Gemini Personality

 gemini horoscope astrology

Gemini Personality:

  • Gemini   has the Air  element in it and is the third   sign of the zodiac. The ruler is mercury – the planet of communications and also change- which makes you very good communicators and may also do well with money- if mercury is strong enough in your horoscope.
  • Due to the twin nature of your sign- you could have a dual personality- in the sane you could be angry and may love at the same time. Your tact, and diplomacy along with communication skills could take you to great heights in arbitration and jobs needing diplomacy.
  • You have to avoid gambling or high risk taking and also staying focused to one thing at a time. This only can give you  true success in business world or to do with communications.
  • Your complete FULL Life Job/Career/Love/Money/sex/family/Legal etc with Accuracy worked out in 12 Houses and Coming 3 years predictions! . horoscope-images  arnab goswami career horoscope vajpayee CLICK HERE