick decision-making abilities.
Jupiter: Symbolizes moral strength, wisdom, and the ability to act in accordance with higher principles.
Venus: Indicates the ability to maintain harmony and peace of mind in challenging circumstances.
Saturn: Reflects endurance, discipline, and the capacity to handle long-term difficulties.
Application in Astrology: The D27 chart is often used alongside the natal chart to provide a deeper understanding of how an individual might react under pressure, how they handle health issues, and how they maintain their moral compass in challenging situations.
It is particularly useful for evaluating one’s ability to succeed in endeavors that require perseverance, discipline, and strength of character.
The Sapta Vimshamsha (D27) chart, therefore, is a vital tool in Vedic astrology for understanding the core strengths and weaknesses that define a person’s inner life and their ability to navigate the various challenges of existence.
what is the role of sun or surya in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

Like the sun or surya in your d27 chart rules the health of your heart the blood and also the bones and your stomach . as Leo or simha sign rules the 5th sign and connects to stomach. sun directly connects to inflammation and headaches in the body .
what is the role of Moon in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

moon rules the mind or the mental capabilities of the person. It also rules s fluids and the heart as it rues the 4th sign ruling the heart. So any mental problem or secretion related problem or even blood related problem is reflected here by placement of moon or Chandra in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
what is the role of Mars or Mangal in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

mars or Mangal is the raja yoga planet and rues politics and power as well. It gives action and vitality in the person . Mars or Mangal also rules accidents and surgeries. mars rules also high blood pressure .so mars placement in the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart which suggests the same about the person.
what is the role of Mercury or budha in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?
mercury is ruling the intelligence of the person. mercury Being ruler of the third and the 6th house naturally rules the skin, Lungs and also sore throat and nose .due that reason it is very important to keep it strong. mercury also rules the speech .so all this for anyone is reflected in the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
what is the role of Jupiter or guru in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

Jupiter or guru rules the liver and the body fat. Jupiter also rules the pancreas the liver and he ears as well . as number three rules the ear and spleen . Jupiter or guru also controls & diabetes liver problems and in the body . so strength or weakness of the same in the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope. reflects the same.
what is the role of Venus or shukra in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

Venus or shukra rules the sex drive and sex relationships and also the urinary system . as Venus being The Lord of the seventh and 2nd sign so reproductive system, also eyes, face, sugar and kidney is ruled. health of all the above elements is reflected in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
what is the role of Saturn or Shani in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

Saturn is the natural malefic and called the Shani dev. It controls the balance of vata or air in any system. so Saturn controls the stress problems . also as Saturn or shani dev rules the 10th and 11th signs it also rules the feet and the legs.
yes Saturn or Shani dev also rules your nerves house, rectum or intestines. The disease connected to glands and tumors or cancer is also connected to the same. Yes depression and in some cases stomach trouble is looked from the SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
what is the role of Rahu in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

Rahu rules over the poisons and also leprosy .Rahu(dragon’s head) also rules irrational fears and Rahu could give chronic diseases and poison related problems. or chemical imbalance problems. so rahu(dragon’s head) traces the above problem’s in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
what is the role of ketu or dragon’s tail in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga Horoscope or chart?

Ketu creates issues in getting the disease diagnosed. and also it could be eruptive and nature just like mars like causing boils. also outcome of the problems could be uncertain or not fixed cause problems . all this could be verified in SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.

What do the 12 houses of the d27 or Saptavimshamsha chart mean ?:
The Saptavimshamsha (D27) chart in Vedic astrology is a divisional chart that provides a deeper understanding of a person’s physical and mental strengths, as well as their overall character and resilience.
Each of the 12 houses in the D27 chart offers insights into specific areas of life related to inner strength, endurance, and moral integrity.
Here’s an overview of what each house in the D27 chart represents.
1st House (Lagna): Physical and Mental Constitution
The 1st house in the D27 chart reflects the native’s overall physical and mental strength.
It indicates the native’s natural resilience, vitality, and how they are perceived in terms of their inner strength and endurance.
A strong Lagna here suggests a person with a robust constitution and a confident, determined personality.
2nd House: Speech and Values
The 2nd house in the D27 chart governs the strength of speech and the native’s adherence to personal values.
It shows how well the native can maintain their principles and integrity under stress.
It also represents the ability to communicate effectively and uphold one’s beliefs in challenging situations.
3rd House: Courage and Initiative
This house represents courage, determination, and the ability to take initiative.
In the D27 chart, the 3rd house shows how well the native can face challenges and take bold actions.
A strong 3rd house indicates someone who is proactive, brave, and unafraid to confront obstacles.
4th House: Emotional Stability and Inner Peace
The 4th house in the D27 chart relates to emotional strength and inner peace.
It shows how well the native can maintain emotional stability and a sense of inner calm in the face of adversity.
A well-placed 4th house indicates a person who can remain composed and centered during difficult times.
5th House: Intellectual Strength and Morality
The 5th house in this chart signifies intellectual strength, creativity, and moral righteousness.
It reflects the native’s ability to make wise decisions and maintain ethical conduct, especially when under pressure.
It also represents the strength of one’s principles and moral fiber.
6th House: Overcoming Enemies and Challenges
The 6th house in the D27 chart is associated with the ability to overcome enemies, health issues, and daily struggles.
It shows how effectively the native can face and conquer obstacles, both physical and mental.
A strong 6th house suggests a person with significant endurance and the ability to overcome adversity.
7th House: Relationships and Partnerships
This house represents the strength of relationships and partnerships.
In the D27 chart, it shows how resilient and supportive the native can be in partnerships, especially during tough times.
It also reflects the strength of character the native brings into their relationships.
8th House: Transformation and Endurance
The 8th house in the D27 chart relates to transformation, longevity, and the ability to endure life’s deepest challenges.
It signifies the native’s capacity to face crises and emerge stronger.
A well-aspected 8th house indicates a person who can undergo significant transformations and handle life’s more intense difficulties.
9th House: Faith and Spiritual Strength
The 9th house represents spiritual strength, faith, and higher wisdom.
In the D27 chart, it shows how well the native can rely on their beliefs and spiritual principles during times of challenge.
It also indicates the strength of the native’s moral and ethical foundations.
10th House: Career and Public Image
The 10th house in the D27 chart reflects the strength of the native’s career and public image, particularly in terms of their reputation for resilience and hard work.
It shows how well the native can handle responsibilities and maintain their standing in the community, especially during difficult times.
11th House: Social Networks and Aspirations
This house governs social networks, aspirations, and the ability to achieve goals.
In the D27 chart, it shows how well the native can leverage their social connections and stay committed to their long-term goals, even when faced with obstacles.
A strong 11th house indicates a person with powerful allies and a determined pursuit of their ambitions.
12th House: Loss, Liberation, and Inner Strength
The 12th house in the D27 chart is associated with loss, liberation, and spiritual surrender.
It shows the native’s ability to deal with loss and their potential for spiritual growth through letting go.
A strong 12th house indicates someone who can find inner strength in solitude and is capable of overcoming the challenges related to loss and detachment.
Each of these houses in the D27 chart provides a specific lens through which to understand how the native’s inner strength and resilience manifest across different areas of life.
By analyzing these houses, astrologers can gain deep insights into the native’s capacity to handle life’s challenges and maintain their integrity and strength.

The 27 divisions of the SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope
SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope
The 27 divisions of SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
1) Ashwini Kumar :
he is the divine healer. It rides the Chariot and Lord Ganesha rules this division of SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Ashwini Kumar symbolizes healing, speed, and rejuvenation.
Those influenced by this division possess a strong vitality and the ability to recover quickly from illnesses or setbacks.
They are natural healers, often drawn to professions in healthcare or wellness.
Their energetic nature drives them to be active and constantly on the move, seeking new experiences.
2) Yama:
is the lord of death Yama. yama is like very close to Saturn or Shani dev. This is to do with right conduct and basically based on the Karma. Saturn suggests the right things and right conduct and if this division of SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope is afflicted give the bad conduct to the person.
Yama represents discipline, control, and justice.
Individuals under this division are known for their strong sense of responsibility and adherence to moral principles.
They are often seen as authoritative figures who value fairness and truth.
Their disciplined approach to life helps them overcome challenges, but they may also struggle with rigidity or strictness in their interactions.
3) Agni:
Agni division of SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope is connected fire. now fire is the basic life force of the person.
Agni signifies transformation, purification, and energy.
Those influenced by this division have a fiery spirit and are often driven by a desire to bring about change, whether in themselves or in the world around them.
They possess a powerful inner strength and can be very passionate about their beliefs and goals.
However, they must be mindful of their temper and the potential for burnout.
4) Brahma:
Brahma is the celestial father. Brahma connects to genetic problems that come to the person. so, if any planet is well placed health problems due to hereditary needs care.
Brahma is associated with creation, wisdom, and knowledge.
Individuals in this division are often highly creative and intellectual, with a deep understanding of the world around them.
They are natural learners and teachers, always seeking to expand their knowledge and share it with others.
Their creative talents often lead them to success in fields like art, literature, or science.
5) Moon:
represents medicine and freedom from illness. the disease is due to ego issues if any planets are here in SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
The Moon division represents emotions, intuition, and nurturing qualities.
Those under this influence are highly sensitive and empathetic, with a strong connection to their inner feelings and the emotions of others.
They are often caring and protective, making them excellent caregivers and counselors.
Their emotional depth can be both a strength and a vulnerability, as they may be easily affected by the moods and energies around them.
6) Rudra:
Rudra is the like Avatar of lord Shiva. please note that Rudra also means fear and suffering. so, the planets in this division of SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope could give serious troubles and suffering. Rudra also rules the nerves of the body.
Rudra symbolizes destruction, change, and the power of transformation.
Individuals in this division are intense and often experience significant transformations throughout their lives.
They possess a strong will and are not afraid to confront difficult situations or make tough decisions.
Their intensity can lead to powerful growth and change, both for themselves and those they influence.
7) aditi:
aditi is the mother of the sun GOD Surya Dev. It gives a lot of activity. One can get back the vitality and problems of Health and diseases if any planet in this division of SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Aditi is associated with abundance, nurturing, and protection.
Those under this division are often generous and have a strong desire to care for others.
They are seen as motherly figures who provide support and security to those around them.
Their nurturing nature helps them build strong, lasting relationships, but they must be careful not to overextend themselves in their efforts to help others.
8) Brihaspati:
Brihaspati or Guru, he is the Guru of the Gods. it gives good counseling power and protection from the health problems if any planet is in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Brihaspati represents wisdom, guidance, and spiritual knowledge.
Individuals influenced by this division are often wise and have a strong connection to spirituality or philosophy.
They are natural mentors and advisors, often sought after for their insight and guidance.
Their wisdom allows them to navigate life’s challenges with grace, but they must avoid becoming overly dogmatic or rigid in their beliefs.
9) Serpent:
serpents or snakes represent the underground element. if any planet is in this division of SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope he or she is prone to water borne diseases and that the problems caused could be deep in nature.
The Serpent division symbolizes cunning, transformation, and hidden knowledge.
Those under this influence are often mysterious and possess a deep understanding of the hidden aspects of life.
They are skilled at navigating complex situations and are often drawn to fields like research, psychology, or esoteric studies.
Their ability to see beyond the surface gives them an edge, but they must be wary of deceit or manipulation.
10) Pitris:
Pitris is the departed elders. It governs the earlier generations and blessings or curses from the forefathers. Now your fore father’s give strength or weakness that is bhoga or enjoyment or pain.
Pitris represents ancestral wisdom, tradition, and the connection to one’s roots.
Individuals in this division have a strong sense of heritage and are often guided by the wisdom of their ancestors.
They value tradition and are likely to uphold the customs and values passed down through generations.
Their connection to their lineage provides them with a sense of stability and purpose, but they may need to balance tradition with modernity.
11) bhaga:
This is the bhaga or enjoyment division, The energy here likes to look beautiful so he or she avoids ugliness. So if planets especially Venus or moon here in SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope this would apply.
Bhaga is associated with fortune, prosperity, and material wealth.
Those influenced by this division are often blessed with abundance and have a natural ability to attract wealth and success.
They are generous and enjoy sharing their good fortune with others.
However, they must be careful not to become overly attached to material possessions or to rely too heavily on luck.
12) Aryaman:
Aryaman division is helpful to the planets in keeping strength and shape. if the planets are here in SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope they find a way to cure a disease as well.
Aryaman symbolizes friendship, loyalty, and social connections.
Individuals under this division value their relationships and are often surrounded by a strong network of friends and allies.
They are loyal and dependable, always willing to support those they care about.
Their social skills and ability to build connections often lead to success in both personal and professional life.
13) Savita :
Savita is the first Ray of the sun. It comes out at start of the day. It helps to resolve physical ailments and problems as it is starting of the new day. so, if the planets are in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope they have curative powers for sure.
Savita represents illumination, creativity, and inspiration.
Those influenced by this division have a radiant personality and are often sources of inspiration for others.
They possess a creative mind and are likely to excel in artistic or intellectual pursuits.
Their ability to bring light and positivity to any situation makes them well-liked and respected, but they must guard against becoming overly idealistic.
14) Vishwakarma:
Vishwa karma is the celestial architect. he creates the world with five elements. he cares about the results. planet good or bad for health is own creation of the person if planet in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Vishwakarma is associated with craftsmanship, skill, and creation.
Individuals in this division are often highly skilled and take pride in their work, whether it be in the arts, technology, or construction.
They have a strong work ethic and a keen eye for detail, often producing high-quality results.
Their dedication to their craft is admirable, but they must be careful not to become too consumed by their work.
15th division Vayu is air or vata or mental stress is there . The mind is not at rest. health is not stable and changeable if the planet is in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Vayu represents movement, communication, and adaptability.
Those under this division are often quick-witted and versatile, able to adapt to changing circumstances with ease.
They are excellent communicators and are likely to excel in fields like writing, speaking, or sales.
Their ability to navigate change and communicate effectively is a key strength, but they may need to work on grounding themselves.
(16)Indragni division:
so, there is two things here Indra and Agni .Agni the fire and Indra dev was basically disgraced for his bad acts . so that means that this division will be the health of the person getting spoiled by overindulgence in things . also note Agni is fire so that can destroy anything of the planet in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Indragni symbolizes power, protection, and the balance between opposites.
Individuals influenced by this division have a strong presence and are often seen as protectors or leaders.
They possess the ability to balance conflicting forces and bring harmony to chaotic situations.
Their strength and leadership qualities make them effective in roles of authority, but they must be cautious of becoming too dominating.
(17)mitra or division or 17th division :
this division makes the person very friendly . so Mitra is friendly & cannot live without good friends on friends. The cure here is for curing the root causes of many illness .friendship that does not have reins could harm body and mind if the planet is in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Mitra is associated with friendship, harmony, and cooperation.
Those under this division value peace and are often mediators or peacemakers in their communities.
They have a strong sense of justice and are skilled at bringing people together.
Their cooperative nature makes them excellent team players, but they must be careful not to compromise their own needs in the process.
(18) number 18 or Indra:
Indra The King of Gods . so, this division is affected and could cause harm to the body. But if OK the person has sound health then.
Indra represents leadership, power, and victory.
Individuals in this division are natural leaders, often taking charge in challenging situations.
They have a strong desire to succeed and are not afraid to take risks to achieve their goals.
Their leadership qualities make them influential, but they must be mindful of not becoming too authoritarian or power-hungry.
(19) Nirriti or number 19:
Niritti means death . There is detachment from the world is there and planets here promote spiritual traits. A person may not care for the body at all if planet is in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Nirriti symbolizes destruction, chaos, and transformation.
Those influenced by this division often experience significant upheavals in their lives, leading to profound personal growth.
They are resilient and able to navigate through difficult times with strength and determination.
However, they must be careful not to become too caught up in negative or destructive patterns.
(20) jala :
jala is water and as water is so deep inside the body. so, planets here in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope could give water related problems and the cure can also come by water to the same .all this is based on Ayurveda
Jala represents fluidity, emotion, and intuition.
Individuals under this division are highly sensitive and intuitive, often guided by their feelings and instincts.
They are adaptable and able to flow with the changes in life, making them resilient in the face of adversity.
Their emotional depth allows them to connect with others on a profound level, but they may need to work on grounding their emotions.
he is god of universe and provider of body good health in general. if there is an affliction of this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope then there is a weakness in the body.
Vaishdev is associated with duty, service, and righteousness.
Those influenced by this division have a strong sense of responsibility and are often dedicated to serving others.
They are likely to be involved in humanitarian work or professions that require a high level of integrity.
Their commitment to doing what is right is admirable, but they must be careful not to become overly self-sacrificing.
(22) vishnu:
Vishnu as the trinity suggest is the preserver if the cosmos. it takes care of the needs of the body really good health is there if planet is in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Vishnu symbolizes preservation, stability, and protection.
Individuals in this division are often seen as protectors and stabilizers, bringing order and harmony to their environments.
They are reliable and trustworthy, often taking on roles that require a strong sense of duty and responsibility.
Their stability and consistency are key strengths, but they must be careful not to resist necessary changes.
(23) ashta vasu:
This gives protection and good health and also long life. if affliction is there by malefic here in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope then health and longevity could be affected
Ashta Vasu represents wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
Those under this division are often blessed with material success and are skilled at managing resources.
They have a natural ability to attract wealth and are likely to enjoy the finer things in life.
Their prosperity is often shared with others, making them generous and charitable.
However, they must be cautious of becoming too attached to material possessions.
(24) Varun :
varun dev is The Lord of water the nectar of life . he holds a ghada or pitcher a of magic ambrosia. It is said to be to cure all the problems and diseases .but when there is an affliction in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope that could be cause health problems
Varun is associated with water, depth, and mystery.
Individuals influenced by this division are often introspective and have a deep understanding of the mysteries of life.
They are drawn to spiritual or esoteric practices and have a strong connection to their inner world.
Their depth of understanding makes them wise and insightful, but they may need to work on expressing themselves more openly.
ajakapat is one foot of the goat as per Sanskrit language. so, this is connected to the Lord Shiva’s dance of Tandav balancing the body on one foot. it also stands for destruction and dissolution remove the disease in the body if planets are in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope.
Ajakapat symbolizes strength, resilience, and independence.
Those under this division are strong-willed and capable of standing on their own, even in the face of adversity.
They have a fierce determination and are not easily swayed by external influences.
Their independence and resilience make them formidable, but they must be careful not to become too isolated or stubborn.
(26) ahir budhanya :
ahir budhanaya basically it means snake of the Island . That is the lower part is snake and upper part is that of a God what protects the lower part. so, if planet is here in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope both protective and destructive divisions one can say.
Ahir Budhnya represents the underworld, hidden forces, and deep introspection.
Individuals influenced by this division often have a strong connection to the subconscious mind and are drawn to exploring the hidden aspects of life.
They are likely to be involved in fields like psychology, mysticism, or occult studies.
Their ability to delve deep into the unknown gives them profound insights, but they must be careful not to become lost in darkness.
(27) Opusan :
he is the prosperity. that is Sun god of light and dispeller of the darkness . planets here in this SaptaVimsamsha(D-27) or nakshatramsha(D-27) divisional or varga chart or horoscope help the patient with change of treatment or some lateral shift in the method of healing. 😉
Opasan symbolizes completion, fulfillment, and spiritual realization.
Those under this division are often on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment and self-realization.
They have a deep sense of purpose and are driven by a desire to understand the true meaning of life.
Their spiritual journey is likely to lead to a sense of fulfillment and peace, but they must be mindful of not becoming too detached from the material world.

How to Calculate the SaptaVimsamsa Divisional Chart ? Also which energies or deities rule Various divisions of the Sign
The SaptaVimsamsa(D-27) or nakshatramsa(D-27) divisional or varga chart distribution commences from Aries sign/Mesh and other Movable signs or rashis for all the 12 signs . The saptavimshamsa or the 27 division of a sign are.
These are the deities of the 27 nakshatras
For odd signs
• Dastra (Ashvini Kumar)
• Yama
• Agni
• Brahma
• Candr
• Isa
• Adhiti
• Jiva
• Ahi
• Pitar
• Bhag
• Aryama
• Sūrya
• Tvasht
• Marut
• Chakragni
• Mitr
• Vasava
• Rakshasa
• Varuna
• Vishwadeva
• Govinda
• Vasu
• Varuna
• Ajap
• Ahirbuddhnya
• and Pushya.
• For even sign count in reverse order(Pushya, Ahirbuddhnya
Onwards to 1st in the above list) .