Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people LOVE Horoscope:
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people are a sensitive and warm person, though could be a bit dictatorial in love matters at times.
Overall Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people could be a great friend and a partner.
but overcome their sensitivity. Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people could be very loyal in your relationship.
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people shoudl ensure that they don’t get carried away into wrong relationships- keep their instinct intact
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people heart may be fluttery and changeable. Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people may have changing and fluctuating short term affairs(if any).
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people long term relationships would be generally filled with fun and a caring and bit intellectually oriented partner.
Pisces Man Or Pisces Women as a Lover :
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people are a lover of fun, frolic and yes travel. Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people’s partner should be supportive of these traits in you.
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people also may love to read things.
Put their worries away as they really are imaginary and fun in life with their partner.

Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people 5th house of Love in the horoscope or kundli?
The lord of the 5th house or house of love for the horoscope of Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people is cancer sign or karkat rashi.
this is ruled by number 2= moon. so the love for them is very sensitive nature and also changeable in nature.
The Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people may get too emotional in matters of love.
also note the lagna is sign number -12, so this is also an emotional sign.
The prior rashi to cancer or karkat is Gemini or mithuna rashi rules by mercury and also the next one is Leo or simha rashi ruled by sun.
so there is an element of youthfulness in love of Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people . :0 due to mercury or budha.
that the love for them is full of pep and fun(masti).;) also there could be ego issues due to Leo being the nest sign ruled by number 1.
as sun gives more assertiveness to Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people in the matters of love & marriage a well.
the Pisces sign in 5th aspects and Capricorn sign in 7th aspects send energies to the 5th house of love for the horoscope of Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people .
so there is blessing of GOD but again hypersensitivity due to the pisces sign for them. also love would remain protected for them.
at the same time Saturn or Capricorn sign( makar rashi) aspect could create dryness in relationships of love for Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people .
there could be delays and obstacles in the matters of love or marriage for them.

Pisces Lover Good Dates For Love & Romance for Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people Horoscope:
1,19,20,21,23,12, 27,24,28,29,30
Pisces Lover Dates Of Caution For Love & Romance :
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people Lover Lucky months For Love & Romance:
March, July, November
September and December would be fair.
Pisces ascendant or Meena rashi people Lover – which sun signs are compatible with your inner love nature
Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Virgo and Sagittarius would be fair.