About this article ?
This article in depth discusses the personality and also Health and life events for
Zodiac Sign Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchika Rashi people.
what planetary combinations make them action oriented or dynamic or may be more sexed π etc.
The article also talks about the wealth or Money status for Zodiac Sign Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchika Rashi people.
Their Family life and also Career or Job matters.
It also looks at children matters, and Love and relationship matters for Zodiac Sign Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchika Rashi people.
also what kind of health problems are Zodiac Sign Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchika Rashi people naturally prone to.

Disposition and Personality for Zodiac Sign Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchika Rashi in any Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )

What makes the Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people dynamic in nature?
The Zodiac Sign Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi is a watery sign (fourth from cancer) ruled by planet mars or mangal.
The planet mars being planet of action.
Zodiac Sign Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi is a fixed sign.
Mars or mangal rules this sign in their kundli(Horoscope) and being the commander of the celestial cabinet of planets :)- so these people have good dynamic qualities :).

Are the Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people more sexed nature?
It is said that people with Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi in kundli(horoscope) very pure minded in their younger age and idealistic- but later may turn just opposite.
The reason is zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi rules the eighth house or randhr bhava.
Is a house of sex and all activities that are not recommended in any society.
So it may turn the Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi in the other direction.

Are the Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people more emotional in nature?
Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi are emotional people with a strong magnetism and drive due to mars influence.
which helps them to control the masses.
Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people have a blessing to stay cool in case of crisis.
They make great doctors and surgeons.
There is a great deal of humanity in Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people as Scorpio being the right sign and they want to do something for the society.

What kind of mental tendencies do the Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people have?
They may tend to delay things- which they should not.
Being a mental sign they fight ( mars influence for fight) through their brains and intellect for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi.
Eight sign again makes Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi highly sexed.
but if they have an all-accomplishing goal ahead of them this energy gets sublimated.
The Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people could be selfish at times and not foresighted- issues with anger also possible.
They may develop keen interest in occult matters sooner or later due to rule of the eight sign.

What is the wealth and Money flow status for Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi people based on their Horoscope ?
The lord of money flows and status for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people is Jupiter or Sagittarius the Lord of the second house or bhava.
so as Jupiter or Guru is a good friend of Lagna or mars the number 9( and Jupiter is Number 3), so great money flows is promised for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people with proper effort.
Also the previous sign for Sagittarius is Scorpio and next is Capricorn or Saturn.
so almost both are friendly with Jupiter or Guru.
But sure Capricorn or makar rashi ruled by Saturn or Shani is an enemy of mars the Lagna or ascendant.
so creates conflicts and problems for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people in earning money and also family matters in some cases.
but Jupiter creates a buffering and soothing effects.:)
so yes with obstacles still they earn well in life.
There is a 7th aspects of Gemini sign as well or Mithuna rashi, so there is an element of duality in the way Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people earn. also they may talk glibly to earn better.
Banks, commercial establishments, IT, and software could give them better returns.

What is the Family matters flow status for Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi people based on their Horoscope?
The family is ruled by Aquarius sign(Kumbha rashi) or the 4th house lord in the Horoscope or Kundli of Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people.
Now Saturn or Shani dev is the lord of this house and is an enemy of lagan or ascendant Scorpio or Vrishchika ruled by Mars or Mangal.
so Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people peace agitations in family life and also their image matters in society.
If they think and act and not on the Martian impulses they do well as such in family matters as well.
Yes Saturn (Shani dev) or Capricorn is also in the previous sign and also next sign is Pisces or Jupiter.
so Pisces gives Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people basic sensitivity in family matters and they may try to spiritualize or harmonize family matters.
but Capricorn or Saturn keeps their family life in an agitated state mostly.
Yes 7th aspect of Leo is there on the 4th house or Aquarius sign of Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people.
so it may give them great distinction in life and name as well, especially to their family.
But there could also be ego issues and hassles for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people in the family.
It could make them live like kings π or the Lion in the family and Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people’s projects of self to the world.

What is the Relationships and Love matters flow status for Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi people based on their Horoscope?
Taurus or Vrishabha rashi ruled by Venus or shukra the planet of Love is ruling the 7th bhava of relationships for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people.
also Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi in the 7th aspect influences their house of love and relationships.
So the passion level and love is high on Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people :).
This is what they have to manage and be happy.
so their sexual demands could be high, but they should stay loyal to their marriage partners for happiness in life.
Also Aries sign or Mesha rashi is prior to taurus and the next sign is Gemini or Mithuna ruled by mercury.
so apart from love and passion in love and relationships for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people, there would be fluctuations and changes in their love relationships.
Also Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people would be loving more fun in sex or love life.:)

Health for Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchika Rashi lagan based on their Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
The Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people are generally lean and thin in early age and then put on weight as they grow older.
Heart needs proper care and excess exercises also need to be done in graded manner.
If the lord of health mars or mangal is strong for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people – the planet mars gives them good built & they have good health.
they are prone to fall sick.
The Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi people could also suffer from eighth sign related problems in combination with mars or mangal.
It could cause piles or fissures, infections to the urinary tract, chance of boils and operations.
In the body parts that are governed by Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi like scrotum,sexual organs, rectum, nasal organs, and pelvic bones

Physical Appearance for Zodiac sign Scorpio or Vrishchika Rashi in any Kundli or horoscope (birth chart )
They generally have an average height. They are generally lean and thin in early age and then put on weight as they grow older.
If healthy they could be reddish faced and with strong muscles. The body may also be very hairy.
They could have a bit red eyes with a bilious and angry temperament.

What is Ascendant or lagan and why is it so Important?
The ascendant house is seen as crucial in Vedic crystal gazing or jyotish as it is the foundation of their horoscope.
At the time a man is conceived, the sign which rises in the sky is known as the general population ascendant and the sign which comes in this house is known as the ascendant sign.
The ascendant assistants in registering granular points of interest of any one’s life through Vedic crystal gazing or jyotish.
The ascendant decides the 60% vitality accessible in the horoscope-so turns out to be vital in translation.