What does this article talk about ?
This article very uniquely tells how numbers and nakshatra connect.
what are nakshatras ?
each Nakshatra is 13 degree 20 minutes . The magic number 27 into multiplication this will give 360 degrees .
also nakshatra is also called the lunar mansions are locations of energy.
1. Ashwini – or the horses ruled by ketu
2. Bharani – ruled by venus
3. Krittika – ruled by sun
4. Rohini – ruled by moon
5. Mrigasira – ruled by mars
6. Ardra – ruled by rahu
7. Punarvasu – ruled by Jupiter
8. Pushya – ruled by Saturn
9. Ashlesha – ruled by Mercury
10. Magha – ruled by Ketu
11. Purva Phalguni – ruled by venus
12. Uttara Phalguni – ruled by Sun
13. Hasta – ruled by Moon
14. Chitra –ruled by Mars
15. Swati – ruled by rahu
16. Vishakha – ruled by Jupiter
17. Anuradha – ruled by Saturn
18. Jyestha – ruled by Mercury
19. Moola – ruled by Ketu
20. Purva Ashadha – ruled by Venus
21. Uttara Ashadha – ruled by Sun
22. Sravana – ruled by Moon
23. Dhanishta – ruled by Mars
24. Shatabhisha – ruled by rahu
25. Purva Bhadrapada – ruled by Jupiter
26. Uttara Bhadrapada – ruled by Saturn
27. Revati – ruled by mercury
what are numbers(anka shastras)?
numerology is based primary on the 10 numbers starting from 0 to 9 or more strictly only the nine numbers(1-9).
now as a chance here 7 of birth numbers is in harmony with the name number=7.
what is The connection of nakshatra and Numerology(anka shastras) and India?
It is said that Numerology and the Nakshatras Bothe originated from India and then spread across to various nations (This includes the Chaldeans as well mentioned by world-famous Cheiro,
Pythagoras or guru yavanacharya revived it
and gave it the present shape along with the Chaldean numerology.

What is the scientific reason for having Names starting with the Moon Nakshatra?:
a)How nakshatras could be used to get correct birth time ? suppose you lose your time of birth or kundli, still based on your name or mula nakshatra you could benefit a lot from the science of
Vedic astrology- as your name would have the key to your moon nakshatra.
Soon you may get bored or there is a mismatch in the group. It is a simple management principle – what we call ALIGNMENT. So Vedic astrology provides us with tools of alignment at a much subtle level of energy.
in life is much higher. So by doing this simple matching, you have naturally had more chances to succeed apart from your hard work.
TABLE:Nakshatra & related Sounds
No Nakshatra Name Alphabet of different charan or pada
1 Ashwini = sounds Chu , Che , Cho , La
2 Bharani = sounds Lee , Lu , Le , Lo
3 Krittika = sounds A , E , U , Ea
4 Rohini = sounds O , Va , Vi , Vu
5 Mrigashira = sounds We , Wo , Ka , Ki
6 Ardra = sounds Ku , Gha , Ing, Jha
7 Punarvasu = sounds Ke , Ko , Ha , Hi
8 Pushya = sounds Hu , He , Ho , Da
9 Ashlesha = sounds De , Du , De , Do
10 Magha = sounds Ma , Me , Mu , Me
11 Poorva Phalguni = soun ds Mo , Ta , Ti , Tu
12 Uttaraphalguni = sounds Te, To , Pa , Pe
13 Hasta = sounds Pu , Sha , Na, Tha
14 Chitra = sounsds Pe , Po , Ra , Re
15 Swati = sounds Ru , Re , Ro , Taa
16 Vishakha = sounds Tee , Tue , Te , Too
17 Anuradha = sounds Na , Nee , Nu , Ne
18 Jyeshtha = sounds No , Ya Yi , Uu
19 Mula = sounds Ye , Yo , Bha , Be
20 Purvashada = sounds Bu , Dha , Faa, Dhaa
21 Uttarashada = sounds Bhe , Bho , Ja , Ji
22 Shravana = sounds Khi, Khu , Khe, Kho
23 Dhanishtha= sounds Ga , Gi , Gu , Ge
24 Shatabhisha= sounds Go , Sa , Si , Su
25 Poorvabhadra = sounds Se , So , Da , Di
26 Uttarabhadra = sounds Du , Tha , Jha , Jna
27 Revati = sounds De , Do , Cha , Chi
Numerology Nakshatra and Rahul Gandhi predictions and overall profile
so overall he has major influences of Saturn energies and the moon energies are there for Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji. also sun or Surya is in the Gemini sign(mithuna Rashi) with Mars(Mangal) for Rahul Gandhi Ji. so this clearly indicates that he would be in politics. as the sun in the house of enmity 6th bhava means one could be surrounded by enemies that what a politician is .6th bhava is of enemies. 😉
Saturn the Lagna lord is in Shravan Nakshatra ruled by the moon, this is the nakshatra when planetary energies are here Kanvar Yatra to Hardwar and other places in the Ganges happens. This has number 2 same as moon. This number and moon give him a lot of positivity and cooperation in the personality .
overall the Shravana Nakshatra in the Lagna or ascendant of Rahul Gandhi builds a lot of sensitivity, Corporation, coordination with colleagues in itself. This suggests a person who is cooperative and sensitive as well.
also, nakshatra from the moon is Jyeshta where the moon is Scorpio sign or vrishchika Rashi for Rahul Gandhi in the kundali or horoscope. yes Jyeshta means eldest- yes he is the eldest within the Congress family and his family as well this Nakshatra jyeshtha is ruled by Mercury 5. this gives him good ability to speak communicate it makes a habit restless because mercury is a restless planet.

now let us analyse general elections based on the Nakshatra and Numerology for Rahul Gandhi
so the major energies for Rahul Gandhi based on nakshatra and numerology are in the Shravana Nakshatra that is moon number(2) if we look 2019 it has mars vibration and also Jupiter vibration. So there is number 9 and 3 X (Shravan or moon(2)). Now the moon is not comfortable with that it can create a lot of anger within Congress party members may defect and also internal conflicts within the Congress party possible. so there is a less chance of getting the desired results in the election of 2019.
the Mars energies are strong so that will increase the conflict of Mercury and Rahul could be facing issues in the month of April. IN may 2019 Rahul Gandhi Ji would be doing better because may have more of Venus energies are comfortable with Venus non-Brahmanic planets. but still they do not ensure great success for Rahul Gandhi or Congress party so this is just a prediction based on his nakshatras and numerology structure prediction.
But sure still the number 5 of shravana and Jyestha star works against the benefits of Congress and Rahul Gandhi. he or Rahul Gandhi also need to be careful about what he speaks he should be careful about not getting angry. Plus he also keeps tabs on the Congress party people who may try to defect the party.
he or Rahul Gandhi may have to complacent with some with basic victories at his and but not very great for Rahul Gandhi Ji. also, Congress party may not perform very great based on Nakshatra and numerology. but still, pray to God and respect this gentleman so that democracy in India wins and every party has a say in the democracy to create balance and harmony within Mother India may God bless all 🙂

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