Your In-depth & Comprehensive Property,Home,Assets,Land,Legacy & Inheritance Matters Report
What are the Astrological Factors OR Planets and Houses Associated with Your Property,Home,Assets,Land,Legacy and Inheritance matters and How could they Impact your Property/Assets and Inheritance?
- At a top level- what you get in property or assets is closely linked to your kundli or horoscope related first bhava or lagna(your Physical Body), the second bhava or house( the house of your wealth and status), the fourth bhava Or the house of your family/assets and conveyances cars, the eight house or bhava of inheritance and legacies , the ninth bhava or house of father- and past life good karma and yes the house of gains the eleventh house or bhava.
- -Also the actual status in your horoscope or kundli of karakas or signifactors of property like the lords of the 4th/11th/8th/9-th bhava or house and also mars(mangal) the dharti putra(The child of mother earth) , saturn or shani the planet that directly deals with lands and the planet Jupiter- the planet of grace of GOD and karaka for money flows and father.So is true about planet venus in sense karaka for home/beauty and family and car conveyance and property.
- A very powerful & much needed and cross checking and value addition could be done as a double check based on the d4 or chaturthamsa divisional or varga chart. which is used to check the strength of lords of first/fourth/eighth/ninth and the eleventh house or bhava and also the karakas/signifactors for property like mars(mangal),saturn(shani) and yes the benefics status like venus and Jupiter.
- Power ,effective and almost Zero Cost Remedial measures are given based on the status of the above planets and lords the relevant houses in your Horoscope or Kundli
- Get a highly personalized & hand-written around 15 pages comprehensive report, which has accurate and reliable analysis of your situation or problem, written by an Expert Vedic Astrologer of over 25+ years experience in India and USA.
- The report covers based on your Kundli and Horoscope(Birth Chart) the complete impact of your First house, Fourth house,Eighth House,Ninth House and Your Eleventh house on your Property/Assets/Conveyances(car/scooter/Motor cycle etc) and Legacy or inheritance matters in the most comprehensive & accurate manner.
- The report also covers the complete impact of your Planets in your Kundli and Horoscope(Birth Chart) of Venus(shukra),Jupiter(guru),Saturn(shani) and Mars(Mangal) on your Property/Assets/Conveyances(car/scooter/Motor cycle etc) and Legacy or inheritance matters in the most comprehensive & accurate manner.
- BONUS: You get a basic comment on your ONE core concert about Property/Assets or legacy.
- BONUS: You get powerful & effective but simple and almost zero cost remedies to solve your problems more effectively.
- We have thousand’s of satisfied & happy customers in India & abroad- helped by this report.
- Full confidentiality maintained about you and the safety of your data.
Good Quality,Reliable & Low Cost Astrology Report, Assured by IIT Alumnus(World Class Experts in Vedic Astrology & Numerology)!
- We also have a Property/Assets & Legacy/Inheritance ADVANCED Report-that has ALL what is in the Property/Assets and Legacy/Inheritance Matters Basic Report Above PLUS that is based on additional Cross check and much mroe values based on i) The actual status of the lords of the 1/4/8/9/11 th house in the d4 or chaturthamnsa varga or divisional chart ii) detailed analysis of each house of the chaturthamsa or d4 divisional chart this adds to much more Completeness & Accuracy of the Predictions and Remedial measures.
What do Your Get in the Property/Assets and Legacy/Inheritance Report?
===>Property/Assets and Legacy/Inheritance Matters Report BASIC :
50% OFF: 24$/1499 Rs. .( ORDER NOW To Get Your Discount!)45$/2999 Rs.
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===>Property/Assets and Legacy/Inheritance Matters Report ADVANCED:
90$/5999 Rs.
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48$/2999 Rs. .( ORDER NOW To get Your 50% Discount Now!)
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VIEW SAMPLE-LATEST: PROPERTY,HAPPINESS & ASSETS REPORT:ADVANCED-LATEST SAMPLE: Basic Outline of Advanced Report Given at the End of the Report : COMPREHENSIVE & IN-DEPTH-Property/Assets and Legacy/Inheritance Matters ADVANCED REPORT
VIEW SAMPLE-1: PROPERTY,HAPPINESS & ASSETS REPORT-ADVANCED-SAMPLE: Basic Outline of Advanced Report Given at the End of the Report : COMPREHENSIVE & IN-DEPTH-Property/Assets and Legacy/Inheritance Matters ADVANCED REPORT<
96$/5999 Rs.
50% OFF: 48$/2999 Rs. .( ORDER NOW To Get Your Discount!)
Customer Reviews
” … Your legacy and proeprty predictiosn have remnoved all my confusions and anxiety and have come 100% accurate
D N J Delhi “