About this article ? ?
This article at length discusses the core kind of health problems that what are the various kinds of problems Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People could suffers.
either due to core planet Venus weakness or afflictions. Or due the Kaal Purush position of the signs Libra or Tula rashi and Taurus or Vrishabha rashi in any Horoscope.
It also Looks at the role of 6th house lord Jupiter in the health matters for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People.
On how it helps or works against the health matters for them based on their horoscope.
Zodiac Sign Libra Sun Sign HEALTH Horoscope(Tula Rashi):

What is the CORE health problem Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People should be aware of first?
The Zodiac Sign Libra person or Tula rashi Guy may do excess or heavy work and also suffer from over emotionalism which could lead to weakness in their Body .
So this has to be taken care of .
Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People could suffer from sugar & diabetes related problems- if Venus or shukra rules the Horoscope.
so Yoga & Meditation is highly recommended, especially for the spleen.

Which organs of the Body Need special care for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People ?
Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People also have to deal with urinary problems carefully as 7th sign is involved.
As Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi has the seventh sign and if Venus or shukra is weak in the Kundli or Horoscope or combust could cause issues here.
Based on Health Horoscope of Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People , it is recommended that the lower back has to be kept properly toned up and if there is a pain etc,as 7th sign in the zodiac connects to lower back.
They should consult a doctor especially if Mars or Mangle and Venus are weak in the horoscope as, Otherwise it may aggravate their problems.

How are the sex organs for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People more prone to health issues ?
For females in Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi , the sex organs like ovaries need more care and for men gonads & prostate needs to be kept in proper shape.
Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People need to work on the buttocks portion as well as it may gain excess weight.
So also for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People , the 7th division of Kaal purush the adrenals & private parts have to kept in proper shape with exercise especially if Venus(shukra) is afflicted with Mars in the horoscope.

How could vitality decline for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People as the age increases?
For Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People Over all sexual vitality could decline after middle age a bit more sharply.
so in summary -Trouble due to mental stress & depression is also there.
Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People have to Take good care of kidneys and your back. as well.

What Kind of Health problems Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People are naturally Prone to ?
Jupiter or Guru rules the 6th bhava of horoscope for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People . now Jupiter is karma for liver and spleen, connected to sugar and diabetes.
so if Jupiter is strong and Venus is weak, Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People could suffer severely from sugar problems.
Aquarius is ahead of this Pisces sign or meena rashi that rules the 6th house of health in horoscope of Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People .
The next sign is Aries or Mars.
Now Jupiter the lord of Pisces sign is OK with mars or mangal – but can create health in the liver and also make hair fall at times due to the same.
so is Aquarius of Kumbha cause some dryness in the body or system of Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People . so doe bones, liver, blood and muscles need good care for Zodiac Sign Libra or Tula rashi People .
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