Karun nair Indian Cricket unbeaten 303 against England -2017 Horoscope Predictions
He is a cricketer who plays for Karnataka (india)and His full name is Karun Kaladharan Nair and he was born on 6th December 1991. He bowls break at times and is a right handed batsman.
He has played previously for Rajasthan royals and IPL(Indian Premier League)- he was also signed in for Delhi daredevils.
His test debut was against England in 2016 and he is the third player to convert maiden century to a triple century- creating an un beaten score in the second test against England.
Name: Karun Kaladharan Nair
Date of Birth: born 6 December 1991
Time of Birth: 12:00:00
Place of Birth: Jodhpur
Longitude: 73 E 02
Latitude: 26 N 23
Time Zone: 5.5
Asc Scorpion(solar Horoscope Based) 26-14-18 Jyeshtha 3
Sun D Scorpion 19-42-25 Jyeshtha 1 Friendly
Moon C D Scorpion 18-54-19 Jyeshtha 1 Debilitated
Mars C D Scorpion 11-16-25 Anuradha 3 Own
Merc C R Scorpion 25-39-05 Jyeshtha 3 Neutral
Jupt D Leo 19-52-20 Purvaphalgini 2 Friendly
Venu D Libra 06-00-47 Chitra 4 Own
Satn D Capricorn 09-27-11 Uttarashadha 4 Own
Rahu R Sagittarius 17-25-33 Purvashadha 2
Ketu R Gemini 17-25-33 Ardra 4
Uran D Sagittarius 18-31-56 Purvashadha 2
Nept D Sagittarius 21-29-52 Purvashadha 3
Plut D Libra 27-25-31 Vishakha 3
Natal Horoscope or Kundli Analysis and Forecast for karun nair Indian cricket team:
- In his Kundli or horoscope ,His ascendant or lagan is Scorpio(vrishchika rashi ) ruled by mars(mangal) is in mars sign Scorpio(vrishchika). The planet of action is mars (mangal) sign of action is Scorpio. This gives him the ability to do exceptional miracles, as Scorpio being the eight sign also functions like rahu in giving unexpected and exceptional results. Like the one he has done for England and created history by scoring 303!A triple century
- In his kundli or horoscope Sun the lord of 10th house to karma bhava , that is house of career is the house of action is sitting in 8th sign along with mars in Kendra. This is raja Yoga karaka and gives great success in action oriented sports like cricket etc.
- The lord of bhagya or luck moon or Chandra( 9th house) is also in ascendant forms a raja Yoga. This gives exceptional gains to career and the person as the planets are sitting in lagan or ascendant.
- A strong sun or surya gives him possibility of good fame. Which he has got.
- The lord of gains the 11th house(Labha bhava in kundli or horoscope) is in 1st house so strongly recommends gains.
- Moon or Chandra in Scorpio(vrishchika) could give him and aggressive streak but along with a strong will power and determination to win.
- Rahu in second house of wealth and status does promise sudden and un expected wealth and status.
2017 horoscope or Kundli forecast for Karun nair- the master Indian Cricket team Batsman
- His Saturn(shani) is strong in his kundli and it gets in his second house in transit in the year 2017.A well planned effort would give him good gains in coming year. As rahu is there in second house – he could show compelling miracles like he did 303 against England again in 2017.
- 2017 might mean a good chance for him to earn money and fame. February 2017, November 2017 could be good times for him, also May ending , June, & October could be fair. For his performance.
- Jupiter or guru transit would give him gains, though after September 2017 he might have some problems in achieving things.
- Rahu transit in 9th house after September could give unexpected gains and also problems in cricket for him after September. He has to keep his cool and follow the disciple to win.
- We wish him all the best in life

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