About sridevi the legendary actress of Bollywood
- Sridevi Kapoor as she is known now after marriage to sri boney kapoor is a well known bollywood celebrity and actress,who was born as Shree Amma Yanger Ayyapan on the date of august 13 1963.
- She(sridevi) left for her heavenly abode suddenly in 24 February 2018 leaving her family and fans in great despair.The casue of death is suggested by the dubai police as accidental drowing.
- Sridevi was an Indian actress and also film producer who had been a star in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada films.
- She was Indian cinema’s ‘First Female Superstar’, she was the recipient of two Film fare Awards and three Film fare Awards South
- Sridevi is rated as the highest-paid actors in the 1980s and 1990s and is still taken to be one of the most popular actresses of Indian films /cinema.
Birth details
Shree Amma Yanger Ayyapan[1]
Name: Sridevi
Date of her Birth: Tuesday, August 13, 1963
Time of her Birth: 05:30:00
Place of Birth: Madras
Time Zone: 5.5
Longevity or Lifespan Basic evaluation for sridevi
- In Her(sridevi’s) horoscope or kundli(birth chart) lagan or lagna/ascendant is moon or Chandra and is exalted in Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi , though the dispositer Venus (shukra)is combust and slightly weak- but shadabala of moon is 438.94 units. This is fair enough.
- In the kundli horoscope or kundli(birth chart) of sridevi ji, The 8th lord is Saturn(shani) itself and is fair and retrograde in the 7th bhava(seventh house), so it is a markesh(killer) plus a life giver both. Yes Saturn(shani) it seems could give issues and has killer habits.
- For the kundli horoscope or kundli(birth chart) of sridevi ji Saturn(shani) is at 426.02 shadabala- which is good
- In the kundli horoscope or kundli(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,Malefic like rahu ketu are in malefic houses like sixth or twelfth house.
- But sun(surya) and Saturn or Saturn is in Kendra houses( 1/4/7/10 hsoues = Kendra houses is the central nervous system of your horoscope)- so is Venus(shukra) in lagna.
- In the kundli horoscope or kundli(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,Jupiter (guru) is strong in the 9th
- From moon lagna Venus is the ascendant lord is combust and a bit weak.
- For the kundli horoscope or kundli(birth chart) of sridevi ji ,The 8th lord is Jupiter and is in the 11th bhava and is fair but retrograde.but over all OK.
- In navamsa or d9 divisional or varga chart lord Jupiter is just OK in 3rd
- The eighth lord moon is also there which is fair.
- So based on her(sridevi ji’s) d1/moon and lagna chart she was bound to live atleast 70-75 years- then what caused the problem?
- In such cases a malefic dasha or transit of markesh ( the second house and seventh house lord or associated planets), cause the problem.
- Let us investigate further.
What dasha she(sridevi) was running when she died?
- Sridevi is running Saturn =Saturn –sun sub sub period
- As discussed above Saturn is a life giver eighth lord and markesh the killer the seventh house lord , so is sun the second house lord.
- So we have killer->killer->killer- 3(three) killers in line)- that might have caused her death. Though over all horoscope or kundli promises fair enough longevity.
Possible cause & conditions of death?
- Now sun the final killer is in the first bhava along with Venus.
- Sun(surya) that represents the self sits in the watery sign of cancer or karkat rashi,so indicates self in water( drowning), Venus are found gives a sense of luxury or hotel,sun gives good dignity to the person and place of death. So she died due to drowning in a hotel or luxury bathroom is indicated in her horoscope.
- Vedic astrology and Vedic numerology are powerful tools to pin point events and conditions- this in turn helps us to plan life much better than usual.
- Just like management or technology engineering etc knowledge base is used for benefit of mankind- so should Vedic astrology used and applied to help and plan life for more happiness and prosperity.

• Your Longevity and Life Span Report:
• We All want to Live Long & Healthy Life of 120 Years. But sudden diseases or accidents due to malefic transits or dasas(planetary periods) or weakening of your lagna(ascendant) and other factors in the horoscope that is your lagna and navamsa chart(d9) ,could limit our stay on mother earth. This is very useful report which comprehensively evaluates each and every factor and give your predictions for your longevity and your coming 2 Major dasas(planetary periods).