Cancer Sun Sign HEALTH Horoscope (Kataka Rashi):
There could be too much of sensitivity in the cancer person and has to be taken care of. One has to take care of water borne diseases. There may be a tendency towards heart and circulation related problems. One has to handle the tendency to be prone to common cold & flu carefully- doing Yoga and nauli kriya would help.
If there middle of the back or related problems, you should consult a doctor. In case inflammation in any part of the body, one needs tabs to be kept on .One can be more prone to nervousness. Follow ayurveda & One may have to deal with rheumatism and keep it control with gomukhasana or some Yoga pose that takes care of flexibility all the joints.
Gastric troubles and chest troubles.
Also inflammation s like rheumatism could be there. Take care of hand and feet.
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