Prayer To Almighty GOD: We sincerely wish Peace and Tranquility to Each Every Human being on this earth. GOD is the ultimate controller of destinies of world and nations- he knows all. Let there be Peace to all of us. Amen
Information About Him:a
Birth Data:
Born Ibrahim Awwadty Ibrahim Ali Muhammad al-Badri al-Samarrai
28 July 1971 (age 44)
Near Samarra, Iraq
- What Do The NUMBERS Foretell about Him(numerology)?
What Makes Him – what he is? Through Numbers/Numerology:
Moon and Saturn don’t look eye to eye and so does Saturn and Sun (His birth number).
- With the result sun-Saturn create a power struggle for him (which we know he is involved) , that is to get his caliphate in place in Syria and Iraq. Also moon-Saturn conflict gives some stress and a philosophical bent of mind that could be hard and soft both in nature.
- Now let us confirm the above findings more and corroborate it with the reality.
- He is born in 28th July, this time has influence of sun sign CANCER & LEO, ruled by both MOON and SUN again 1
- SUN (Number 1, dominating, leader, daring, insistent in views) is just opposite of .
- MOON (1+1 =2 = Moon, soft, cooperative, shy, fearful, detail oriented, shrewd etc.).
- People in the Media have confirmed the above view of Baghdadi, that at some time MOON was more dominant in his personality- “In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, contemporaries of al-Baghdadi describe him in his youth as being shy, unimpressive, a religious scholar and a man who eschewed(avoided) violence.”
- So here also we see two distinct personalities of Baghdadi– which are obviously reflected in His Life. SUN has helped him to be the leader of ISIS group and Moon gives him the diplomatic skills, working out details skills for fights. Saturn aspect which is there strongly (\is given later in the article), give a philosophical, cold and harsh nature – to the extent of being ruthless.
- His leadership of ISIS and all other activitiesare a living proof of role of SUN (LEO) in his chart and a strong role of Saturn as well.
- Note he is ruled by SUN ( 28th born and LEO), and is running 44th year, 4+4= Saturn. Sun and Saturn are Great enemies.
- His destiny number = 28+july +1971 = 28 +7( for July) + 18(1971 = 1+9+7+1= 18). = 1(28=10=1) + 7+ 9(18 =1+8=9) = 17/8 = SATURN!! So he is born to manage and may be lead large group of people. Saturn is also High energy for him. We have discussed it above.
- ISIS = 13-13 = 4-4=8 = Saturn. This connects closely with his Saturn.
- So He could face a hard time till he completes his 44th year till July 2016. That also months December ending 2015 and January 2016 are bad and January 2016 ending plus Feb 2016 the worst.
- Hard dates are dates totally 8( like 8,17th etc), Saturdays or dates having 8(like 18th/28th). We know master mind of Paris attacks was killed on 18th November 2015 . This is due to a malefic Saturn in his chart.
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HERE - The Jupiter transit in Leo is giving strength to his initiatives,as the Jupiter weakens or transits to next zodiac Virgo- that power would reduce.
- But rahu coming in third house and also Jupiter could cause a lot of rash actions by year starting.
- Saturn transit late this year 2016 could relieve his anxiety and stress- but yes increase his degree of conflict .
- Any result/event or outcome in the world is interplay of harmony
- A) (Of Your PLANETS or Your NUMBERS)( which controls 75% of your life) + B)Your own efforts( which controls 25% of your life).
- By proper use of science of astrology and numerology – we can improve our 25% to 50% or more and live a more Happy & contented life!
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- Egypt Plane Crash !!!- Very Unfortunate & Tragic event: 31/0ct/2015
2015 ending and 2016 For Him:
It may be interesting to know that osama bin laden(Born: March 10, 1957, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) and Baghdadi share the same BIRTH NUMBER-DESTINY pair, that is SUN-SATURN( Numbers 1 & 8 Conflict). So power struggle to achieve position somehow( due to weak Saturn) is common to both of them.
Not possible to elaborate more in this small article.
What Does Astrology Foretell about Him?:
As exact time of birth not known so solar horoscope is taken.
More accurate details about him can be given if exact time of birth is known
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