2016 horoscope predictions of Alia Bhatt the attractive starlet of bollywood films ,daughter of filmmaker sri Mahesh Bhatt & soni razdan , what do the stars and numbers say about her.
Birth Data & Other Data of Alia Bhatt:
Name: alia Bhatt ( daughter of filmmaker sri Mahesh bhatt)
Date of Birth: 15 March 1993
Time of Birth: 12:00(not sure so we will use solar chart)
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Longitude: 72 E 50
Latitude: 18 N 58
Time Zone: 5.5
Numerology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for Alia bhatt:
Dob: 15 March 1993
Popular Name: Alia bhatt
Birth Name: same
- Birth number = 15 = 1+5=6=Planet Venus
Venus is a planet of beauty and art and also bollywood film industry. We know she is beautiful and yes has good talent in the films as well, being born to her illustrious father sri Mahesh bhatt of bollywood.
- The sun sign for 15h March = Pisces= Ruled By Jupiter(number 3)
Jupiter and Venus together give alia bhatt a great talent hidden in her, interest in arts, religion, and yes optimism and fun filled nature. Also number 6 and 3 being harmonious- she is blessed with fame and prosperity by her films in bollywood.
- Now let us look at alia Bhatt’s what alia bhatt was destined to do in life.
Destiny Number = 15(=1+5=6)+ march(=3)+ 1993( =1+9+9+3= 22=4) = 6+3+4 = 13 =4= rahu or Uranus!
Oops , so Uranus or rahu gives alia bhatt non conventionality streak. It could make work very hard to get the benefits in life, but at the end she would get. It could give a geek element in the sweet personality. Make a person a bit fixed and firm in views as well.
- Name number of alia bhatt = 4= Rahu or Uranus again. Oops, so all this could make her rebel almost at some point of time in life! Also she needs to stay clear of elements in the society who are not well meaning.In matters of lover as well or marriage she has to take special care. This name number could mean a bit hard destiny later on in life. But at the same time gives great innovative capability in her as her father sri Mahesh bhatt has. Making her an exceptional person in regard to films.
2016 horoscope predictions for Alia bhatt
- 2016= 2+0+1+6 = 9 = Mars, mars is comfortable with main numbers of alia bhatt( 3 and 6, but not 4). That is Jupiter and Venus could give her a lot of boost this year. With some hiccups.
- She could do exceptionally well this year, especially in march/December/October time frame . She might be conferred with some honour in this year 2016 or film fare awards this year. A very high chance for this to happen.
- She has to guard on operations/accident GOD forbid this year. Over all discrimination is needed.
- This year could be 9/10 for her.
Astrology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for Alia bhatt:
- As we saw above in astro- numerology, in alia bhatt chart moon is weak in Scorpio and is with rahu. This gives rash temper to the person. That’s where the geeky element of rahu comes into picture as we pointed out above analysis.
- This innovative element has been found in her father sri Mahesh bhatt.
- The lord of luck is in 4th house, so give slightly above average luck to her.
2016 horoscope predictions for Alia bhatt
- Jupiter is not very strong and transit in her 4th house, this means an aspect to 10th house as well.
- So over all some gains are there and also unexpected matters could come up.
- She needs to use discrimination well this year.

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