SATURN in ARIES Sun-Sign (SHANI in Mesha Rashi)
Overall slightly below average. Problems and opposition/jealousy could be there.
The matters could be eventful and sudden. Your control on matters could be less. There could be ups and downs in matters. The first part of this
Period could be tough.
In the middle of this time you may have to do things not in line with your inner nature. You may take more than usual risks. Latter part of the
Time more risky. Money and career could be tough.
SATURN in TAURUS Sun-Sign(SHANI in Vrishabha Rashi)
Overall a fair time.
People close to you/family or your responsibilities could be a source of trouble now. You could gain good recognition
But only after a lot of struggle. Love matters could be hard and testing now. Responsibility loads could be higher than normal. With a well
Planned effort money could come in for sure.
SATURN in GEMINI Sun-Sign(SHANI in Mithuna Rashi)
Overall A good time especially for business meetings or connections.
Take care matters of law don’t get stirred up or any conflict does not grow too much. Let people not spread rumours about you. Money could be
There – but with some trouble. Good for career opportunities and some outings
at family front. But work could oppose things.
SATURN in CANCER Sun-Sign(SHANI in kataka Rashi)
Overall may be average or slightly above time, take special care of sensitivity/feelings of others.
Let not hard work affect you. Some effort needed to sustain love matters better. Not very good for money matters.
SATURN in LEO Sun-Sign(SHANI in Simha Rashi)
Over all may be below average, avoid conflicts. Problems could be there.
Situations could be tough and it may be difficult for you to take advantage of the same. There could be opposition and obstacles. You may not
get recognition for what you do.
SATURN in VIRGO Sun-Sign(SHANI in Kanya Rashi)
You could have more then usual meetings or connection with people.
This could be a good time for business and practical communications.
Take care matters of law don’t get stirred up or any conflict does not grow too much. Let people not spread rumours about you. Money could be
there – but with some trouble. Good for career opportunities and some outings
at family front. But work could oppose things.
SATURN in LIBRA Sun-Sign(SHANI in Thula Rashi)
May not be a great time- bust just average.
Your responsibilities and work could increase.
Family or relates may need more time.
Take care that coldness does not come in love matters.
People close to you/family or your responsibilities could be a source of trouble now. You could gain good recognition
but only after a lot of struggle. Love matters could be hard and testing now. Responsibility loads could be higher than normal. With a well
planned effort money could come in for sure.
SATURN in SCORPIO Sun-Sign (SHANI in Virshchika Rashi)
Just OK time. But could be a very eventful time.
Unexpected and high energy meetings could be there. Connection with people- may be of lower strata of society could be there.
The matters could be eventful and sudden. Your control on matters could be less. There could be ups and downs in matters. The first part of this
period could be tough.
In the middle of this time you may have to do things not in line with your inner nature. You may take more than usual risks. Latter part of the
time more risky. Money and career could be tough.
SATURN in SAGITTARIUS Sun-Sign(SHANI in Dhanu Rashi)
Overall an average time.
Money is a good chance but slow. not great for love though one could say average. More workload could stress you.
SATURN in CAPRICORN Sun-Sign(SHANI in Makara Rashi)
Overall time which could turn out just OK. Avoid be too hard, work pressure/harshness
in environment around could also be there. Excess responsibilities and work could be there. There could be a lot of opposition to you. Less
support from others. Not a great time for money, career or love matters- but if matters are planned good success possible.
SATURN in AQUARIUS Sun-Sign(SHANI in Kumbha Rashi)
Avoid power struggle or too much of hard work .
Try to relax a bit and let matters go.
Excess responsibilities and work could be there. There could be a lot of opposition to you. Less
support from others. Not a great time for money, career or love matters- but if matters are planned good success possible.
SATURN in PISCES Sun-Sign(SHANI in Meena Rashi)
There could be a mix of fun and work.
Try to balance work and fun.
Interest in religion or dharma could grow.
Money is a good chance but slow. not great for love though one could say average. More workload could stress you.
In Year 2016 ,Jupiter is in Leo , so would Rahu(dragon’s head) come into Leo, Saturn is in Scorpio, other planets like Venus, mercury,neptune,mars & sun would keep changing positions almost every month and moon changing every day! How This could impact your career, family, money, health and children month by month is Given in Detail in the report below.
Get Your DETAILED & Highly PERSONALIZED YEARLY 2015 & 2016 Horoscope Predictions Report Now!CLICK HERE