Capricorn Sign or Makar Rashi people LOVE Horoscope:
Capricorn sign or Makar Rashi people may outwardly appear cold, but inwardly they could be very warm at heart ;).
Capricorn sign or Makar Rashi people’s home and family life could be of a troubled one.
You may feel lonely at heart and yes mis-understood.
Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people’s short-term affairs might be with people whom they may actually love all over life-.
as the lover might be very caring and patient with a bit reserved nature.;)
Your long-term relationships might have some key differences- but should work out OK if Saturn is strong enough in Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people’s chart.

Capricorn Man Or Capricorn Horoscope Women as a Lover :
You are a lover of fun, frolic and yes travel. Your partner should be supportive of these traits in you.
You also may love to read things.
Put your worries away as they really are imaginary and fun in life with your partner.

Capricorn Man Or Capricorn people’s Love matters of 5th house of the Horoscope or Kundli :
For Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people 5th bhava or House of horoscope is ruled by the loving and caring Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi.
now this in turn is ruled by planet Venus or shukra the planet for love and affairs and sensitivity/beauty etc.
So despite philosophical nature if love happens ,it can be very deep in nature for Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people.
it can be very fulfilling as well as Venus or shukra is in harmony with the lagna(ascendant) or Capricorn( Saturn ruled).
the prior sign to taurus or Vrishabha rashi is Aries- a passionate sign but in opposition to Saturn or Shani dev the lagna or ascendant.
also the next sign is Gemini or mithuna rashi ruled by mercury, which is a friend of lagan or ascendant that is Capricorn,.
so this suggests a mix of agitations in life due to mars( mangal) ruling the prior sign of Aries and also some fun ,frolic and outings in love due to the next sign of Gemini or Mithuna in their horoscope or Kundli.
Also the 7th aspects of aggressive scorpion sign or vrishcika rashi is there on the 5th house of Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people.
so this could create hidden affairs or unexpected issues in love matters for the Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people.
there also could be a lot of fights and agitations in love matters especially when mars is weak or agitated in transit.

Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people Lover Good Dates For Love & Romance:
Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people Lover Dates Of Caution For Love & Romance :
1,2,9,10,11,18(hard date),19,27,29
Capricorn sign or Makar rashi people Lover Lucky months For Love & Romance:
January, May, July
September and October(Mixed effects) would be fair.
Capricorn Lover – which sun signs are compatible with your inner love nature
Capricorn, Taurus, cancer.
Virgo and Scorpio(mixed behaviour) would be fair.