Surya’s Avasthas sun states in horoscope- narendra modi predictions.
- The parashari system is a very powerful; system to nail down the situation on life based on surya or sun’s avastha or state in the horoscope or kundli
- If the planet sun or surya is in sayan avastha in the kundli or horoscope- the planet sun as it rules stomach the person may face digestive weakness or issues, also diseases and obesity in legs is possible. There could be increase in bile in the body and also ulcers in anus are possible and also heart strokes are possible.
- if the planet sun or surya is in Upavesan in the kundli or horoscope, the person may suffer from lack of money and would be carrying heavy loads. There could be legal issues or problems for the person. the heart of the person may be hard and one tends to become wicked or to some extent hard natures and one may lose in most of the undertakings.
- If sun or surya is in netrapani avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope – the person would be happy and yes wise and would help others. would have command/prowess and wealth and would be getting favors from the state or the government.
- If the planet sun or surya is in the prakash avastha in your kundli or horoscope, the person would be liberal in disposition and giving nature. Also he or she would have a lot of wealth and would speak very well , also do good deeds or merit based actions, also be very strong and would be having charming body and face.
- if the planet sun or surya is in the gaman avastha or state in your kundli or horoscope – the person is more disposed or has tendencies to live in foreign lands also makes one miserable, indolent or lazy. the intelligence gets reduced and so does money or wealth. The person would be distressed due to fear and would have a short temper or be very angry as such.
- if the planet sun or surya is in the agamana avastha or state in your kundli or horoscope- the character of the person would be questionable. The person may be interested in other people’s wives’ and may not get support from own people. The person may be interested in movements or changes and would be skilful and also may indulge in evil or not so good deeds. The person may stay dirty, ill disposed and would be a tale bearer.
- If planet sun or surya is in sabh avastha in your kundli or horoscope– the person would be helpful to others, will have wealth and gems and also be virtuous and with lands and property/ there could be new houses/dresses b and also the person would be physically very strong. Also very affectionate to his friends and very kind in disposition.
- if the planet sun is in the agam avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope– he or she would be distressed and have lot of trouble due to enemies, be fickle minded. evil tendencies could be there. The body could be weak and emaciated and the actions may not be virtuous or good and there could be sense of pride in actions of the person.
- if the planet sun is in Bhojan avastha in your kundli or horoscope , there could be pain in his or her joints, also would lose money due to others females, may have strength or vitality but more on the decline side and may not speak the truth. There could be headaches and may eat remains of food and might take up wrong ways of the society.
- if the planet sun or surya is in Nritya lips avastha in your kundli or horoscope– the person could be learned and also could be a scholar. The person may have knowledge of arts and poetry etc. he would be loved by the state or the government.
- if planet sun is in kautuk state or avastha in the kundli or horoscope for the person – he person would always be happy and may have Vedic knowledge and will also perform yagyas. he or she will move amidst the rulers or the government high officials and may also have fear from his or her enemies. the face would be charming and may have knowledge of arts and poetry.
- if the planets sun is in the nidra avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope – the person may become sleepy or drowsy soon and may live in foreign lands or distant places. May give harm to his wife or life partner husband . May have strong issues or destruction of financial matters.
- also additionally if surya or sun is in upavesan avastha or state in your kundli or horoscope – this could make a person an artisan and the colour or the complexion of the person could be black. The learning’s of the person could be less. he or she may need to serve others.
- If the planet sun is in netrapani avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope – then there could be various kinds of happiness. If surya or sun would be in netrapani avastha there could be eye problems as sun is fire and netrapani connects to eyes.
- if sun or surya is in parakasha avastha or state of the horoscope the person could have merit and also be in dharma or be religious and liberal in thought process. he or she would have good pleasures of life and live like a king and may have money like cover who is the lord of wealth
- if surya or sun is in prakash avastha or state in kundli or horoscope and placed in the seventh bhava or the yuvati bhava or may be placed in the fifth bhava may cause harm to the first child and also could produce litigations
- if surya or sun is in the gaman avastha or state in kundli or horoscope , the native or the person would incur diseases or illness to the feet and the person could be very mean in nature
- if surya or sun is in the agaman avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope, bhava and also sun or surya is in the seventh house or yuvati bhava – this could destroy or cause harm to the progeny of the person and may give limited wealth to the person.
- If sun or surya is in agam avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope – this could give many miseries to the person and also ugliness and yes less IQ or intelligence quotient. but money or wealth would be there.
- If sun or surya in bhojan avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope may cause many disturbances or issues in dharma or religious matters. In other bhavas or houses sun or surya in bhojan avastha may cause head/ear diseases and also joint pains.
- Though as per maharishi parashar the person with sun in kautuk avastha may have fear from enemies , but others say the bad or the evil effect would only be there when sun is in the ari house or sixth bhava.. when sun is in kautuk avastha and is in other house other than the sixth house the person may have several daughters and may be two wives, there could be itch and also excellence in general and the person may be liberal.
- if planet sun or surya is in nidra avastha or state in kundli or horoscope – the person would be more prone to have piles and also elephantiasis. There could be lack of peace and one needs to be careful about his or her child.
Narendra modi birth details:
- Name: Narendra Modi
- Date of Birth: Sunday, September 17, 1950
- Time of Birth: 11:00:00
- Place of Birth: Mehsana
- Longitude: 72 E 28
- Latitude: 23 N 37
- Time Zone: 5.5
- Let us do this for narendra modi India’s honorable primes minister india for his planet sun
- His sun or surya is in uttar phalguni nakshatra which is 10 number, sun as a planet number =1
- Sun is in the Capricorn sign or makara rashi in the d9 or navamsa chart- so this value =?
- So the number we have is 10(the d9 rashi number) x1(The value of the planet here= sun)x 10(nakshatra number where the given planet is) = 100 = 100= base number
- Now add his birth moon nakshatra number to the same=15(anuradha birth moon nakshatra) for narendra modi ji
- Also the ghatis passed since sun rise for narendra modi till 11 AM is = ( 11 AM – sun rise time = 6.27 AM ), so we get = 4 hours 33 minutes of difference time from sun rise and birth time for narendra modi ji
- Now 24 hours = 60 ghati, so 1 hour = 60/24 = 5/2=2.5 ghati , so for narendra modi ji is born in terms of ghatis = 4 x 2.5 + ~ 0.5 x2.5 ghati= 10 + 5/4 = or say ~ 25 ghatis or 11 ghatis
- Also narendra modi ji’s lagna is Scorpio or vrishichika rashi= 8
- Sum total for sun of narendra damodar das modi= 100(base number) +15(birth moon nakshatra)+11(ghatis) +8(rashi anka)= 134/12 = 11 Remainder 2 or this is 2+1 = 3rd state
- So This is a netrapani state of sun
- Predictions for narendra damodar das modi for netrapani state of sun
- the person would be happy and yes wise
- Narendra damodar das modi ji’s wisdom and happiness is obvious
- and would help others.
- He narendra modi ji wants to help others- “sabka sath sabka vikas” has been his slogan
- would have command/prowess
- Yes no doubt he has command and prowess
- and wealth and would be getting favours from the state or the government.
- This again is true he is indeed holding the highest office in India
- All above is 100% correct barring some modifications by other planets in sri narendra modi ji’s Horoscope or kundli
- Example value of sub state or strength of netrapani for narendra damodar das modi ji –vedic Numerology
- the remainder you get has to be increased by constant factor as per the planet.
- Surya or sun 5, Chandra or moon 2, Mangal or mars 2, Budh or mercury 3, Guru or Jupiter 5, Shukra or Venus 3, Shani or Saturn 3, Rahu & (Ketu) 4.
- Anka value based on name is :
- 1 for a, ka, cha, ? a, dha, bha and va,
- 2 for i, kha, ja, ?ha, na, ma and sha,
- 3 for u, ga, jha, ta, pa, ya and sa,
- 4 for e, gha, ? a, tha, pha, ra and sa,
- 5 for o, ca, ?ha, da, ba, la and ha.
- He is in the netrapani state or avastha=3, so value =3×3 + na value for naredndra modi=2 = (9+2)/12 = 0 remainder 11
- Now for 11 remainder we have add 5 for sun planet value= 16/3 , 5 and remainder we get 1 remaining
- So his sun or narendra modi sun or surya is in drishti sub state in his horoscope or kundli.
- So atleast fair enough of the netrapani effects described above would be there for him like welath/power and friendliness all would be there as we know all is true.
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