Gemini Sun Sign HEALTH Horoscope (Mithuna Rashi):
For the Gemini person there could be too much thinking going on in the mind- which could lead to other matters or problems. So this has to be avoided.
There could also be excess pain in arms if mercury is weak and debilitated in horoscope say in the Pisces sign.
One has to handle stress carefully as Gemini being a sign ruled by mercury stress is a high chance- but sure with your intelligent mind can be avoided by proper exercise and study of health giving books on nature cure.
If there is any pain in shoulders & back Upper portion or related problems. One should consult a doctor at the earliest. There may be stress build up in the clavicle bone.
Gemini sign or mithuna rashi tendencies could lead to lack of lack of concentration especially in the younger age, so some basic care is needed.
One with gemini sign has to keep lower regions of neck in proper shape by exercising the right way may be doing neck exercises. If there are any skin problems related matter. One must resort Yoga and use of turmeric on skin.
Stress due to change could play havoc with the nerves of gemini person is mercury is weak in degrees like 0 to 5 degrees or 25 to 30 degrees in the horoscope. You also need to be careful regarding your chest and digestion.
Your GEMINI Horoscopes 
Your complete FULL Life Job/Career/Love/Money/sex/family/Legal etc with Accuracy worked out in 12 Houses and Coming 3 years predictions! .