Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Predictions CAPRICORN Sign Or Makar Rashi
Your Weekly CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE or Makar rashi Predictions for the WEEK Starting MONDAY on 24 MARCH are Given Below:

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Weekly Predictions CAPRICORN

For almost entire week expect:
There could be ups and downs in matters. The first part of this period could be tough. In the middle of this time you may have to do things not in line with your inner nature. You may take more than usual risks. Latter part of the time more risky. Money and career related success could be tough. Overall slightly below average time. Problems and opposition could be there. People might be more jealous of you this time. The matters could be eventful and sudden. Your control on matters could be less. Avoid fights or tiffs this time. Use the extra energy this time energy for success at personal and professional front both.Excess of energy could be there. One may tend to be impulsive.

At the fag end of the week ,expect: Avoid fights or tiffs this time. Use the extra energy this time energy for success at personal and professional front both.Excess of energy could be there. One may tend to be impulsive.

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