About this article?
So also AS We all want to be lucky and be born with a silver spoon in our mouth. But some people seem to get it all easily- be it getting a home, cars, money or even lucky in marriage etc. why is it so?
This article at length discussed the total parameters and Yoga’s for Luck and prosperity .
that is the role of 2nd, 4th, 5th house, 9th house and also 11th house for luck and prosperity.
So again the role of benefics like Jupiter, mercury and venus for prosperity.
So also the roles of malefic like Saturn or shani dev, or mars or mangal and rahu and ketu for poverty or bad luck.
So again the roles of 6th , 8th and 12th house lords for bad luck and misfortune.
It also discusses the luck and fortune for anil ambani.
What made him what he is or was.
Additionally the Below article discusses in detail on the core reasons based on the model of Vedic astrology plus also tells what makes people like anil ambani so lucky apart from their talent? and with silver spoon in the mouth :)?

What are the Yoga’s Of planetary Combinations for Luck, Fortune & prosperity- based on Vedic astrology or jyotish?
What are the Various factors in the Horoscope that impact the Luck and Fortune of any person ?
a) The first factor is the 9th house that deals with Past Life karma or reincarnation or say Purva Janama Karam. of any horoscope The reason is some people are born lucky due to their past karma in previous births-reflected in their horoscope. The amount and kind of good luck you have brought in from the past lives is reflected by the health of your lord of ninth house and also health of your ascendant- that is your tanu bhava or your back bone.
The Other factors that could affect your luck,wealth,fortune and other matters are
b)The strength of ascendant or tanu bhava
c)The placement of benefics or malefic in the said houses(ninth and first).
d)The placement of exalted planets in 9th house or Kendra’s like mercury, Jupiter or Venus could bring in good luck at the right time.

Detailed Analysis of Various Combinations or Yoga’s for Wealth, Fortune & Luck and also Bad Luck
Yoga 1 wealth and fortune and luck
If the lord of ninth house or the dharma bhava is in ninth house it and it is strong. The person would be lucky/fortune and also have good money.
The 9th house is a natural house of wealth and fortune. So also if it gets stronger, it attracts more fortune to he person and hence money.
If the karaka for ninth house(dharma bhava) Jupiter or guru be in ninth house, and also the lord of the ninth house is in an angular house(4/7/10) and also the lord of ascendant is strong(lagna is strong)- the person would be very lucky.
Now here we have 3 factors, that is Jupiter the Karaka for money to be strong. So also 9th house lord be strong or be placed in kendra houses like 1,4,7 and 10th. That is where the 9th house gains strength. Plus the self or lagna is strong. So the combination or Yoga of these 3 factors creates a powerful Yoga for fortune and wealth flows .
Yoga 2 wealth and fortune and luck
If the lord of the dharma bhava or ninth house is strong and also planet Venus(shukra) is in the dharma bhava and the planet Jupiter(guru) is in an angular house( 4/7/10)- the father of the person is fortunate. As father is represented by ninth house and karaka Jupiter(Guru).
So again 9th house suggest fortune, plus Jupiter is karaka for fortune. They all gains strength. Additionally venus is for wealth and opulence they also gain strength. So over all the person is fortunate and so also father the karaka for 9th house is fortunate.
If the lord of ninth house(dharma house) is in second house of dhana bhava and the lord of second house is in dharma bhava- the person gets good cars, is lucky and fortunate and will get famous after 35th year of life.
The 9th house stands for luck , fortune and past life reincarnation karma. Plus 2nd house is for wealth flows and status. So when the 9th house lord and 2nd house lord exchange positions. They reinforce each other and gain strength.
Yoga 3 of issues in wealth and bad fortune and luck
If the lord of the tenth house(karma house) and the lord of the third house of initiatives(sahaj bhava) are lacking in strength and also the lord of ninth house is debilitated or is near sun( combust) the person would have very less money even to buy food for himself.
Now if luck is bad that is the 9th house is weak or combust near sun. so the only option is to work hard and earn and balance the bad luck. This can happen only when 10th house of action and 3rd house of initiatives’ is strong. But if they are weak( 10 and 3rd house), then naturally means the person would have very less money for busying food.
Yoga 4 wealth and fortune and luck
If the planet for luxury Venus is in exaltation and also be conjunct with the lord of ninth house( dharma bhava) and the planet Saturn is in third house of initiatives- the person would be very lucky and fortunate.
Now here venus is the planet of opulence and if exalted promises it to fair extent. So also if conjunct with 9th house lord of fortune, means good karma of the past life reincarnation that attract luck and fortune. So also presence of Saturn in 3rd house means one could take well planned initiatives’. So over all the situation or Yoga promises money flows due to luck and hard work both.
Yoga 5 wealth and fortune and luck based on mercury
If the lord of the 9th house is in angles (4/7/10) and also planet Jupiter is in Ninth house of dharma. The person would be very lucky and enjoy his fortunes just after teen age ends. As the planet (guru) Jupiter matures at 15 – 20 years of age (peak 16). So strength to 9th lord means good luck and karma of past life incarnation.
If the planet mercury( budh) is exalted in say Virgo or is strong and the lord of ninth house or dharma is in ninth house itself- the person would earn very well after 35th year. The reason is Mercury Matures at 32 – 35 years of age (peak 32). So here we have a combination of energy of strength of mercury and so also 9th house lord. So with this combination or conjunction, the Yoga for fortune and luck is formed. So once it is there it gives good results n the mercury period 32 to 35 years of age.
Yoga 6 wealth and fortune and luck- based on Jupiter
If the lord of ascendant or lagna is in ninth house of dharma bhava and also the dharma’s lord is in ascendant and the planet Jupiter is in seventh house or Yuvati Bhava- the person would gain great wealth and conveyances- due to this energy exchange and also placement of Jupiter in Kendra aspecting the lagna.
So also here we have a mutual exchange of self or lagna and the 9th house of fortune and past life karma and luck. So luck is guaranteed. Again Jupiter in 7th aspects the lagan or self. So all these 3 things promise luck and fortune to the person.
Yoga 7 not so great wealth and issues in fortune and luck
If planet rahu (the dragon’s head) is in ninth house or dharma bhava and the dispositer of rahu is in eighth house and also the lord of ninth house or dharma bhava is debilitated- the person would have a hard luck. Due to locking of luck by rahu and also the lord of luck being weak.
The 9th house is house of luck and fortune, so rahu or dragon’s head here means unexpected and sudden blocking of luck. So also dispositer of rahu in 8th house of sudden misfortune and sudden events, reinforces this Yoga of bad fortune and luck.
Yoga 8 not so great wealth and issues in fortune and luck
If the planet Saturn or shani is in ninth house and also planet moon or Chandra is there. The ascendant is debilitated- the Person would have trouble getting his food as well.
As here what is happening 9th house as we know is for luck fortune and karma. So Saturn here means blockages in the same. So also Chandra or moon is there, it is the secondary ascendant. Additionally the lagna or self is weak, so mean the overall luck is blocked by Saturn in 9th, plus presence of moon in 9th house. So also lagan or self is also weak, creating the situation of extreme poverty or one cannot get food.
The dharma bhava or lord of ninth house is evaluated based on the lord of the ascendant ( The tanu bhava) and the lord of ninth house.

More Insights into classical astrology Yoga
In Vedic astrology, certain planetary combinations (Yoga’s) can enhance luck, prosperity, and success in life.
One of the most well-known Yoga’s for prosperity is the Lakshmi Yoga, formed when the lord of the 9th house (the house of fortune and luck) is strong and well-placed, and Venus, the planet of wealth, is also well-placed and powerful.
This Yoga brings financial abundance, comfort, and luxury.
Individuals with Lakshmi Yoga in their chart are blessed with fortune, and their efforts are often rewarded with material success and prosperity.
They tend to rise in their careers and social standing, enjoying both wealth and recognition.
Another powerful Yoga is the Gajakesari Yoga, formed when Jupiter is in a Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house) from the Moon.
This Yoga provides immense blessings in terms of intelligence, wealth, and respect.
Those with Gajakesari Yoga in their chart experience good fortune, enjoy long-term success, and often have a powerful and influential personality.
This Yoga not only brings prosperity but also ensures that the individual earns respect and admiration from others, creating a lasting legacy of success.
Yoga’s for Bad Luck:
Bad luck happens also if the lords or house of 2nd, 4th , 5th and 9th plus 11th houses is weak.
so also it could happen if the above houses are afflicted by the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house.
so also if the above house have malefic planets like Saturn, mars or mangle or rahu(dragon’s head) and ketu(dragon’s tail) there.
So say if 2nd house of money flow and source is weak plus additionally say Saturn or mars is there or even say ketu or rahu is there.
barring circumstances which are rare means money flow or status severely affected.
so again if say 6th house lord or 8th or 12th house lords are there in the 2nd house , it forms Yoga of bad luck that means lesser money flows.
so also if say 5th house lord is weak and or mars and Saturn is there or even rahu and ketu.
so could means a Yoga for bad luck for children or purva janam sanskars or even matters of stocks or investments could give bad or negative results.
so also for example the Yoga of a weak 9th house lord and Saturn rahu or ketu there in the 9th house or even any one of the 6th, 8th or 12th lord there.
means loss of luck and luck is not supportive to the person.
let us take example of the 11th house and Yoga’s for bad luck, like say if 11th house lord is weak and any of the malefic planets or lords of malefic house 6th, 8th or 9th places there.
so means loss of gains or friends and well wishers don’t help them.
There are certain planetary combinations that can result in bad luck or obstacles in life.
One such Yoga is the Daridra Yoga, which occurs when the lord of the 11th house (house of gains) or the 2nd house (house of wealth) is placed in a malefic position, or when these houses are occupied by malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu.
Daridra Yoga can bring financial hardships, losses, and struggles in accumulating wealth.
Individuals with this Yoga in their chart may face difficulties in sustaining a stable income and may experience unexpected financial setbacks throughout their life.
Actually in daridra Yoga what is happening is the 2nd house and 11th house are primary source of income or money flows. In terms of Gifts or actually money flows in career or salary etc. so when malefic like Saturn or shani dev or rahu or dragon’s head or ketu or dragon’s tail afflict the main sources of wealth flows, it means blockages or delays or other conditions arise. Like if say Saturn or shani is there in the 2nd house or connected to 2nd lord, then there could be delays in money flows or money flows after a lot of effort. So also if mars are there in 2nd house , means money flows or income entails a lot of agitations. So again ketu means money flows contractions or flows only by dharmic means or say form a temple or meditation or Yoga.
Another challenging Yoga is the Shakata Yoga, which forms when the Moon is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house from Jupiter.
This Yoga can result in fluctuating fortunes and a lack of stability in life.
People with Shakata Yoga may experience cycles of success followed by periods of loss or difficulty.
This Yoga often creates a challenging life path where the individual faces repeated obstacles, financial instability, and struggles to maintain consistent progress in their personal and professional life.
Now the reason is Jupiter is looked at as jeeva karaka and karaka for money flows and finances. so if Moon which also represents self in some sense is in the tough positions like 6th, 8th or 12th from the jeeva karaka Jupiter it could mean losses. so all this is as per classical knowledge of Vedic astrology, the classic on Vedic astrology- the relative energies with respect to Jupiter reflect matters to do with Money . so 6th house is debt and 8th house s sudden losses plus 12th house is outflows or losses. so when moon or self is malefic houses(6,8,12) houses away from Jupiter various kinds of losses can happen.

How does one become wealthy and other Poor or un-lucky?
We all want to be lucky and rich and famous and what not! But our most of the destiny is written by GOD or by our own actions in the past life.
There are two kinds of houses in any horoscope.
A) BAD or malefic houses= third (3), sixth (6), eighth (7), twelfth (12)
b) GOOD or benefic houses= first(1),second(2),fourth(4),fifth(5),seventh(7),ninth(9),teneth(10), eleventh(11)
So strength of GOOD houses, like the lord of the houses being in Kendra or benefic aspects or being in trikona give good energy and make the person lucky.
Strength of BAD houses or lords of the BAD or malefic houses string makes a person un lucky and with less money! This is a simple equation.
That is strengthening your GOOD lords and Weaken your BAD lords or propitiate them. Just like when you go for a job interview you play on your strengths and goodness and not your weaknesses.
we have above discussed the planetary situations that could cause loss of luck or poverty for a person.
so if say a person runs good periods or planets till say a given age say 60 years etc and then he has the dasha or negative planets or situations or Yoga’s as discussed above.
Then all the money he or she has earned is drained out.
Like independent of the above situation or Yoga say if in the horoscope 6th lord sits in 7th house and runs after 70 years of age.
means say after the age of 70, the debts or the 6th house effects of the Horoscope would go high or some illness could drain away all money or most of the money.
If the other natal planets of money accumulation or flow in general are weak, it could mean on dies poor.

How Planetary Yoga could cause Losses ?
In Vedic astrology, wealth and financial stability are influenced by various houses, particularly the 2nd house (wealth), the 11th house (gains), and the 10th house (career).
A wealthy individual can face financial downfall if the planets governing these houses become afflicted or if unfavorable planetary transits occur.
For instance, if malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu aspect or occupy the 2nd or 11th house, they can bring unexpected financial losses, poor investments, or legal disputes that drain wealth.
Additionally, a weak or afflicted Mercury (planet of commerce and intellect) or Venus (planet of wealth and luxury) can impair the person’s ability to manage finances effectively, leading to poor financial decisions and loss of prosperity.
A wealthy person can also become poor if they experience Kemadruma Yoga, which occurs when the Moon has no planets on either side of it in the chart.
The Moon represents the mind and emotions, and Kemadruma Yoga leads to mental instability, poor decision-making, and a lack of support in life.
In such cases, the individual may lose wealth due to impulsive decisions, bad investments, or an inability to sustain long-term financial success.
This Yoga often brings financial instability, and even those who achieve wealth early in life may struggle to maintain it.

what are the Yoga’s for anil ambani that make him so different? Birth details anil ambani
Name: Anil Ambani
Date of Birth: Thursday, June 04, 1959
Time of Birth: 22:30:00
Place of Birth: Mumbai
what does his(anil ambani’s) GOOD houses say about is wealth/luck etc?
The lagan lord is lord of Capricorn that is Saturn and is in the twelfth bhava or house it is weak at around 11 .49 minutes degrees, now as the dispositer Jupiter or the lord of Sagittarius sign is also weak in the twelfth house it gets very weak in the twelfth.
Now twelfth house is also negative and so is the twelfth house lord weak and also is the lagna lord on a weak sign so creating a sort of neecha bhanga Yoga and making him a success.
weakness of twelfth lord gives him(anil ambani) less trouble than average and yes stress and also helps his lagna. One can clearly see how weakness of the twelfth lord is helping anil ambani ji. but sure travels to foreign lands may not be fruitful for him or anil ambani .
the same logic applies to second house of dhana or wealth Yoga lord for anil ambani ji being in the twelfth again creates a neecha bhanga Yoga for his success in wealth matters. yes negative x negative = positive.
The fourth house lord is mars is weak in the seventh bhava and debilitated in the cancer sign but again being blessed by Venus the karaka for wealth and comforts and also lord of trikona house that is fifth house and also the tenth house the Kendra the house of career makes it great for him and balances his negative aspect. Giving him good image and yes money /wealth and status as well.,
note fifth bhava or house is again a very shubha bhava or house and is ruled by Venus , it sits in Kendra in the seventh bhava and so does mars or Mangal sit in Kendra this gives great strength to two of his prime house one for family and other for his good luck, purva janma punya and yes his thinking.
the seventh bhava or house lord is moon or Chandra is exalted in the fifth bhava, giving it great strength. In regards to relationships and jobs. Though afflicted a bit by the 8th lord sun or surya in the fifth bhava.
there is affliction and good energy both from mercury the lord of the sixth bhava and lord of the best house that is the ninth house the mool trikona sign. This blesses him from father and past life good karma making him blessed in every sense. which is true for anil ambani he was born with a silver spoon.
The ninth lord mercury is combust but is in the fifth trikona bhava so getting great energy there and forming a good raja Yoga of the ninth and fifth bhavas. Giving him or anil ambani great wealth and luck and yes gains from his father the legendary dhirubhai ambani
Venus the lord of action and karma is again blessed in the seventh house or Kendra giving anil ambani all the bets in his life in his career and love and otherwise.
the eleventh lord is again mars and is blessed in the seventh house or bhava with positive Venus energies the lord of tenth and the fifth bhava making it great for gains from friends, money etc and we have great lakshmi yoga here.
so we see all the GOOD houses are well built and strong.
what does his(anil ambani’s) BAD houses say about is wealth/luck etc?
- The twelfth bhava lord we have analyzed above, the sixth house lord is mercury as we discussed above is strong enough in the fifth house or bhava
- Again Jupiter the lord of third bhava is weak at around 1.4 degrees this is infact good for anil ambani
- The eighth lord sun is though in the fifth house but is weak in the enemy sign of Taurus. so over all a bit weakened but still OKL. so he or anil ambani has to stay clear of negative people and yes accidents.
- So over all almost all BAD houses lord for anil ambani are weak
- so for maximum luck the GOOD houses of 1/2/4/5/7/9/10/11 have to be strong & the BAD Houses of 3/6/8/12 have to be weak.
- Your complete FULL Life Job/Career/Love/Money/sex/family/Legal etc with Accuracy worked out in 12 Houses and Coming 1 to 3 years predictions! .