Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people LOVE Horoscope or Kundli:
Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people may have great sex appeal and men in this sign may attract women and women in this sign of Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi may attract men.
Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people have to take control on their sexuality as this sign rules the 8th house of sex.
Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people might be too dominating for your spouse and may be given way to do the same 🙂 .
Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people may have short love affairs & could be fine with short duration commitments
but having said that Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people are fairly sensitive and warm person.
At the same time for long term matters also Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people could prove to be a deeply loving person, who might be a bit choosy or somewhat insistent on views, but a home lover- overall, that’s OK.

Horoscope or Kundli of Scorpio Man Or Scorpio Women as a Lover :
They have a passionate and a disciplined nature. They may want intense love or in fact more of sex as Scorpio rules 8th sign of sex, than average.
Avoid spending time in arguments- respect their having lovers view point and enjoy the passionate love and togetherness with them :).
They need to take reins of theirs due to their highly strung nature.
They demand great sex, which They would get for sure. If They don’t, They are not at all satisfied with the relationship.
They need to come out of their self and connect with their lover openly considering his or her needs.

what is the outcome of love matters for Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people based on 5th bhava of Love in Horoscope of theirs? :
The 5th house of Horoscope of the Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people is rules by 12th sign Pisces.
that is in turn ruled by Jupiter energy or guru. so this gives great grace and protection to them in love matters :).
if they do not get impulsive in love matters, their love can grow and blossom a lot. also they can have a deep and open heart to others.
The previous sign to Pisces or Meena rashi is Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi ruled by Saturn or Shani dev. also the next sign to it is Aries ruled by aggressive mars.
That is the mool-trikona sign of mars or Scorpio sign main energy. this conflict of energy can caret great upheaval as well in the love life for Scorpio sign people.
also note Saturn the 4th house lord of Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people is enemy with Aries(mesha rashi) the 6th house or next sign for them.
There is only one aspect of Virgo sign or Kanya rashi or the planet mercury or budha in the 7th aspect to the Pisces sign or Meena rashi. so this gives an element of changeability in love matters of Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people.
also it suggests the Scorpio sign people will also use their brains or intellect in deciding on love matters.
plus gives Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people good success in study matters as well as Jupiter energy is also there(Pisces sign) .
and also mercury aspect is there on the Pisces sign or the 5th bhava of love and education for Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi people.

Scorpio Lover Good Dates For Love & Romance:
1,9,18(tiffs possible),15,24,27,30,3,12,21
Scorpio Lover Dates Of Caution For Love & Romance:
2,10,11( to a lesser extent), 19,29,20,8,17.
Scorpio Lover Lucky months For Love & Romance:
July, March, May, December
November Might give mixed results.
Scorpio Lover – which sun signs are compatible with their inner love nature
Cancer, Pisces( to some extent), Taurus, Scorpio( But both of They are hot headed),