Your Weekly ARIES HOROSCOPE or Makar rashi Predictions for the WEEK Starting MONDAY on 16 DECEMBER are Given Below:

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Weekly Predictions PISCES

For the most of the week(Monday To Thursday/Friday),expect:
The situation this time for you could be a mixed one. There could be some success on certain fronts, but mostly the time could be a tough one. Money is a good chance but it would come slowly or with a lot of planning and effort. Just an average time for love related matters.. Take good care of your relationships, and let not any sourness creep in. Also, stress has to be avoided. Success and failure both are possible this time. Lot of stress and work is there. keep the mind positive and make the best at home/office or love situations. Change, newness, and work may bog you up now. focus on details and you should be fine for sure.

For weekends(Saturday & Sunday) ,expect: You may connect or associate in some form with a group of people. This could be a socially active time with new contacts getting formed. Time to speak out, connect with your group and avoid stress. Life could be good if stress is controlled time for meetings at the office and effective communications as well. travel or changes could also be at cards.

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